As you may know, we voted to give Avalair CheckUser rights fairly recently. Now, however, Ava is no longer an Admin and therefore cannot be a CU. Because of this, it would make sense that we replace Ava for CU.
So, of the active Admins, who should replace Ava as CU? Whoever gets the most votes will recieve the rights.
A) AmazingPythor: 14 votes
B) Assassin Swipe:
C) Eagleeyedan:
D) MeltE2:
E) Riolu777:
F) ZXSpidermanXZ:
G) No one:
If you're one of the above and don't want to be a CU, just let me know so I can take you off the list!
Consensus: Remove CheckUser rights from Avalair and grant them to AmazingPythor.