So I feel now that I should explain myself for why I'm voting to demote Ale...
Of course Ale has done great contributions to this wiki but I believe he should go.
1. For one, he has such a sense of superiority to the community, multiple mods, and at times, other admins. Whether or not all the people on chat have decided they want something to be done, Ale would just say no and go back to Fifa.
- In one instance, I had complained to an admin that a user was a dupe with sufficient evidence, even a thread where the person flat out said he was a dupe of a blocked user. Next morning, another CM told ale that he thought he was legit, and that was all it took for Ale to unblock the person, without a shred of evidence either way.
- Another example, when User:Dr. Shady first joined and got kicked, me and 3 other CMs asked Ale to Checkuser him, but he said no because he felt it would be unfair to the community. Several weeks and trolling from him and refusal to CU because it'd be "unfair" another admin that got CU finally checked him and it was one of our known trolls.
If ale had actually listened to requests from the community, this and several other accounts wouldn't have caused chaos in chat.
2. There are several other instances, even one today where people swore and two CMs complained to him but he would not do anything.  And at the same time, even when he refuses to even look into possible trolls, he'll lose it at anyone who breaks the tiniest rule. New account that caused a flame war, even though there was evidence where the account literally said he was a troll? Guilty until proven innocent. Found in chat logs that someone said "ass" during night chat when no one was bothered by it? Let's demote the CM that watched that.Â
3. Adding to that, there has been instances where he has personally attacked other mods. When the other admins found out, they demand that he at least apologize. He completely ignored that thing when it happened.
4. Ale is also a complete hypocrite, especially to me. He opposed my rfr and dismissed me "as immature" and "not proffesional enough" because I didn't completely take the paragraph part seriously. The next moment, he made the main page a rick roll while still maintaining that I wasn't professional enough.
5. There has also been today, where he changed chat mesages to memes that no one agreed to, and still kept them after virtually everyone requested they be removed.
So in conclusion, there's a lot of crap that Ale has gotten away with but today was just the last straw.