I will be away at staff training starting tomorrow afternoon, and won't be back until Friday afternoon. Then, I'll be away on vacation from Saturday until the next Saturday. After all that, I'll be away working at camp for the next four weeks. So, don't expect to see me very often for the next six weeks. :P
Agent Spy wrote:
Obi the LEGO Fan wrote:
Agent Spy wrote:
Alemas2005 wrote:
Alemas2005 wrote:
...this vote is for topics...
Bots would have to do it.
Yes, it could be done pretty easily.
Obi the LEGO Fan wrote:
If we have a page for the topic, then it should be linked the first time it's mentioned, and have nothing done to it the next times. Italicizing topic names makes no sense to me.
I agree with what Obi said.
I'll be inactive on weekdays for the next couple weeks, so I have extra time to study for final exams and tests. I might pop back on during the weekends, but I'm not making any promises. :P
A) Slashes B) No zeroes C) American
Alemas2005 wrote:
Alemas2005 wrote:
Alemas2005 wrote:
According to that logic we should also delete all the user articles since we're nowhere close to having a complete list of all the users. :P
Also, could you link me to at least ten "important" songs that we don't have here yet?
Here's another thing: Who's to say which songs are "important" or not?
Yep, that's what I was getting at. How can you know that we don't have enough "important" songs, if you aren't even sure which songs are considered "important"? :P
Alemas2005 wrote:
Alemas2005 wrote:
According to that logic we should also delete all the user articles since we're nowhere close to having a complete list of all the users. :P
But we do have a near-complete list of important users...
We have a lot, but not all.
Also, could you link me to at least ten "important" songs that we don't have here yet?
Alemas2005 wrote:
Well, I'd like for the Wiki to have either a near-complete database of important songs, or to not bother with them at all, if you know what I mean.
We have over 200 songs, if we were talking about 10-20 then, yes, I would agree with you.
According to that logic we should also delete all the user articles since we're nowhere close to having a complete list of all the users. :P
AG-SYSTEMS wrote: About how many articles in question are we talking about? Is it only a few of them?
There is over 300 song and band articles.
Obi the LEGO Fan wrote: I think it could be a good idea to temporarily close RfCM until more mods are actually needed, agreed.
Wasn't it you who said that the amount of chat mods doesn't really matter?
Sounds good; I support.
It has been done.
Wikia said that their main database is down, and they are currently running on a backup. Which is most likely why all these problems are occurring.
There's an '8' at the end of the URL; remove that and it works.
I would guess not, but I'm not 100% sure, BCG.
Agent Spy wrote:
Nxtstep101 wrote:
I think y'all are getting mixed up with a different thread. I checked both of their contribs and neither of them made a edit to this thread.
Nope, not recently.