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gho8233's current signature is:-Gho
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Source: LEGO Message Boards
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Userpage on this wiki: Gho8233
Gho8233 (also known as Gho) is a user who joined the LEGO Message Boards on June 4, 2009. He has the rank Roman Soldier, 11,569 posts, and over 155 likes received. He nearly tripled his post count in two months by consistently making over 100 posts a day, before slowing down. Gho went completely inactive for over a month, but made a short comeback. Gho was most active in the Community Chat Forum. He came back around July 10, 2012 but hasn't posted since 2013. He was known for having a fiery temper at times and nearly got himself banned, but calmed down and became a well-respected user.
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