1. Unblock
2. Red x
Vonness11` wrote:
Samed5 wrote:
Vonness11` wrote:
Samed5 wrote: How did this turn into a religious debate? Somehow the internet always manages to start a holy war...
....Apparently because LDC wanted "penis" unblocked. This doesn't make sense anymore.
Why is that blocked? By that logic, let's block hand as well... :P
...A hand and that are two completely different parts of the body.
Yes, but they're both body parts. :P I don't see the need for it to be blocked. :P
Vonness11` wrote:
Samed5 wrote: How did this turn into a religious debate? Somehow the internet always manages to start a holy war...
....Apparently because LDC wanted "penis" unblocked. This doesn't make sense anymore.
Why is that blocked? By that logic, let's block hand as well... :P
~Batgirl78~ wrote: Okay seriously....I'm at my wits end with the same occurring problems on LMBW. For one I haven't really seen much of a positive reaction toward the new recommendations for rights system. Before you could have the ability to recommend if you wanted to. Not have all this popularity voting going on. I feel like most of the voting is unfair because only the users who are well known in the community get positive results VS in the old RFR it didn't have much of that. People picked who they thought PERSONALLY would fit the role of that right. Not because they are the most extremely friendly, modest, or popular user on chat. But because they are liked by that one user alone as a person they trust.
Man.city1 wrote:
No offense LSB, but in the past it was 10x harder to be a CM than it is now. Now everything is a popularity contest on who gets to be voted in. Before you needed to work much harder and prove to admins (who at the time were also less lenient).
Also I dont mean to sound rude or anything, but isnt it strange how non-CMs are mainly supporting this?
This ^
Man.city1 wrote: One word: Madness. A bunch of people will leave if they arent re-voted.
Let me go a bit more into detail for my reason to oppose. It is highly illogical and nonsensical to demote moderators who have done nothing wrong. Most of our current mods have never done anything to deserve getting demoted, and there's no reason to demote them for a reason as trivial as there being 'too many mods'. Those 'extra' mods aren't hurting anyone, and if you're so OCD that you keep having to bring up demoting good moderators for nothing, you need to get a life. Furthermore, I and other older mods were promoted in a time when getting moderator rights was difficult, and you actually had to prove to the admins that you'd do good at the job. These days, getting mod rights is nothing but a popularity contest; the users whom everyone likes get the supports, while the people who just aren't that popular get opposed. If we decide to do this, we should also revote on all patrollers and admins. That's the only way it'd be fair.
I oppose. Call me selfish, but I don't wanna lose my rights. c:
Hmm, I'll have to think about this...
A. Unblock
B. Unblock
C. Yellow x
D. Red x
E. I don't even know what that means... :P
F. yellow x
G. Yellow x
MsD wrote: D. If they're gonna have them, they should be allowed to have as many as they want (as long as they're not maliciously spammed, or are not used at all, in which case they should be removed).
They're already being spammed...
I don't think blocking the word is necessary, so no.
GuacamoleCCXR wrote:
GuacamoleCCXR wrote:
GuacamoleCCXR wrote:
Alemas2005 wrote:
Alemas2005 wrote:
Your argument = invalid
Edit: this wiki is about LEGO people just don't use it that way.
That's not an argument. They don't harm your dicussions, but they aid ours. Plus, pony emotes do not have to necessarily be used in context of a discussion regarding the show or the fandom; (yay) is rather useful all around, for example.
I don't see how they aid mlp discussions. You don't need the little pictures to discuss it.
GuacamoleCCXR wrote:
GuacamoleCCXR wrote:
Alemas2005 wrote:
Alemas2005 wrote:
Your argument = invalid
Edit: this wiki is about LEGO people just don't use it that way.
Fact is, having pony emotes doesn't harm discussing LEGO. If that's what you come here for, go ahead, but let everyone else keep their ponies.
You can discuss mlp without the emotes.
Beater, you know you can turn off notifications, right?
GuacamoleCCXR wrote:
Alemas2005 wrote:
Alemas2005 wrote:
If this wiki was revolving around LEGO, there'd be like three active people.
Your argument = invalid
How does that make my statement invalid? The amount of people who would be active if this wiki was about LEGO is completely irrelevant here.
Edit: this wiki is about LEGO people just don't use it that way.