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batmanthedarkknight0's current signature is:
Screen Shot 2015-09-07 at 4.57.05 AM


batmanthedarkknight0 does not have any badges.

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Source: LEGO Message Boards
batmanthedarkknight0 is currently inactive
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Userpage on this wiki: Chef Batman

Batmanthedarkknight0 (also known as Chef Batman) is a user who joined the LEGO Message Boards on May 17, 2013. He has the rank Cowboy, 14,416 posts, and over 9,696 likes received. He was the roleplay representative in the LEGO Super Heroes Roleplay Subforum. He mainly posted in WELCOME TO BRICKBOOK! and The average user chatroom!, both in the Community Chat Forum, among other topics. His retirement announcement can be read here.

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