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Userpage on this wiki: Commandercody113

Commandercody113 (aka Kano and Cody) is a user who joined the LEGO Message Boards on August 9, 2013. He has the rank Revolutionary Soldier, 7,206 posts, and over 908 likes received. He mainly posted in the Nexo Knights Roleplay Subforum.


Cody participated in many Roleplays, including but not limited to Bionicle, Old Bionicle, Ninjago, LOTR, The Hobbit, City, The Lego Movie, Kingdoms and Castle.

His characters included:

  • Nexo Knights:
    • Baron Krieg von Zweihand
  • Star Wars Clone Wars:
    • Darth Iraida, Sith HQ
  • Bionicle:
    • General Kovuk (Inactive), Toa Zheron (Inactive), Village of Ice HQ
  • Old Bionicle:
    • Kolokvar, Vyrena (deceased), Mordyr, Kolokvar's Hagah, Viperax, Daryia, Makuta HQ 3
    • Terakha, Order of Mata Nui HQ 3
    • the Toa Kranok, Toa HQ 4
    • Karzov the Vorox, Bota Magna Tribes HQ
    • The Czevnir Legion (Named: Vybus, Ziimus, Cydur, the latter deceased)
  • Ninjago:
    • Dronix (Inactive), Nindroid HQ
  • LOTR:
    • Gwathanor, Henneth Annun HQ (Formerly), Dol Amroth HQ (Inactive)
    • Gwathisil (Formerly Gwathithil), Fornost HQ (Formerly), Bree HQ (Inactive)
  • The Hobbit:
    • Azgar (Inactive), Arolog (Inactive), Shazog, (Inactive) (and more, all Inactive)
  • City Roleplay Subforum:
    • John D Brickefeller (Inactive), Tycoon HQ
  • The Lego Movie:
    • Sir Oiledwell (Inactive), Octan HQ
  • Kingdoms:
    • Countless nameless warlords (Inactive), various HQs, notably English Knights HQ
  • Jurassic World:
    • Indominus Rex (Inactive), Dino HQ

Cody created three HQs (Tycoon HQ, City RP, Dol Amroth HQ, LOTR and Dino HQ Jurassic World) and led at least fifteen (Dol Amroth, Rangers of Ithilien, Tycoon, Gundabad, Trollshaws, Dol Guldur, Moria, Mirkwood spiders, Goblins, 5 Kingdoms HQs), then switched to leading only three (Dol Amroth, Dino, Dol Guldur).


Cody was also an avid writer. He wrote at least four popular stories in two forums.

  • The Dominion: LOTR story inspired by Shadow of Mordor. Follows the story of a Gondorian Ranger after the fall of the Morannon. He visits Rhun, Mordor, Nurn, and makes many unlikely allies before the conclusion, and avenging his family's deaths. Currently CC's only active story.
  • Adventures in Okoto #1: Quest for the Masks: This story followed his theory for Gen 2 of Bionicle. This story was discontinued when it was announced official books would be released regarding the same subject.
  • Shadows of the West: 'Completed' unknown prequel to The Dominion, following the story of a Numenorean captain kept alive by a dark being trapped within a sword. He meets all nine Nazgul, before making it to the 'end' on the cliffs of Mordor. It is currently his only completed story.
  • Fusion of Shadow: His first Bionicle story. It has sparked his new Bionicle G2 theory.


  • He mainly posted in greyish-blue, but posted in teal for more evil characters in the Old BIONICLE Roleplay.
  • Other nicknames include Commander, CC, and more.

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