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dinosaur2515's current signature is:
Dinosaur2515s sig


61 posts

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Source: LEGO Message Boards
dinosaur2515 has either deleted their account or their account has been deleted by a moderator
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Dinosaur2515 is a user who joined the LEGO Message Boards on February 17, 2012. He has the rank Ninja, 6,160 posts and over 2,994 likes received. He has deleted his account but is now using MarkSurge9411.

About Dinosaur[]

He posted in a variety of forums, from the Message Boards to the Ninjago Forum. He also posted in the Legends of Chima Forum regularly. He has given over 12,600 likes, making him the user with the most likes given. But he has since been passed by many users.

He was a roleplayer, and roleplayed in multiple forums such as Ninjago, Chima (where he had his first HQ), and Galaxy Squad. He is against all hate theme topics as he says they are worthless and only cause fights.


  • He has never changed his avatar, as he wanted to set a record for going the longest without changing it.
  • He threatened to retire because he had an argument with JustTiger.


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