Riolu777 wrote:
HyperFlash Studios wrote:
Keplers wrote:
I cannot remember specific instances, but earlier this year especially we had several cases where Madkat, Obi, or Aravis would vote on something long after they "retired," "hated this wiki," or "went inactive."
Ok so I think people who "retire" (or ragequit) should obviously be excluded from voting
And I understand the reasoning as to why they shouldn't vote, I just don't like the lack of definitions of "inactive" aside from people who declared their leave from the wiki, if that's what you're saying is part of it, Hype. I don't really like voting restrictions in general. But this policy is going to be in effect anyway, nothing I can do to change it. Are we sticking with the common sense thing, then?
I understand what you're saying, and to me Common Sense seems to be the best policy due to the nature of a site like Wikia, since it'd be really simple to circumvent things like logins and inactive tags. So really, I think that admins and DMs should be able to judge (We two DMs would consult with each other, of course) and that would be that. If someone has been pretty much gone for two months but "logged in" then common sense would say they're inactive, right? Whereas if someone is on chat all the time but doesn't edit and has an inactive tag, then they'd still be "active"