LEGO Message Boards Wiki
[11:27] <Ked830> haii maj
[11:27] <Legoanimals750> o/ 
[11:27] <GandalftheWizard> MAJJY
[11:28] <GandalftheWizard> HI THERE
[11:28] <Majolo9050> aiii
[11:28] <Son of Elrond> hi maj
[11:30] <Legoanimals750> and chat died
[11:34] <GandalftheWizard> SOE COME BACK
[11:35] <Ked830> i probably should take something for my head
[11:35] <Legoanimals750> good idea
[11:36] <GandalftheWizard> acedemenophen is good
[11:36] <GandalftheWizard> ...that is not how you spell it at all XD
[11:36] <Majolo9050> it tylenol dude xD
[11:37] <GandalftheWizard> IT'S NOT TYLENOL!!! XD
[11:37] <Legoanimals750> No, he needs to say the long version. :p 
[11:37] <GandalftheWizard> Is it???
[11:37] <GandalftheWizard> It makes me look smart and dumb at the same time, Webbe. :P 
[11:37] <Legoanimals750> Yup. :P 
[11:37] <Peudguin> it's tylenol :P 
[11:38] <GandalftheWizard> That's not the official medical term, tho :P 
[11:38] <HyperFlash Studios> Tylenol is a name brand :P 
[11:38] <GandalftheWizard> ^
[11:38] <GandalftheWizard> I was calling it by the medical drug term :P 
[11:38] <HyperFlash Studios> It's not what the actual medicine is called :P 
[11:38] <Ked830> ibuprofen
[11:38] <Ked830> >:cccc
[11:38] <Legoanimals750> I should take that for my arms. :p 
[11:38] <Marshal6000> [[User blog:Marshal6000/2 (explained)]]
[11:38] <Marshal6000> o/ 
[11:39] <Ked830> hai
[11:39] <Legoanimals750> Shameless self promotion. :p 
[11:39] <HyperFlash Studios> Not really
[11:40] <HyperFlash Studios> He's explaining his other blog which some people didn't get
[11:40] <Marshal6000> ^
[11:40] <Marshal6000> Per hype.
[11:40] <Legoanimals750> oh
[11:40] <Marshal6000> A lot of people didn't get it mostly because they haven't seen the original :P 
[11:42] <Marshal6000> o/ 
[11:42] <Ked830> hai ava
[11:42] <GandalftheWizard> AVA
[11:42] <HyperFlash Studios> Avalair you are a failure
[11:43] <Marshal6000> how nice of you hype
[11:43] <Avalair> I know, I'm fixing it :P 
[11:43] <Marshal6000> [[User blog:Marshal6000/2 (explained)]] :P 
[11:43] <HyperFlash Studios> AP :{P 
[11:43] <Marshal6000> for new people :P 
[11:43] <AmazingPythor> Hyoer :{P 
[11:43] <Ked830> hai bubbleh and AP
[11:43] <HyperFlash Studios> :{P 
[11:44] <Marshal6000> well. my internet is going to crap out when I start uploading this video so it was nice knowing you all! :{P 
[11:44] <AmazingPythor> Test - my browser is sucking rn
[11:44] <Ked830> pass
[11:44] <HyperFlash Studios> Bye Marsh :P 
[11:45] <AmazingPythor> \o 
[11:45] <Marshal6000> I'm not leaving hype :P 
[11:45] <Marshal6000> but now I have insane lag :P 
[11:45] <Legoanimals750> The last page with the "female" category. :P 
[11:45] <HyperFlash Studios> Bye anyway then :{TP
[11:45] <HyperFlash Studios> * :{P 
[11:45] <HyperFlash Studios> What, Web? :P 
[11:45] <Marshal6000> :{T needs to be an emote :{P 
[11:46] <Legoanimals750> ShilohSquarepants, that page still had it. :P 
[11:46] <HyperFlash Studios> I literally just undeleted it
[11:46] <Marshal6000> :{P 
[11:46] <HyperFlash Studios> The last edit before that 
[11:46] <HyperFlash Studios> Was in 2014
[11:47] <Avalair> I wish there was a Special page that listed pages that havent been edited in more than a year
[11:47] <HyperFlash Studios> [[Special:AncientPages]]
