Okay, thanks! Apparently LMBE is NOT going to be shut down after all, but I'll probably copy the archives over here anyway. Can't hurt to have it in two places, seeing as how it literally just takes a quick copy and paste.
Sorry, I was under the impression everyone knew about this. :P
The archives are a downloadable copy of most of the important/recent topics on the LEGO Message Boards, for reading. You can download them by forum from the below page. This is what I want to move here.
Hello... I don't know if this board is active or not, but it's worth a shot.
To keep it short, I am in charge of putting together the LEGO Message Boards archives on LMBE. LMBE is about to be shut down, so I feel it's best if I move the archives over here. I don't know much about how this wiki works, so I wonder if you guys could set up a page for me, wherever it needs to be, where I can move LMBE's archives page and continue adding to it as I have been doing.
I go by Top, by the way.