LEGO Message Boards Wiki
Please use this page to discuss pages that have been labeled for deletion. List the Articles with delete tags under the articles, and media with the delete tag under media. Any other talk goes under "Category Talk". To say what you think on an article/media, put a number under either keep or delete where the article/media is listed, and copy this code "#[[User:<insert name here>|<insert name here>]]" (without the quotes) or just ~~~~ (four tildes). Voting will end if the discussion has been inactive for two days and has 3 or more total votes.


When you add a topic to this page, please make it a link to the page we are discussing. This makes it a lot easier to find the pages. Smile (New) Thanks!

Also make sure you use the "Category:Candidates for Deletion" and not the speedy delete one so it'll be easier to find and delete topics. Thank you so much for understanding!

~Your Admins

Copy and paste the following code under the "Summaries" header:

==Replace this with the name of the page you want deleted==
Replace this with the reason you want the page deleted ~~~~

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A list of previous votes can be found here.


This does not appear to be a proper current article, and it seems un-useful. ~Hype (Message me) 17:36, October 28, 2016 (UTC)


  1. ~Hype (Message me)


  1. According to the MoS the article needs to exist. You can help the wiki by adding the proper template and format to it. The Bubble of Impossibility (wallcontribs) 17:38, October 28, 2016 (UTC)


  • @Bubbles: I don't recall seeing anywhere in the MoS that the article must exist. I also didn't see anywhere that you weren't allowed to put up a CFD in certain cases? ~Hype (Message me)