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Source: CAMP MB 3.0!

CAMP MB 3.0! is a roleplay topic in the Community Chat Forum. It was created by Skulduggery773 on March 14, 2013. It has 508 pages and 51 likes on the first post. The topic was for users to roleplay generic camp-related things. This is the third incarnation, as the previous ones seem to have been deleted.


The first incarnation of Camp MB was created by Leghobros, this topic was one of the two roleplay topics in the Message Boards Forum. On July 16, 2011, this topic was moved to The Brick Boards, along with numerous other topics, such as the MB Cafe.

When it started out, the topic gained over 10 pages daily. After seeing this, miakittymoon made the rules more strict, so that less spam was posted. This topic had been locked a total of three times, due to both spam, off-topic posts, and doing "warfare."

Camp MB was eventually deleted and Camp MB 2.0 was created by 8ObiWan88. But that too was eventually deleted.


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