I'm sure many of you have heard about the confusion going on with HyperFlash Studios' Request for Chat Moderator and before I begin explaining this vote, I would just like to say that I was only inspired by his RfR, and the result of this vote will not affect Hyper's RfR.
The current Request For Rights Policy states that "The duration of a request may not exceed 10 days, and should usually last at least 5 days. A request must have a clear consensus in order to be closed prior to 10 days. At least 96 hours must pass before a request can be closed." As demonstrated by Hyper's request we see that this current policy isn't always fair as Hyper needed only 1 or 2 more supports to pass and if he were given another day, heck maybe even another 12 hours, I am confident that he would have gotten the supports he needed. Something else I'd like to point out is this little excerpt from the Community Voting Policy: "A vote with at least 80 percent majority support or oppose after 48 hours may be closed. Otherwise a vote can be closed 2 days after the last vote was made." So why shouldn't the Request for Rights system have a time requirement policy like that? Some users have come up with some ideas such as having a 48 or 96 hour wait after the last vote was made and others have suggested just lengthening the time requirement to 2 weeks instead of 10 days, this way all users get the chance to vote. Also feel free to suggest your own ideas.
A) Keep the time requirement as is. 4 Votes.
B) Close Requests 2 days after last vote was made.
C) Close Requests 3 days after last vote was made.
D) Close Requests 2 days after last vote was made IF 5 days have passed and the Request has no clear consensus. 24 Votes.
E) Close Requests 3 days after last vote was made IF 5 days have passed and the Request has no clear consensus
F) Close RfRs 14 days after the RfR was created. 1 Vote.
G) Other. (Explain)
2 days after last vote if 5 days have passed and no clear consensus.