Yeah. Title says it all. Please vote at the tone of the beep.
A: Yes 21 Votes
B: No 0 Votes
C: Neutral 0 Votes
Yeah. Title says it all. Please vote at the tone of the beep.
A: Yes 21 Votes
B: No 0 Votes
C: Neutral 0 Votes
A. There have been so many videos I've wanted to link but couldn't because there were a few a-words in there somewhere. xD
Slicer Vorzakh wrote: ...this is already a thing
Is it? I always saw it as like an unofficial thing that really depended what mod was on at the time. Some more tolerant than others.
I looked through the recent votes and found nothing confirming it by vote unless you mean the whole "Common Sense" thing.
yeah, the validity of this ought to be codified. a