Per Alemas and Ihaveawii. Support all. They all were very competent administrators, even if they are now inactive. I honestly don't understand the negativity towards Jd right now. :P
B, but only because that would be annoying. +1 for humor tho, lol
A. I'd be tempted to say B and force a legitimate reason, but then we'd need to clarify what constituted a legitimate reason, and, honestly, I think we should just respect it if for whatever reason they don't want it linked. "I don't like it" is reason enough. :P
Yes. Oxford comma is my life.
And yeah, put it in the MOS.
I'm changing my vote to A. Removing the emote, while it may not completely solve innuendo, could feasibly have the beneficial effect of cutting down on inappropriate jokes. There's really no downside to removing it, other than losing an emote which I use approximately once every 6 months.
And I'm voting A as opposed to C or B because if you're going to remove it, remove it from both areas. :P
A and D. I agree with Bourgeoisie: admins, while part of the "legislative branch" as you called it, A5, are not politicians and do not need to have terms in order to stay fresh. They are users with some extra tools. Our roles include rule-making procedures, but that doesn't make us politicians... the rule-making still has a lot of community involvement, I might add.
I vote B. Like Obi, I really do not care if it goes or stays because realistically almost no one uses the old RFR... but, why not keep it around?
Okay, I've made up my mind: I vote for #3.
I'm for 3 or 4, although really I don't mind any of these.
Actually, tbh, the current req. of either rank 5 or having been on the old boards is just fine. But if you must have an opinion, Craftsman and 150+ posts or w/e is fine.
Edited because I didn't realize we were voting on old MB ranks.
Remove, it was pretty much just as bad of a fail as the "LMBW committee." :P The irony is not lost on me. :P
I vote for Alemas, and if we can vote for multiple, Spy as well. (If he'd be more darn active :3)