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Source: LEGO Message Boards
fotr1 is currently inactive
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Fotr1 (also known as Fotr or F1) is a user who joined the LEGO Message Boards on September 15, 2013. He has the rank Revolutionary Soldier, 12,847 posts, and over 2,864 likes received. He mainly posted in the Community Chat Forum, and occasionally in the Lord of the Rings Forum before its deletion.


  • He and bee-boy11 considered themselves twins, as they have the same account creation date, were frequently the same rank, and for a while had the same avatar.
  • In 2014, he passed naraluke as most-liked user all-time in the Lord of the Rings Forum. He still holds this position.
  • In April 2015, he went inactive for a while; returning the following September. He went inactive again at the end of October of the same year, occasionally coming back to post briefly since then.

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