So I've just discovered we have a plethora of loopholes in the RfR policy.
As Slice recently pointed out with his most recent admin RfR, we have this loophole in the RfR policy which means you could have had two months CM experience in the past, lose the rights, but still be able to run for admin without the rights. I propose we change the wording here from "Two months chat moderator experience." to "Two months chat moderator experience and current CM rights".
Since we're at it already, I also propose we change the wording for the Discussion Mod requirement from "Chat Moderator rights prior to nomination" to "Chat Moderator rights at time of nomination". The wording's a bit too vague.
And finally, I propose we add "current admin rights" to the requirements of Bureaucrat RfR. Right now they're just "Current activity (users decide)" and "3 months as an administrator". So in theory Goggles, BCG, and Drew could run for 'crat despite not having the rights.

Vote 1: Should we change the admin RfR requirement from "Two months chat moderator experience." to "Two months chat moderator experience and current CM rights"?
A) Yes: 19 votes.
B) No: 5 votes.
Vote 2: Should we change the DM RfR requirement from "Chat Moderator rights prior to nomination" to "Chat Moderator rights at time of nomination"?
A) Yes: 19 votes.
B) No: 5 votes.
Vote 3: Should we change the 'crat RfR requirement from "Current activity (users decide)" to "Current activity (users decide) and current admin rights"?
A) Yes: 19 votes.
B) No: 5 votes.
Yes to all.