[11:47] <Legoanimals750>
[11:47] <HyperFlash Studios> You're welcome, Ava 
[11:47] <Avalair> oh
[11:47] <Avalair> wow
[11:47] <Avalair> (derp) 
[11:47] <Avalair> Thank you (derp) 
[11:47] <Legoanimals750> June 2014. :P 
[11:48] <AmazingPythor> brb
[11:48] <Legoanimals750> Also "Ancientest pages"
[11:48] <HyperFlash Studios> It's a customized page name, Webby
[11:49] <Legoanimals750> Oh. :P 
[11:49] <HyperFlash Studios> Ava how do the blogs on the main page show up-
[11:49] <Impossibubbles> finally
[11:49] <AmazingPythor> wb
[11:49] <Impossibubbles> done with dishes
[11:49] <Marshal6000> Kirk or Picard? :{P 
[11:49] <Legoanimals750> Good for you Bubbles
[11:50] <Impossibubbles> I hate handwashing 
[11:50] <Impossibubbles> Picard 
[11:53] <HyperFlash Studios> test
[11:54] <HyperFlash Studios> Bubbles you killed it
[11:54] <Ked830> pass
[11:54] <AmazingPythor> brb cookies
[11:54] <Ked830> AP GIMME SOME
[11:54] <Ked830> plz
[11:54] <AmazingPythor> *throws cookies at the screen*
[11:54] <AmazingPythor> Did that work
[11:54] <Impossibubbles> ping
[11:54] <Ked830> it's the thought that counts <3
[11:54] <Impossibubbles> oh never mind
[11:54] <Impossibubbles> no one important
[11:54] <AmazingPythor> Okay now brb
[11:55] <HyperFlash Studios> ouch
[11:55] <Ked830> hai ely
[11:55] <Impossibubbles> son o./
[11:55] <Son of Elrond> hi
[11:55] <Impossibubbles> * o/ 
[11:56] <Peudguin> Hai SoE o/ 
[11:56] <Son of Elrond> holo 
[11:56] <Son of Elrond> hola
[11:56] <Son of Elrond> what
[11:56] <Legoanimals750> o/ 
[11:56] <HyperFlash Studios> holo
[11:56] <Ked830> holo holo holoooo
[11:57] <Son of Elrond> no
[11:58] <Ked830> yes tho
[11:58] <AmazingPythor> Italian cookies > Most things
[11:58] <Ked830> .. Italian cookies?
[11:58] <AmazingPythor> Yeah, got these in Italy and only now eating them.
[11:58] <Ked830> fancy
[11:59] <Iforgotmypassword9again9> do they taste of italians 
[11:59] <Son of Elrond> any Italian fare > most fare
[11:59] <Marshal6000> [[User blog:Marshal6000/2 (explained)]] :P test
[11:59] <AmazingPythor> Per Elrond
[12:28] <AmazingPythor> >chrome can't handle five tabs apparently
[12:28] <GandalftheWizard> That's...
[12:28] <Brick425> cheeky is me
[12:28] <GandalftheWizard> dishonest, it sorta seems :P 
[12:28] <Impossibubbles> I wanna be able to say the real version of badda
[12:28] <Brick425> ^
[12:28] <Impossibubbles> what AP
[12:29] <Impossibubbles> I'm using chrome and I have 15 tabs
[12:29] <Brick425> [[Thread:270428]]
[12:29] <AmazingPythor> It's been sucking for me today for whatever reason
[12:30] <AmazingPythor> "... joined the LEGO Message Boards on September, 2007."
[12:30] <AmazingPythor> no
[12:31] <Brick425> I also want to use [[]]ass as an intensifier at the end of words
[12:31] <Brick425> which is fun
[12:31] <HyperFlash Studios> The word is still blocked, Brick :P 
[12:31] <Brick425> I'm referring to the word itself
[12:32] <Brick425> So not really an inappropriate use
[12:32] <Brick425> But like I said, it's pretty much common knowledge that it's no worse than damn or piss so why it's getting shot down is anyone's guess
[12:32] <AmazingPythor> Who's the lesser patroller now
[12:32] <Impossibubbles> eh
[12:32] <Impossibubbles> I missed that one
[12:32] <Impossibubbles> you know (as) 
[12:33] <AmazingPythor> Evidently.
