So this vote is regarding use of the admin site. Apparently it is used for admins to discuss blocks and bans, but there are several problems with it. Firstly, most of the blocks and bans are discussed on the wiki itself, and I think that except in extreme cases, users here would think that the admins shouldn't keep secrets about the issue, especially if they decide against the community and don't explain why. Another issue with this is that, apparently, admins that are hardly active in the community (if at all) still get to vote on issues in the site, even if they're ignorant about the current state of the wiki. Finally, the admin site was discovered by trolls for the eighth(?) time recently, so obviously it can't be kept secret.
Should the admins stop use of the admin, and move admin discussion onto the wiki?
A) Yes: 11 votes
B) No: 18 votes
C) Neutral: 2 votes