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Greenninjasgirlfriend's current signature is:
Greenninjasgirlfriend sig


Greenninjasgirlfriend does not have any badges.

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Source: LEGO Message Boards
Greenninjasgirlfriend has either deleted their account or their account has been deleted by a moderator
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Userpage on this wiki: Chihiya Kisaragi

Greenninjasgirlfriend is a user who joined the LEGO Message Boards on December 18, 2012. She has the rank Royal Guard, 4,478 posts, and over 5,389 likes received. She posted in several forums, including the Community Chat Forum, the Ninjago Stories Subforum, and the Castle Forum. She was also known for her April Fools Prank, creating a dupe account called AnnoyingPartyMan, which posted on several topics.

Her account was deleted as a joke, causing her to switch to AnnoyingPartyMan.

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