Roddy15 wrote:
Michaelyoda wrote:
Brick425 wrote:
Loney 97 wrote:
B. Not everyone can come on every day to vote and we already have way too many rules about CVs - the whole thing is ridiculously confusing. And @Roddy, I'm glad this vote hasn't ended yet, it's still very close and I feel like there's a lot of people who still haven't voted.
Rody's entire point was that the vote would still be running. Unless you can find two votes here that were posted a day or more apart, that argument is invalid.
The first vote, and Loney's vote.

You're basing your conclusion on a single example. I'm sure if I searched long enough I could find a chat log where you're ranting about that terrible logic.
You really don't understand what you are voting for here, do you? This vote doesn't change the fact that votes go on for days, sometimes over a week. It doesn't change that at all. The arguments that "muh representation" is somehow going to disappear are completely stupid honestly, it just shows that there is a lack of understanding of the vote itself.
I guarantee you that you will not find any of the recent votes where this policy would interfere with it any more than the 48-hour end timer is currently. All this does is wrap up votes quickly after those who need to vote have done, it's the same reason we passed the whole census vote....
Another question to the B voters, why are you happy with 48-hours, surely that also means some people will "miss out" on voting? Why not make the vote timer end when everyone votes? No matter what you pick not everyone is going to get to vote. Should we delay votes just so people on holiday can vote too? Also, why did some of you approve of votes immediately passing when the majority of active users vote one way? Surely you want people to all to be represented and that interferes with that too.
I say again, this vote doesn't change it as much as the B voters would like you to believe, anyone who checks here every few days will still have plenty of time to vote.
All of these are since June 2016. Many are technically closer to 22 hours that 24 hours, but I doubt those who are closing the votes are counting that closely. Several of the listed votes were very close, and in some cases more than two votes would have been cut off if we had a 24-hour timer. Your "gurantee" sucks.
No one ever said they were content with the 48-hour timer, so I'm not sure why you think we are.