(FINALLY got around to posting this.

A couple of months ago, Wikia announced changes to their user rights system, namely the addition of discussion moderator and content moderator. For discussion moderator it was decided to keep the thread moderating part and the chat moderating part separate (even though no formal vote was done, I think). For content moderator, since we've had a couple of requests for it, we have to decide on its requirements.
What does content moderator even do? For that, I'll just copy-paste what Wikia says...
- Deleting and moving protected pages
- Deleting and moving files
- Undeleting pages and files
- Rollback
- Reupload files
- Protecting and unprotecting pages
- Patrol pages if the community has the RecentChanges patrol feature enabled
Basically what an admin can do but without the power to promote other users.
There are two possible options for getting the rights: Either a simple request to the admins (like for patroller/rollback) or an RfR. If you vote for the RfR option, you'll also have to vote on the number of edits and the time on the Wiki required for the nomination, the minimum amount of supporting votes, the percentage of support required, and the amount of time between a failed RfR and the next attempt.
Let's get on with it!

How should content moderator rights be given?
A) Request to the admins: 1 vote
B) RfR: 19 votes
B 1) Edit requirement
i) 100 mainspace edits: 1 vote
ii) 200 mainspace edits
iii) 300 mainspace edits: 12 votes
iv) 500 mainspace edits: 6 votes
v) Other: _____________
B 2) Time requirement
i) 1 month: 1 vote
ii) 2 months: 7 votes
iii) 3 months: 4 votes
iv) 3 months, 1 as patroller: 6 votes
v) Other: _____________
B 3) Minimum amount of supporting votes
i) 15: 11 votes
ii) 20: 8 votes
iii) 25
iv) Other: _____________
B 4) Percentage of support
i) 70%: 2 votes
ii) 75%: 17 votes
iii) 80%
iv) Other: _____________
B 5) Amount of time between RfRs
i) 2 weeks: 13 votes
ii) 4 weeks: 6 votes
iii) 8 weeks
iv) Other: ____________
B 6) Whether Ale should ever use this vote system again
i) He should: 0 votes
ii) He shouldn't: 30 votes
RfR: 300 mainspace edits, 2 months on the Wiki, 15 supporting votes, 75% support, 2 weeks between RfRs.