LEGO Message Boards Wiki
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Clegokids 2

Clegokids is a user who joined the LEGO Message Boards on February 22, 2010. He had the rank Old Timer, 9,370 posts, and 5 studs. He was a Roleplays in both Star Wars Roleplays. His favorite was the Clone Wars RP. He was the first commando, and also started the big "commando boom" of 2011. He had worked for months to protect any of his friends who include his squad of commandos, the Jedi and Clone HQs. He also made appearances on many other roleplays, such as Alien Conquest, City Roleplay Subforum, Ninjago, Agents, and Kingdoms. He also had been leading the Hero-Tower HQ in the Hero Factory Roleplay for a few months, doing many things such as starting the "Clego-wars" against GammaDevisionOfVillians and mainly TannerJ2598. As well as fighting back many attacks on his HQ, he finally retired from the tower and was now doing something else in HFRP. He also leads the Rebel HQ on the Star Wars Original Trilogy Roleplay as 2 In-Command, with JJ as number one in the HQ, and had been wanting to take over the Mos Eisley Cantina from michaelyoda at the Star Wars Original Trilogy Roleplay for quite some time. He had fights with RememberMM, Dreadnaught, stonewall42, and many other Empire players. He also coined what he claims to be "A clever phrase" of naming his flagships the Umbrella, since he fights "The Stormies," and umbrellas are "combatants" against storms.

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Current Article: Clegokids
Message Boards profile: Clegokids

This article is good.