A: Yes, unblock it NAO.
B: No, keep it blocked. THINK OF THE CHILDS ZOMG
LondonDauntlessCorvair963 wrote:
GuacamoleCCXR wrote: B. If our admins are too incompetent to decide which CMs need to go, then we've failed as a community anyway.
That's funny, I was originally gonna say something about Bush in that. Are you a wizard?
GuacamoleCCXR wrote: B. If our admins are too incompetent to decide which CMs need to go, then we've failed as a community anyway.
Just because an admin is elected doesn't mean he will perform well. Sure the people who vote can infer to the best of their ability, but who really knows what a future admin will be like?
LondonDauntlessCorvair963 wrote: Edits mean experience, but mods don't moderate articles, they moderate chat. If they demonstrate proper behavior for a while in chat (2 months seems really short. I'm thinking at least 9 months, but obviously some exceptions can be made.), I think it should be OK.
But you are the same person as BM, so that wouldn't count in my book.
Edits mean experience, but mods don't moderate articles, they moderate chat. If they demonstrate proper behavior for a while in chat (2 months seems really short. I'm thinking at least 9 months, but obviously some exceptions can be made.), I think it should be OK.
LondonDauntlessCorvair963 wrote:
If you get this reference, I will marry you, even if you are a guy.
How did I know you would get it zomg
Your vote makes me feel good.
If you get this reference, I will marry you, even if you are a guy.
Does anyone ever go "France, ITALYANDSPAIN"
They don't.
*quoted text removed by Administrator due to being unnecessary*
I vote to remove. Completely useless, it is.
(Alemas, update this for me please)
Mad? Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad...
+1 from me.
"BCGirl said he can't"
I almost spat juice all over my screen.
LegoSuperBowser wrote:
@LDC: Ale mas made community threads before that have been well received, so unless you're using sarcasm, (which I think you might be I'll post this anyway) you're wrong.
I thought I made it clear that it was that thread that I was referencing, but I guess not, LSB... :P
Anyways, Div, thank you for noticing. :P
"But we have CheckUsers!", I hear you say. True, but only Drew, BCG, and Obi have CU rights. And the last two are both inactive. And a Wiki can have a maximum of 3 CUs. Drew pops in every now and then, but BCG and Obi are completely inactive.
We need two open slots to cope with the problem. Therefore, I propose that we remove CheckUser rights from BCG and Obi to free up space for someone else. We can't have only Drew doing all the CheckUser... checks.
Support removal of CheckUser rights from BCG and Obi: 16
Reject removal of CheckUser rights from BCG and Obi: 0
Wow, something made by Ale that is actually well recieved.
Seriously though, I vote yes, we should remove it. Power is no good if it isn't regularly exercised.
How have we done, both in general and individually?
(This is on a scale from 1-10, with 10 being the best.)
Mad: God
Liam: Could be more active. 8.
Ale: "...Your weed must be good." -My mind when I see Ale do anything.
..I'm just pointing out that it's ironic you implied racism was bad, and then implied it would go against Christianity for Jesus to be Mexican.
We better stop, this is irrelevant to the thread's purpose.
If the Bible is Christianity then why is it not going against Christianity...? *Kills myself*
And Jesus was born in the Middle East, which is technically in Asia. Jesus isn't freaking white. Hell, Jesus could be a black dude for all I care, and only the KKK would give a crap.