[12:33] <GandalftheWizard> I voted
[12:34] <AmazingPythor> brb
[12:36] <Brick425> ty gandalf
[12:37] <GandalftheWizard> np
[12:38] <HyperFlash Studios> o/ 
[12:38] <AmazingPythor> Ooh, punctuation errors to correct.
[12:38] <Brick425> o/ 
[12:38] <AmazingPythor> o/ 
[12:38] <Brick425> omg AP
[12:38] <Brick425> Full Alemas editing mode
[12:38] <GandalftheWizard> Webbe o/ 
[12:38] <AmazingPythor> Hm?
[12:38] <Legoanimals750> o/ 
[12:38] <AmazingPythor> lol
[12:38] <Majolo9050> webbbio o/ 
[12:40] <Legoanimals750> Bubbles stop
[12:40] <Impossibubbles> what do you want
[12:40] <Legoanimals750>
[12:40] <Impossibubbles> leave me alone
[12:40] <AmazingPythor> "2 in command"
[12:40] <Legoanimals750> What are you taking right now? :P 
[12:40] <AmazingPythor> >cancer
[12:41] <AmazingPythor> Wait what's going on
[12:41] <Impossibubbles> Heavy medication that's none of you business
[12:41] <Impossibubbles> *your
[12:42] <Legoanimals750> "He has the rank Avatar"
[12:42] <AmazingPythor> Web, just drop it please
[12:42] <Legoanimals750> fine
[12:42] <Impossibubbles> It's fine, AP
[12:42] <Impossibubbles> I just blocked all his messages
[12:43] <AmazingPythor> There are better ways to solve your problems. :P 
[12:43] <Impossibubbles> Nah
[12:43] <HyperFlash Studios> Blocking messages isn't usually a good idea
[12:43] <AmazingPythor> Although what Web said was uncalled for, blocking his messages doesn't seem necessary to me. :P 
[12:44] <Impossibubbles> Nah, I just block people when they annoy me
[12:44] <AmazingPythor> Well, there are more effective solutions. :{P 
[12:44] <Brick425> uh, what did he say that was so bad :P 
[12:44] <Brick425> I was AFK
[12:44] <HyperFlash Studios> He didn't, really
[12:45] <Impossibubbles> AP
[12:45] <Impossibubbles> do you know how I've been so well behaved :P 
[12:45] <Legoanimals750> Sorry. 
[12:45] <AmazingPythor> Moral development? :P 
[12:45] <Impossibubbles> Partially xD
[12:45] <HyperFlash Studios> She can't see it, Web :P 
[12:45] <Brick425> I see "What are you talking about right now?" and then "Heavy medication..." like wat
[12:45] <HyperFlash Studios> No sense in worrying about it now
[12:45] <AmazingPythor> He just apologized. :P 
[12:45] <Skully Of House Lannister> was someone being a crazy (derp) 
[12:46] <AmazingPythor> Which you can't see for obvious reasons. :P 
[12:46] <Legoanimals750> I know. @Hyper
[12:46] <AmazingPythor> ...
[12:46] <Majolo9050> aand there she goes
[12:46] <HyperFlash Studios> Well
[12:47] <AmazingPythor> I'll message her later about this. 
[12:48] <Majolo9050> well, i'm off to play some random fps with a friend, bai all o/ 
[12:48] <AmazingPythor> \o 
[12:48] <Legoanimals750> Bye o/ 
[12:48] <HyperFlash Studios> Bye Maj
[12:48] <Skully Of House Lannister> i killed a goat and i liked ittt
[12:48] <Legoanimals750> Great?
