Why worry about endorsing them? Are you endorsing using strong language off site?
Anyone could make a new Wiki. There's no need to give some kind of endorsement. I feel I agree most with Harold in this regard.
As am I. Funny how your opinion can be changed by someone repeating what you say and agrees with you. In this case, I feel Harold explained it much better than I could, and then some.
And as BCG (I missed you!!!) and Rio pointed out, there's no cap for CM Rights. And I think Loney's point up above is the cherry on top.
We still should talk this out, though. What's to stop users from coming back, say, 5 months and 29 days before they would get their rights removed? And will that mean users are suspect if they happen to come back coincidentally to visit?
...Did you just call my wife wide???
Bide (Abide?)
A1 (steaksauce)
You sunk my battleship!
Starrocks923 wrote:
Got to start drawing the line somewhere if you plan to have one. "Donkey" and "Butt" are adequate in my book; no need to unblock the word.
And..."damn" has productive uses??? "Piss" has productive uses??? "hell" has produc...well, actually that one allows me to use my favorite expression "what the bloody hell", so yeah, that one's productive. XD "Crap" has productive uses??? Well, not really. None of those have "productive" uses. All they allow us to do is use more expressions. Unblocking this word would do that as well. "Badass" being the most common.
Also, yes, a line needs to be drawn. I'd draw it at the S-word, though, not here.
Then you are free to vote according to where you'd draw the line. But there are many other lines other users have, and we have to be careful if we want them to keep coming here.
And yes, "Hell" and "Damn" or "Damnation" are subjects some users here actually discuss in a non-cursing way. Granted, it's very rare in general chat, but it's still something multiple users discuss.
As for "Piss"...it's been so long, I don't remember my vote. But does anyone consider that word a curse word, or just very strong slang?
Got to start drawing the line somewhere if you plan to have one. "Donkey" and "Butt" are adequate in my book; no need to unblock the word.
I'd argue all curse words are pretty much the same in my eyes. But I see personally no productive use for this word, and thus I voted accordingly.
"Girl Named Tennessee"- Needtobreathe
(Or, alternatively, "Great Night" by Needtobreathe)
These guys actually play on local Christian radio stations when they aren't singing about girls... :P
One by one, the wall comes tumbling down.
Got to start drawing the line somewhere if you plan to have one. "Donkey" and "Butt" are adequate in my book; no need to unblock the word.
Not because I think cleaning up the inactive CMs is a good idea, but votes are nice. It's good to at least hear fresh criticism, I'd say.
Starrocks923 wrote: Yeah, if the word is unblocked, we certainly will NOT allow users to use it in an offensive manner.
I can see that. My main concern is that blocking "retard" will automatically block "retardant", which is something I wanted to have a serious discussion about earlier this year.
I just tested it in chat, and yes, "Retardant" is blocked. I don't want a pop-up every time I use a non-offensive word that reminds me that there's a word used to offend mentally challenged people.
Please understand, I don't want "Retarded" itself unblocked. I don't want to be insensitive to anyone. But I want "Retardant" unblocked, and I feel I have to make a compromise here.
A? Might as well voice a change of opinion, since this vote is pointless anyways! I saw a black guy yell "What up cracker?" at a police officer in D.C. last year. It was...off-putting.
And I'm sorry, but how does this validate or defend your vote on the "Retarded" CV at all?
Yeah, if the word is unblocked, we certainly will NOT allow users to use it in an offensive manner.
Same first six letters. If "retard" isn't blocked, great, but I'm not about to check.
I'd like to add that there are other ways to use the word that don't actually involve insulting people.
For example:
[ri-tahr-dnt] Spell Syllables*Word Origin noun, Chemistry.1.any substance capable of reducing the speed of a given reaction.adjective2.retarding or tending to retard (usually used in combination):fire-retardant construction materials.