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JohnnyNeutron's current signature is:JN
Source: LEGO Message Boards
JohnnyNeutron is currently inactive
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Userpage on this wiki: JohnnyN.
JohnnyNeutron (also known as JN or Johnny) is a user who joined the LEGO Message Boards on January 27, 2007. He has the rank Minotaur, 22,453 posts, and over 327 likes received. He used to make an average of 50-100 posts a day back when he was very active. His goal was to stay on the LEGO Message Boards for his entire life, so he expected that he would pass 100,000 posts, and perhaps post beyond that.
JN was also a big roleplayer, and could be found in most of the roleplays on the LEGO Message Boards. He was very well known for his roleplaying ability, because he was active in many HQs and led several of them. His most successful HQ was the Silver Hawks H.Q. in the Indiana Jones Forum. He was also a 3 In-Command in the ADU. He was also an MLN Band user. JN was an old co-leader of the band SwitchBrick, alongside Wezoo and CaptainBrickmaster. After the band fell apart, he left for a spell, until returning and restarting the band, although cBm and Wezoo did not rejoin him.
JN gave everyone a big scare by saying he was leaving all roleplay and going semi-active, but then came back a few days later, saying that he couldn't do that to us. However, he left again later. His imaginary friend is known as Billy Bob, who he posted about on the MBs. When someone says "Who is Billy Bob?", he replies back "How do you not know Billy Bob?!" Ironically, after k9unit13 deleted his account, he made another account called "BillyBob." He is also famous for being the creator of MB Mania on the LNSA. He was last seen December 12, 2015.
JN was one of the users who was effected by the Exo-Force Glitch.