[12:49] <Skully Of House Lannister> i cut its head off and mounted it on the wall and drank its blood and then cut myself in service of satan 
[12:49] <Brick425> Terrorists in the middle east could have married that goat
[01:01] <HyperFlash Studios> o/ 
[01:01] <Ked830> yuck brick is here
[01:01] <Romaniandude12> o/ 
[01:01] <Legoanimals750> o/ 
[01:01] <Ked830> is that unobsessed enough for u >:c
[01:01] <Romaniandude12> yuck ked is here
[01:02] <Ked830> Rome i practically live in your house
[01:02] <Ked830> careful what you say c:<
[01:02] <Romaniandude12> true
[01:02] <Ked830> i also know a few/all of your secret places so
[01:03] <Ked830> haii
[01:03] <GandalftheWizard> Hi! *avoids pinging you*
[01:03] <Romaniandude12> you dont know all of them
[01:03] <Romaniandude12> c:<
[01:03] <Ked830> it's okay my headache is almost gone
[01:04] <AmazingPythor> Crap lost track of time
[01:04] <AmazingPythor> I gtg
[01:04] <Ked830> i shall found all of these hidden places!!!
[01:04] <GandalftheWizard> Ah, well that's good, Ked.
[01:04] <HyperFlash Studios> Bye AP
[01:04] <Ked830> bai ap
[01:04] <GandalftheWizard> Bye AP
[01:04] <Legoanimals750> Bye AP o/ 
[01:04] <AmazingPythor> \o 
[01:05] <Ked830> rome i will tear ur base apart block by block till i find all of ur secrets
[01:05] <Romaniandude12> you wont find all of them
[01:05] <GandalftheWizard> Ked almost lives in the same house as Rome.
[01:05] <GandalftheWizard> Wut
[01:05] <GandalftheWizard> the
[01:05] <GandalftheWizard> heck???
[01:05] <HyperFlash Studios> Minecraft
[01:05] <Romaniandude12> :{P 
[01:06] <Legoanimals750> I think they are talking about MC. :P 
[01:06] <Brick425> "block by block"
[01:06] <Brick425> wut
[01:06] <Marshal6000> ked. I know one of his secrets :P 
[01:06] <Brick425> I assume you mean brick by brick, but even then, not many houses are made of bricks :P 
[01:06] <Ked830> no i legitimately live in his house, duh
[01:06] <Skully Of House Lannister> gasp 
[01:06] <Romaniandude12> per ked
[01:06] <Skully Of House Lannister> shameful 
[01:06] <Legoanimals750> Are you too siblings? :P 
[01:06] <Brick425> *two
[01:06] <Legoanimals750> two*
[01:07] <Ked830> course not
[01:07] <Skully Of House Lannister> theyre just unmaried 
[01:07] <Brick425> No, they are not excessively siblings
[01:07] <Marshal6000> [[User blog:Marshal6000/2 (explained)]]
[01:07] <Skully Of House Lannister> its shameful 
[01:07] <Skully Of House Lannister> she;s pregnant 
[01:07] <Legoanimals750> ofc
[01:07] <Skully Of House Lannister> shotgun wedding coming up soon 
[01:07] <GandalftheWizard> what the hell, Skul???
[01:07] <HyperFlash Studios> Slice, are you here?
[01:07] <Legoanimals750> Skul always says stuff like that
[01:07] <Skully Of House Lannister> should've visited a planned parenthood s
[01:07] <Skully Of House Lannister> js
[01:08] <Brick425> One that wasn't all shot up
[01:08] <GandalftheWizard> @Webbe: I know that XD
[01:08] <Brick425> that is
[01:08] <Ked830> *shrug*
[01:08] <Legoanimals750> Oh. (derp) 
[01:08] <Romaniandude12> :{P 
[01:08] <HyperFlash Studios> I have to go eat dinner, I'll be back later
[01:08] <Skully Of House Lannister> shooting up planned parenthoods is okay 
[01:08] <Ked830> baiiiiiiiiiiiiii hypey
[01:08] <Ked830> take caaaaaare
[01:08] <Skully Of House Lannister> though 
[01:09] <HyperFlash Studios> Skul srs
[01:18] <Peudguin> Hai o/ 
[01:18] <SamanthaNguyen1116> o.
