This page is an archive of the old LEGO Message Boards. Feel free to correct mistakes and add information, but please do not update the post count, image, or rank.
Fishfam4 is a user who joined the LEGO Message Boards on November 5, 2011. He had the rank Artisan, 2,635 posts, and 1 stud. Fishfam created a story in the Agents story subforum and "News news station" in the LEGO News Forum. He served as a reporter named Bob Brickstas, a parody of Bob Costas, a well-known NBC Reporter. He mainly posted in the Community Chat Forum.
His signature was:
"☢ ŦĦЄ Şc|EЙґeŞt ☢"
- Dwarfy gave him the Quality Post Of The Day Award on September 3, 2012.
- He has a brother named Catpizza8314.
This article is good.