OK, so as most of you know. We have a rule that all Youtube links must be "purified" in Viewpure before being linked. This rule, though only causing a minor inconvenience, is hardly necessary. We certainly don't NEED it, and I know many of us don't want it. The link people share to Youtube, is sharing a video, not the comments. In order to read the comments a user would have to scroll down, and also wait for the comments to load. The comments don't even load if you don't scroll down. There's no way someone can "accidentally" read the comments. The policy is essentially useless. One more point. What if some of us who don't mind language wish to read what people think about the video? We can't do that with Viewpure. Now people will still be responsible for the content of the video, just not the comments on the video. The videos still have to be appropriate. :p
Support: 22
Neutral: 7
Oppose: 1
Remove it.