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6312 posts

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Source: LEGO Message Boards
AgentMLN is currently inactive
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AgentMLN (also known as Agent Bolt) is a user who joined the LEGO Message Boards on September 8, 2010, the same day as Clone Highest Commander Kevin. He has the rank Minotaur, 6,389 posts, and 17 likes received. His older brother, legobrickbuilder4567, had become inactive on the LEGO Message Boards prior. AgentMLN was mostly active in the MLN forum, Agents Subforum, the F.2.P.A.G.P. topic, and in many other forums/topics, too. He was one of the famous MLN traders leading to many MLN users to come to him for items. He had a shop called "AgentMLN's Best Trades" in the MLN TRADES Subforum. He retired due to high demands of buyers asking high amounts of rare items in MLN leading him to close his shop. One of his most famous quotes was: "See Ya'll 'Round The 'Boards!" He was semi-active in a few forums, mainly to keep old Agents topics alive, and in the MLN Trades Subforum. He was in C.O.M.B. one of the bases at Agent's Subforum.


  • AgentMLN owns the A.G.E.N.T topic.

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