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jesusfreak2134's current signature is:
Jesusfreaks' Siggy 1


92 posts

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Source: LEGO Message Boards
jesusfreak2134 is currently inactive
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Jesusfreak2134 is a user who joined the LEGO Message Boards on November 9, 2011. She has the rank Gladiator, 396 posts, and over 132 likes received. She had several accounts: LuBob (There were several variations of this account all of which she owned, but surprisingly only kept 2 accounts at a time). ZaneZX535 and ZaneZX353 were also hers. Her original account was Jesusfreak2134, and then she started making duplicate accounts. However, if she made another account she would delete the other one first. Once she learned that duplicate accounts were against the rules she gave her "Jesusfreak2134" account to her sister to keep. 

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