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Source: LEGO Message Boards
HyperSonicOne is currently inactive
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Userpage on this wiki: Veralann
HyperSonicOne is a user who joined the LEGO Message Boards on March 23, 2012. He has the rank Conquistador, 2,375 posts, and over 1,480 likes received. He posted in a wide variety of forums, but later switched to posting in the Community Chat Forum. His topic, Test your NINJAGO knowledge (A quiz), was nominated for Most Popular Editor's Pick in the 2015 Golden Brick Awards.
He has had several RP characters, but has gone inactive in almost all his RPs.
Chima RP: Avian Tracker, a Lion Officer.
Ninjago RP: Zex Silas, Light Ninja Elite and wielder of Light and Imagination.
Star Wars Clone Wars RP: His characters are collectively referred to as "The Starblazer Legacy"
Andreyus Starblazer: A fearless Jedi Knight, always on the front lines.
Variaras: A crafty smuggler who always keeps his wits about him.
Vestys: A Jedi Knight who prefers diplomacy over conflict.
Agents RP: Zex Silas, Agent and tech extraordinaire.
He is mainly known for writing stories, primarily in the Legends of Chima Online and Legends of Chima forums. His first and second stories, which were in the Legends of Chima Online Forum, featured the characters of his friends from the game. The second one served as a continuation of the first, and once that was completed, he moved to the Legends of Chima Forum. He then was inspired by epicninja1's The Rizzo Files,and asked if he would co-write a story with him. He accepted, and they began to write The Quandary of Fire. After that story ran it's course, they made a sequel (Under the Surface) and had fellow author Eris00 join them.