[01:18] <SamanthaNguyen1116> o/ 
[01:19] <SamanthaNguyen1116> sorry :P I was taking a little nap
[01:19] <Ked830> lil cat nap
[01:19] <SamanthaNguyen1116> xD
[01:19] <Brick425> I read that as cat nip
[01:19] <Peudguin> me too xD
[01:20] <SamanthaNguyen1116> i need a cat tbh
[01:20] <SamanthaNguyen1116> like a cat in this avatar
[01:20] <Peudguin> Hype o/ 
[01:20] <HyperFlash Studios> Of course dinner isn't actually ready
[01:20] <Brick425> Two dimensional, Sam? :P 
[01:20] <Ked830> woohoo
[01:20] <Skully Of House Lannister> what do you call it if you trip on some catnip 
[01:20] <SamanthaNguyen1116> brick how did you know O:
[01:20] <Brick425> cattrip
[01:20] <Skully Of House Lannister> a catnip slip 
[01:20] <Brick425> omg
[01:20] <Brick425> y
[01:21] <Legoanimals750> Well, gtg bye o/ 
[01:21] <SamanthaNguyen1116> o/ 
[01:21] <Ked830> baii
[01:21] <Brick425> *TMZ loved that.*
[01:21] <Peudguin> Bai Webby o/ 
[01:21] <Ked830> hoi rus
[01:21] <SamanthaNguyen1116> o/ 
[01:22] <SamanthaNguyen1116> brb
[01:22] <HyperFlash Studios> Hi Rus
[01:22] <Brick425> omg
[01:23] <Skully Of House Lannister> lol
[01:23] <Impossibubbles> classy :P 
[01:23] <RusMan> Heh :p 
[01:24] <Skully Of House Lannister> so rus 
[01:24] <Skully Of House Lannister> u sexy rusemoose
[01:24] <RusMan> Yeah bb?
[01:25] <RusMan> Apparently there's a quicksand fetish according to Radiolab. :p 
[01:25] <RusMan> The things you learn
[01:25] <Impossibubbles> really, rus?
[01:25] <Impossibubbles> What episode is that?
[01:25] <Skully Of House Lannister> im into quicksand 
[01:25] <Impossibubbles> I wanna listen :P 
[01:26] <RusMan> "Shorts: Quicksaaaaaaaand!" :p 
[01:26] <RusMan> From 10/10/2013
[01:26] <Brick425> Wait like, quicksand fetish like you like to see people stuck in quicksand, or you like to be stuck in quicksand, or what :P 
[01:26] <Impossibubbles> thanks :P 
[01:26] <RusMan> Yeah :p 
[01:26] <RusMan> Both
[01:26] <Brick425> wth
[01:26] <RusMan> There are sinkers and watchers apparently
[01:26] <Bioniclefan1> Hey guys I don't really have any time. 
[01:27] <HyperFlash Studios> Why
[01:27] <Bioniclefan1> Getting ready for school 
[01:27] <RusMan> Like some people want to sink in it and others want to see people or animals sink in it.
[01:27] <RusMan> Idek
[01:27] <Impossibubbles> that's creepy
[01:27] <Brick425> "Help! I'm stuck in quicksand!"
