TheShadowAssassin wrote:
Romaniandude12 wrote:
No, my argument is based on logic. The F word is culturally vulgar. Even people who use the word cannot deny that. That has nothing to do with the MBs. And my entire argument is actually based off that. I simply pointed out the MBs can't be thrown aside. This is a wiki devoted to the MBs. That's what it is, even though people who chat here seem to forget that. We obviously don't hold all the same values as the MB mods do, but there are certain lines that are stupid to cross.
Okay. It's vulgar. There, I admit it.
So what?
We can't forget the MBs, no, but we also have to take into consideration what would be in our best interests as well. We are held to different guidelines and regulations. Our community is also significantly more mature (or so I should hope. Sometimes I doubt this), at least, it should be, considering Wikia's ToU specifically states that we aren't to allow users under the age of 13. As a result, we should construct our policies and guidelines to reflect that (and similar demands), and common sense says that we should be allowing way more language than we do now. Yet, we don't. We continue to cater to the MBs and the idea that there could be users under the age of 13 here, despite breaking Wikia's ToU. That needs to stop.
In movie ratings, any more than a single F-bomb will hike the rating straight to R. It doesn't matter how innocent the movie is; if the Care Bears starting dropping F-Bombs, they would recieve an R rating. As we all know, on the MBs, movies with such language are not allowed to be mentioned. If we are indeed allowing the LMBs' rules to be at least a rough guideline to our own, we would note the problem behind the R rating (language, graphic content) and block the problem instead of the movie title. Catering to users under Wikia's 13-year-old ToU requirement would cease to be relevant, as the LMBs rules draw from outside regulations that affect those over 13.
Not to mention that F-bombs are not be allowed on the MBs period, but who cares 'bout that rule? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