Interview with Dwarfminefan580 is a Topic in The Official Interview Room. It was created by Keighlian on December 21st, 2012 . It was the sixth interview done by the Moderators.
Interview Content[]
This is a description from a topic on the LEGO Message Boards. Do not modify it.
1. What inspired you to start posting on the LMBs? Gosh, let's see if I can remember... Back when I got my Lego ID, I actually didn't even know about the message boards. Being the creative type, I just wanted to write reviews on different LEGO sets that I had. I thought it would be cool to share my opinion with the world. Well it turned out that I wasn't old enough to write reviews at that time (much to my dismay) but that gave me time to explore, and soon I found the boards. Don't quite remember how, but I'm sure glad I did. 2. What do you think of the new LMBs? I'm not gonna lie; I really miss the old boards. However, I like the new ones too. I guess it's a toss up here cause there are things that are awesome about them, and somethings I wish had never changed. I'm not really gonna go into the negatives right now, but a couple updates that I think are super cool though are the search bar and jammers function, along with all the different fonts and colors we can use now. The boards are always gonna be changing, so I guess we should just make the best of what we have now. 3. What could we do to improve them for you personally? Hmm... this is gonna sound weird coming from me, but maybe not let as many topics up, especially duplicate topics. I mean, there are just SO many now, and even some that could have been posted in other topics. I think we had more fun back when there were less, not to mention it was easier to talk about things cause we knew right where to find the topic we wanted. 4. What do you think of the new rank structure and are you happy with your current rank? The new ranking system is still a mystery.. The ranks are supposed to be achievements, and they don't feel like they are anymore to me because I don't know how I got them, and I didn't have a goal in mind. Overall, I can't really say right now because it's still pretty new. Encouraging quality posting is always good though, and plus I really do like the like system. I think it's neat being able to like quality posts, and in general, I think it's working very nicely. I have to say, I like my rank right now because It's an awesome color. I don't really care about the status because that doesn't really matter to me. The ranks aren't what the MB's are all about. I know it sounds corny, but I'll have fun no matter what rank I am. 5. What kind of things do you post? Recently, I've been posting a lot of really long speeches that don't fit in the character limit. I'm trying to share my opinion about, likes, ranks and popularity. The message boards forum is crazy right now, and I'm doing my best to let people know they're awesome the way they are even if they're a low rank or don't have many likes. I know I sound like a politically correct school councilor, but you don't know how much of a difference a few kind words can make. So yeah, I mostly try to boost people's spirits, and make weird posts that make me smile. I have an odd sense of humor you know. 6. What kind of posts are you likely to give “likes” to? Usually, I give likes to posts that are thought out. You know, posts that make sense, or prove a valid point. I'll also like funny, friendly, and helpful posts, especially ones that I feel are sincere. 7. Do you use the galleries? If so, which ones? I haven't recently, but I did post a few pictures in the LU galleries. That was pretty fun. 8. If you could be any minifigure what would it be? Ha, ha... nice question. What would I be? Um... probably a dwarf. I mean, like... they're pretty boss if you ask me. But I also have a few minifigures that I've made myself that I wouldn't mind being either. 9. What is your favourite LEGO set? This one's easy; the Dwarves' Mine of course! It's completely awesome, and has a bunch of cool features like moving buckets and mine carts. It also has a really cool color scheme and is just overall well designed. The Medieval Market Village is pretty neat too. 10. What advice can you give to other users who admire your positive and friendly approach on the LMBs? Guys, I've said it before, and I'm gonna say it again; what you post here, really does matter. One thing that's really important is respect. Treat others they way you'd want to be treated, no matter what. Also, just be nice. Complement or congratulate someone. Make 'em feel special. Lastly, take the time to encourage newbies. It doesn't seem like much, but they really appreciate a few kind words, and a helpful nudge.
How about; What's your favorite part of the message boards? I think It would be cool to find out what other kids around the world like about this online community. |
The topic header.