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2395 posts

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Source: LEGO Message Boards
Kitty309257 is currently inactive
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Kitty309257 is a user who joined the LEGO Message Boards on July 24, 2008. She has the rank Pharaoh, 2,396 posts, and over 23 likes received.

Kitty used to be very active in the Atlantis Forum and MLN Bands, but went inactive in 2010. In mid-2011 she came back for about two weeks, posting only a few times a day. She has now gone inactive, posting only a few times since 2011, making her most recent post in 2014.

She was one of the few users who did not use the LEGO Message Boards emoticons. Instead she preferred text emotes like :) , :( , :D , :P , etc.

She, along with other users, suffered the Exo-Force Glitch, and made over 1,000 posts during the event.

She has been in over six different bands, four of them she was in at the same time. She was the pianist for The Rolling Studs.

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