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fancypantsguy8's current signature is:-FPG
Source: LEGO Message Boards
fancypantsguy8 is currently inactive
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Userpage on this wiki: Fancypantsguy8
Fancypantsguy8 (also known as FPG, FancyPants or Pants) is a user who joined the LEGO Message Boards on February 9, 2010. He has the rank Pirate, 14,191 posts, and over 1,717 likes received. He played LEGO Universe with the name JetMarbleTitan. He has a brother, A-W-L, and a sister, Cookie-Turtle7.
He was a member of three HQs: the Monkey H.Q., the Air Ninja H.Q., and the Wolf HQ. He posted mainly in the Community Chat Forum and the My LEGO Network Forum, usually in the trading subforum, where he has been known to be in a very popular trading market topic. He was also a drummer in "The Brickles." He retired from the MBs, but said he will return when he has more time.