yes yes, good comrades, we're all tired of community votes. here's one to effectively decrease the volume of future votes!
the cooldown on revotes is currently defined to be one month (effectively equivalent to 31 days, i presume; clarification required)[1]. i propose to revisit this, as i believe that a single month is not enough time for the attitude of our community towards a certain topic to shift so drastically as to achieve a different end result of the vote. evidence for that can be found here.
furthermore, i would like to point out that, in essence, the only type of votes that iterates frequently are cvs to unblock certain words. most policy/administration issues are one-time and, if denied, do not get proposed again. i wholeheartedly believe that there are questions we need to ask repeatedly, as over time the community might give different answers; however, this need not happen every month.
a.) keep cooldown as is (1 month ≙ 31 days): 4
b.) increase cooldown lite (2 months ≙ 61 days): 7
c.) increase cooldown hardcore (3 months ≙ 92 days): 15
edit: in case options b.) and c.) have more votes in total than option a.) but less votes than a.) individually, a second vote will be held with only the options b.) and c.).
[1] "Revotes on past votes can be created after a minimum of one month after the original vote." Community Voting Policy as of 04.10.2016, 19:42 UTC