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1367 posts

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Source: LEGO Message Boards
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Gooseter400 is a user who joined the LEGO Message Boards on June 26, 2011. He has the rank Spartan Warrior, 1,370 posts, and over 12 likes received. He posted in a wide variety of forums.

LEGO Universe Roleplay[]

In the LEGO Universe Roleplay Subforum, he was known for making the roleplay creature species Zelgorathian, and HQs, including the Order of the Silver Arrow, Order of the Crystals and the Zelgorathian Arena. These were all a 'side-story' to LEGO Universe Roleplay, as this was not used by the majority of the roleplay. Gooseter400 also roleplayed as a vast amount of characters, including Colonel Konarm, Anok Konarm, and Grandolk.

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