Here, you can talk about the LMBGame. I will make annoucements here as well. Please report bugs on the blog, but have fun giving ideas and asking for characters here!
Clean this place up.
Les get messy
Ignoring the myriad of context and tangent arguments around me, I say sure.
Obi yes. BCG no.
Replace BCG with Rio.
For all you doubters, Bluehat is telling the truth. This is real stuff.
Sources: Lunibook
Essentially you want to start a wiki based off of a fan-theme, but you thought that it'd be more fun to work with a story team?
Yet you have most of the story already?
If you truly want a story team which is not bull-dozed by your already-created storyline, I'd advise scrapping whatever you had planned and letting the story team work on it.
If you do this, I'd be happy to join.
Also, the name of your theme isn't that good, that'd have to be changed as well.
Since when does Rollback come before admin?
Ihave, need I remind you that I have gotten you out of numerous scrapes in the past?
@Rem: German.
(Don't let InvisibleHunter know :P)
Two things.
One, no matter how much the mods need to be taught a lesson, having one of the worst, badmouthed, jerk trolls ever to grace the face of the message boards is not the way to do it.
This guy was the epitomy of evil for the entire span of the old MB's.
Anyway, as for a MB Convention, it would probably be either held somewhere in Texas(7 users or so live there) or at a major Lego convention
Guess I will.
Who are you anwyay?
Since when do we have message walls?
Agreed with Jedi.
I would promote the following users for Admin here: Riolu, and Apple.
Here, you can talk about the LMBGame. I will make annoucements here as well. Please report bugs on the blog, but have fun giving ideas and asking for characters here!
The only people I would demote, are the inactive CM's/Admins.
I believe the contributor is Sherm?
I believe that I should join this?
I mean, we fight bronies, what more could you want?