Interview with JayZX535 is a Topic in The Official Interview Room. It was created by Keighlian on December 18th, 2012. It was the third interview done by the Moderators.
Interview Content[]
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What inspired you to start visiting the LMBs? I don’t recall exactly when I first started coming onto the LMBs, but it was back a few months ago, probably in early October. I had heard a rumor about an upcoming NINJAGO episode and was searching on GOOGLE to try and find a creditable response when a link to the MBs came up. Figuring it would probably be pretty accurate (granted that the LMBs are on I checked it out. I didn’t find the answer to my question, but out of curiosity I decided to check out the NINJAGO forum and see what was up. Pretty soon I noticed the NINJAGO Stories forum and took a look. I quickly found a few stories that I thought were cool, and before I knew it, I was a complete follower of a bunch of stories. I first used my Lego ID (my account was pre-existing from Spinjitzu Spinball) to log in when I realized that I could rate topics. I wanted to support my favourite authors, so I started rating my favourite stories for them. Then after the update I found out that I could bookmark stories to my account and like posts, and that’s basically how I became a registered MB member. What do you think of the new LMBs? They took a bit of getting used to, but the new MBs are pretty awesome. At first they drove me CRAZY because I was used to the old format, but once I got familiarized I found I liked them better than the old ones. What could we do to improve them for you personally?
It would be nice to have a “Dislike” button, though I don’t really know where I would use it, except on people who smash Jay in their stories (Just kidding- I wouldn’t do that What do you think of the new rank structure and are you happy with your current Master Reader rank? Quite frankly, I never expected there to be reader ranks! I was quite shocked to notice that I was no longer unranked. The rank structure is very cool overall. I like the themes, and I’m hoping one of the ranks will be “Ninja.” It would be cool if it was the last rank, because then I could never lose it! It’s really quite epic that I actually RANKED without even posting once. LOL, I never thought I’d be a one-and-only of anything on here, let alone a Master Reader. Of course, I’m not sure how long I’ll keep it, since I’ll probably start posting soon, and won’t be just a reader for long. I’m looking forward to getting other ranks, though. What kind of posts are you likely to give “likes” to? Most often I “like” peoples chapters for their stories. I will also “like” posts directed at me (or at least I did before this. If I start posting I’ll probably just post) to say, “Thanks for noticing me, and I DID see this post.” It’s also a “You’re welcome” to those who had thanked me. Do you visit the galleries? If so, which ones? I did visit the galleries once- that was to see some pictures someone had drawn of their characters from their story. Otherwise I don’t really. If you could be any minifigure what would it be?
If it was the “traditional” minifigures, I would want to be the Ninja. Otherwise… well, I bet we can all guess based off my username What is your favourite LEGO set?
I’ve gotta say the Storm Fighter set. It’s just really awesome, and it has to do with my favourite LEGO character of all time Are you a real Ninja? I SO WISH!!! That would totally rock, especially if I got to hang out with the actual NINJAGO characters! Maybe I could even learn Spinjitzu! Of course, if I could, I would probably spend a lot of time stalking Jay (and probably freaking him out, too O.O). Also, the other Ninja might not be too thrilled about having another mouth-of-lightning joining the ranks (yes, I really do talk as much as Jay, and I’d hate to see what would happen if we somehow got into an argument). If I was a Ninja, though, I would want to be the elements of Shadows and Lightning. They’re just cool (even though shadows weren’t really in the show). I’d have a dark blue ZX Ninja gi with silvery-blue armor and plating on the sides (like what Jay has on his ZX suit). In a way I guess you COULD say I’m a real Ninja for about 3 reasons. #1, I am a Ninja in my mind. #2, I write, and that’s a bit Ninja-ish (my pen, or should I say KEYBOARD, is my weapon of choice, a silver sword) in a random sort of way, and #3, I have some random Ninja skills. Like the time I ambushed my brother when he walked under the mistletoe… Or the time when I accidentally scared my mom just by walking into a room and not realizing how quiet I was being… What would you like a future poll to be?
“Who’s your favourite NINJAGO ninja?” I’d just like to see an official tally on, not just polls on peoples websites that not everyone visits. Plus, here I could actually CAST my vote… and we all know who it would be for… |