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birdbot4444's current signature is:l3ird
Source: LEGO Message Boards
birdbot4444 is currently inactive
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Userpage on this wiki: Birdbot4444
Birdbot4444 (also known as BB, Bird, Birdy) is a user who joined the LEGO Message Boards on July 19, 2010. He has the rank Samurai Warrior, 8,044 posts, and over 931 likes received. He has a younger brother named MrGhost3 who is inactive on the LEGO Message Boards. He was not an active poster on the boards except in the Mindstorms Forum until 2010 when he made it to Rank 10 on MLN, and at first he just helped a ton of people in the MLN Forum.
He first became interested in LEGO in 2001, when such themes like Alpha Team, BIONICLE, Life on Mars, and (a year later) Drome Racers started. He decided to finally make an account in early 2007 to post in the Bionicle Forum, and he created a Club Page. He lost his old account, Imperialguard4444, during the security switchover like many other users.
Bird joined many roleplays, including Racers, Indiana Jones, Ninjago, Classics, Bionicle, LU, Agents, and Alien Conquest, but he was known for being a relatively slow poster who rarely "spammed." In Bionicle roleplay, he (also known as Braero) was the leader of the Order of Mata Nui for some time before Jgenal came back; then they had a dual leadership before handing the reigns to Michaelyoda. He did some Classics roleplay with Eagleeyedan2 and helped him in MLN significantly. BB played a lot of LU with legobrickbuilder4567 in F2P, and occasionally posted in the MB Forum. He became more active after the MBs were updated, but then retired in 2013.