This page is an archive of the old LEGO Message Boards. Feel free to correct mistakes and add information, but please do not update the post count, image, or rank.
KMC0708 is user on the LEGO Message Boards with the rank Old Timer, 6,441 posts, and 3 studs. He joined on November 3, 2009, and was very active in the LEGO Universe Forum. He also posted regularly in "The New Poll Room!!!" making polls for other users to answer, which inspired him to create the LEGO Universe Poll Room. He was also active in the "LEGO Club Food Fight Room 2." He joined the LEGO Message Boards when a player in LEGO Universe, believed to be BrickBuild (also known as Bulletshadow), introduced him to them. He used to play LEGO Universe, where his minifigure's name was Xweetok2.
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