LEGO Message Boards Wiki
LEGO Message Boards Wiki

An Interviewee is a user that has been interviewed by a moderator. According to the mods, an interviewee is a 'positive, creative helpful or otherwise interesting community member.' The first six interviews were posted by Keighlian; the rest were posted by WhiteAlligator. There have been 102 interviews in total. There are currently no plans for any further interviews. The following is a list of all interviewees, in chronological order:

  1. MJLaubacher
  2. Riolu777
  3. JayZX535
  4. Brickgirl99x
  5. michaelyoda
  6. Dwarfminefan580
  7. SuperSluether
  8. keplers
  9. lego.minifig
  10. JJS495
  11. LegoCityMan7063
  12. LegoCritter35 and GideonF210
  13. teridaxrules
  14. frankfrost2
  15. TridentLegend
  16. Zapty
  17. pacman87
  18. Daler99 and eagleeyedan2
  19. botven1 and gracelw1
  20. dolrado
  21. legotheterrible
  22. SpitfireMad
  23. AwesomePythor
  24. huskeygirl
  25. lego613master
  26. AravisOfNarnia
  27. AnonymousPseudonym
  28. LelilaOrganaSolo
  29. SprinkleOtter
  30. TannerJ2598
  31. clbgolden10
  32. A_Grue
  33. wolfasa
  34. Nokama1854
  35. sk8r00
  36. dolphinluvr16
  37. yogurtlegacy117
  38. DinoX0000
  39. legopanama
  40. bpw2002
  41. Bluepeso
  42. NINJAGOgirl2363
  43. Right_Holy_Hermit_of_the_Hunt
  44. xeara
  45. ScribeGT6817 (Greg Farshtey)
  46. Bobbywan
  47. epicninja1 and MrMaracaMan
  48. Erik (A Master Model Builder)
  49. zachcheung
  50. miwings
  51. TolkienNerds
  52. BattleTruckGalactica
  53. Wqual
  54. sheklord
  55. megakid0202
  56. Dwalin22k
  57. megakid1999
  58. Ray-Comet
  59. CaptainChespin
  60. emraldtiger789
  61. diglett809
  62. jonencloud
  63. 14padme
  64. cr9
  65. pyangsi10
  66. captain-submarineguy
  67. webkinzbeanie101
  68. paperclip8707
  69. Lucy_Fu
  70. slipperysnakeboy
  71. knightoffaith
  72. MarkSurge9411
  73. Gabe (from the LEGO Movie Website)
  74. Bill (Packaging Art Director)
  75. Michael (Model Designer)
  76. skulduggery773
  77. galijb
  78. abbeadventerous114
  79. RLROCKS18
  81. WaveViper
  82. ninjazane7474
  83. karateduo1
  84. HermanPlatina
  85. nasa105
  86. Lolek4
  87. Josephtraynor
  88. BrickFriendForever
  89. Andybrick95
  90. ConspicuousNinja
  91. gollymolly
  92. Hypaxxus-4231 and XCaptainBooX
  93. Feral_Mutant and icefirelucky7
  94. mrbill2000 and Taraninja16
  95. Brickgirl99x and jamesmcdowell
  96. The Mods
  97. abbeadventerous114 (Write Like a Ninja edition)
  98. JayZX535 (Write Like a Ninja edition)
  99. SenseiGrace
  100. RangerofGondor
  101. Johnyjo
  102. dachshund11

This article is complete.