Personally, I support. :P This vote is not only on dabbing, but also on how the community would like to shape itself.
Also! I'd like to mention that this might shave off some of the pointless seriousness that people have here. :P I mean I support the banning of the word, but will we kick people for it? I doubt it. :P It's more of /point/ that it proves.
Slicer Vorzakh wrote:
Brick425 wrote:
Brick425 wrote:
Brick425 wrote:
What is it for then? :P I mean the idea is that our rules aren't free enough and that democracy holds things back, right? That's literally against the wiki. :P
youre making it sound like were going to use nlmbw to plan a coupe here are something, the actions are going to be seperate, just endorsed
That's really not what I mean? :P I just mean that the whole reason for NLMBW existence is because LMBW doesn't fit a section of the community's needs. Which means that LMBW has its own set of values that you disagree with. So why would we endorse a site that doesn't align with the majority's opinions?
Brick425 wrote:
Brick425 wrote:
Brick425 wrote:
How is it made to undermine it? Nobody is saying that NLMBW was made for the purpose of ripping apart what the LMBW is about. That's not what the wiki is for.
What is it for then? :P I mean the idea is that our rules aren't free enough and that democracy holds things back, right? That's literally against the wiki. :P
Brick425 wrote:
Brick425 wrote:
Where did I say if the majority votes to keep it blocked, it should therefore be unblocked? I'm saying some people didn't like the outcome of the vote, then they absolutely have the right to rebel.
Look, people are free to make what wikis they want if they don't like LMBW, but there is absolutely NO reason why LMBW should be endorsing such a place that is specifically made to undermine the rules of LMBW. :P
Brick425 wrote:
That's how it was going until damn and piss were unblocked, but "ass" stayed blocked for some reason. People were fed up with the community's attitude towards mild swears, and rightfully so.
Brick, that's just how democracy works. :P Like, this is literally democracy. If the majority of the community doesn't want "ass" unblocked, then it stays blocked.
B) This shouldn't be an issue? Like if people want to swear they can make a vote and if the general community doesn't want them to say whatever word they're saying then move on? Or learn to accept that majority rules?? :P I mean I really don't get why this is even something we're entertaining.
Kick the cooldown into overdrive. HARDCORE, BABY.
A. Although, personally I don't like the idea of using the admin chat. . . at all. It feels alienating from the rest of the community. Almost as if there's a secret council, and I just don't see a need for it? However, I feel as if it serves a point to the people that want to get a point out of it. Sharing private things that users shouldn't know for personal/security reasons, and discussing things that users just wouldn't care about.
One thing that I would prefer is if our admin team used an app - Namely Slack. :P That would be a better way to discuss things.
I'm going to have to agree with Loney, we're all users and this is just going to cause more pointless segregation. :P
B B B B. We seriously don't need anything else, I'd prefer chat to be cleaner than it already is to be honest. :P
Actually, I change my vote to B. I agree with Loney. :P
Duh. :P A. I think we're taking democracy on this wiki way too seriously, but okay :P
Keplers wrote:
Impossibubbles wrote:
GandalftheWizard wrote:
Assassin Swipe wrote: No? It would be too hard to find new admins every single term. :P We don't have a big enough supply of admin-worthy users let alone users that /want/ to be admin. :P
You don't need a large supply of admin-quality people to be voted in - the same person can run for as many terms as they like. :P
Then that is needlessly complicated and just...asinine.
have you heard of the united states senate
Keps, we don't govern 300 million people here xD Our system works fine on a small scale.
I do agree that Ale has a superiority complex that needs to be worked on, and I don't like how he handles some situations with an impersonal touch, but I'd still argue that he's the best admin we have. And in some regards I even look up to him. If anything today's actions are a stride in the right direction, it's a more personal thing and it doesn't elevate whoever started the join chat message prank but more so brings everyone to the same level. Although I definitely think that we need to work on making everyone on a more level playing field (like say removing admin customization of names on chat [I've never been a big fan of that, it creates a bigger rift between users and admins. ](
No? It would be too hard to find new admins every single term. :P We don't have a big enough supply of admin-worthy users let alone users that /want/ to be admin. :P
What? This had better be a joke. It's not an abuse of power at all, we're admins. :P Things like this don't /need/ a community vote. No no no. :P This is against like pretty much everything I stand for. xD And seriously, ya'll need to lighten up. :P