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Cicada646's current signature is:Badges
Cicada646 does not have any badges.Source: LEGO Message Boards
Cicada646 is currently active
Last updated 8 years ago
Cicada646 is a moderator who joined the LEGO Message Boards on March 25, 2014. She currently has the rank Official, 9,588 posts, and 26,136 likes received.
She posted the monthly Community Newsletter when it was written by moderators.
Her bio, which she posted in the "Guess what??? A new mod is around !" topic, reads:
"Name: My name comes the little singing insect I like, the cicada. And 646 is the number of pieces in a new LEGO set, I will let you try to guess which one!
Favorite LEGO set: Well, the one I mentioned above!
Favorite MB: I just love the City, it is so close to real life and the forums are so much fun to read.
Favorite Gallery: The LEGO movie gallery, love to watch how creative you guys can be!
Hobbies: Anything outdoors! Hiking, skiing, swimming. And spending time with family and friends.
Favourite animal: The eagle
Favourite food: Cheese, all kind"