I suppose I should stay around then
Would all of our info be protected? At least with Wikia I know that my info is safe, but what about when we move to a website?
If all of my edits and badges got crossed over to the new place, then I'm for it :P But if I lose everything, I'm for staying here :P
KifferTheGreat wrote:
Rory the Roman, the man who dies and dies again.
And dies, and dies, and dies xD xP
KifferTheGreat wrote:
You can be A Doctor, OR A companion, OR K-9." Not AND, but OR.
I should have elaborated earlier, sorry, my fault.
Ohhhhhhh! :P Okay, I'm Sarah Jane :P
So, I can be the 3rd Doctor with the companions I've listed still?
Do I have to pick a Doctor and companions? Of so, I choose the 3rd Doctor, Sarah Jane Smith, Harry Sullivan, and K9