Obi the LEGO Fan wrote:
Keplers wrote:
This is like a toned-down version of the "n-word" trying to be unblocked based on the fact that it, as a word, does not mean anything racist and we oughtn't cater to parents regarding what their child can and can't see, and in any case if a black person wants to say something about their own race, they should be allowed to describe it how they like.
Incoming Flugzeugabwerkanone from people who think that what I said is totally different from this vote.
Okay then here's some flugzeugabwerkanone (anti-air craft guns? lol)
First, this is a really bad analogy as Madkat pointed out.
Second, your analogy assumes that there is a synonym for "boobs" that is actually inappropriate. There's literally nothing inappropriate about normal human body parts, unless used in a suggestive or explicit context.
Third, your analogy assumes that there are parents who don't want their children to see the word "boobs" or an equivalent. Quite frankly, that's absurd.
And finally, racial slurs are in an entirely different category than normal words used to refer to body parts. So on top of everything else, you are making a category error.
So yeah, on logical grounds your analogy fails to make any legitimate point. :P
(Also I vote A)
I know my parents did not want me picking up that language to refer to breasts (seriously, it is a word with rather crude connotations when just "breast" or "chest" will do fine).
Both are terms that, in my opinion, are not necessary to have around. Just use more proper, entirely unquestionable words.
And that was in reference to flak. 

EDIT: If I may take this a bit further, common connotation is what we like to aim for, yeh? That's why I can't have a Confederate flag (despite it being far, far, far from a "symbol of slavery" -- try the flag of ISIS if you want that crap). "Boobs" still holds a crude, if not derogatory, connotation, at least to 16 people and at least one neutral/