Long title, I know. :P
Anyhow, given Thread:249470 and Thread:249543 I propose, rather than listing an exception to the General Policy rule (listed directly below) on our new rules about petitions on blocks, un-blocks, and demotions:
"Chat logs of users breaking the rules or doing humiliating things should not be posted on blogs. They should be given to an admin in private, and should not be given to the community in any way. Humorous logs may be posted if they are not intended to humiliate anyone."
We modify it to say:
"Do not publicly post chat logs of users violating policy or otherwise engaging in disruptive behavior, unless you are utilizing these logs as evidence in a petition to block, unblock, or demote another user. If you are not going to use them as evidence in a petition, then give these logs to an administrator in private. Never under any circumstances post chat logs with the purpose of humiliating other users. Humorous chat logs may be posted as long as they are not intended to humiliate other users.."
This way we don't have to list exceptions on the two new rules (I'm betting they'll go through given the current support rate of 12 to 0 and 17 to 0). And this will keep the rules simpler and tidier.
So, if this passes then once the other two votes pass we can just modify it all at once.
Yes - 19 Votes
No - 1 Vote
«†J•cI•u•cI•e•420†» (Wall) -Retired Bureaucrat