[01:27] <Brick425> "Uh, hold on... One second... Niceeee. OK, now I'll hel-oh, she's dead'
[01:27] <Impossibubbles> there's a crushing fetish
[01:28] <Brick425> per bubbles
[01:28] <Impossibubbles> I read about this guy who had a secret youtube channel where he crushed small animals to death. I think he got arrested
[01:28] <RusMan> Like when I was younger I thought it would be cool to have a lottle quicksand spot in the backyard and throw sticks and rocks into it. :p 
[01:28] <RusMan> *little
[01:28] <Brick425> Me too, I saw this video on YT about him
[01:28] <Brick425> That does sound cool Rus :P 
[01:28] <Impossibubbles> it was rather disturbing 
[01:28] <RusMan> Yeah, but I wouldnt want myself or my dog to get stuck in it. :p 
[01:28] <Skully Of House Lannister> I've seen all the shock videos on the web 
[01:29] <Impossibubbles> yikes skul
[01:29] <Brick425> Put a fence around it Rus
[01:29] <Skully Of House Lannister> I'm googling weird fetishes 
[01:30] <Skully Of House Lannister> Girls licking doorknobs lol 
[01:30] <RusMan> Yeah, that's what I figured I'd do
[01:30] <Brick425> mmmm sexy skull
[01:30] <Skully Of House Lannister> Sneezing fetish lol
[01:30] <Skully Of House Lannister> Human furniture
[01:30] <Skully Of House Lannister> Wool
[01:30] <Impossibubbles> a good sneeze can be satisfying :P 
[01:30] <Impossibubbles> I don't wanna watch other people do it xD
[01:30] <Brick425> for some people, too satisfying :P 
[01:30] <Skully Of House Lannister> There's a fetish where you like watching guys get kicked in the balls 
[01:30] <Impossibubbles> ew
[01:31] <Impossibubbles> that sounds very painful 
[01:31] <Skully Of House Lannister> I wonder if that james bond scene in Casino Royale is basically porn to those people
[01:31] <Impossibubbles> I watched that scene and thought
[01:31] <Skully Of House Lannister> "Ow"
[01:31] <Impossibubbles> "This seems like a very effective method of torture."
[01:31] <Skully Of House Lannister> Exactly 
[01:31] <Bioniclefan1> I was going to say a short retrospective about my summer.. but I don't really want to now.
[01:32] <Brick425> There's a freezing fetish. If that's the case, they must have found The Shining the greatest erotic movie ever
[01:32] <Impossibubbles> like
[01:32] <Impossibubbles> freezing to the point of frostbite freezing?
[01:32] <Skully Of House Lannister> omg 
[01:32] <Brick425> IDK
[01:32] <Skully Of House Lannister> dude
[01:32] <Skully Of House Lannister> google omorashi 
[01:33] <Skully Of House Lannister> its a fetish where you like it when people have full bladders and are struggling not to pee
[01:33] <Brick425> I hate that feeling
[01:33] <Impossibubbles> what the hell
[01:33] <HyperFlash Studios> er
[01:33] <Bioniclefan1> I run into people with feet fetishes on deviantArt looking for stuff in my fandom. 
[01:33] <Skully Of House Lannister> Foot fetishes are so common
[01:33] <Bioniclefan1> I wish they'd stop. 
[01:33] <Skully Of House Lannister> I don't get them 
[01:33] <Brick425> Feet fetishes are very common, yes
[01:33] <Impossibubbles> The most common fetishes I see on DA are feet and fat
[01:34] <Bioniclefan1> Like they just lazily photoshop feet 
[01:34] <Impossibubbles> The fat fetishes creep me out
[01:34] <Brick425> I kinda wish I had it so I could just go someplace like a beach where nobody is wearing shoes c:
[01:34] <Skully Of House Lannister> Symphorophilia is a paraphilia in which sexual arousal involves staging and watching a disaster, such as a fire or a traffic accident.
[01:34] <Brick425> Skull: Watch Dogs, best erotic game ever
[01:34] <Impossibubbles> But it's not even like realistically proportioned fat people even 
[01:34] <Impossibubbles> *delete one even
[01:35] <Brick425> Imagine the insurance costs on someone with that fetish
[01:35] <Impossibubbles> there are communities 
[01:35] <Skully Of House Lannister> brick google emetophilia 
[01:35] <Impossibubbles> where one half of the relationship feeds the other
[01:35] <Impossibubbles> like
[01:35] <Impossibubbles> force feeding
[01:35] <Brick425> wth skul
[01:35] <Impossibubbles> to make them as big as possible
[01:35] <Brick425> What if someone had emetophilia and binge eating disorder? That'd be the perfect counterbalance
[01:36] <Skully Of House Lannister> coulrophilia is an attraction to clowns
[01:36] <Brick425> wth
[01:36] <Brick425> A lot of people are SCARED of clowns :P 
[01:37] <Impossibubbles> I don't mind clowns. I never got the fear
[01:37] <Dumbledore115> Clowns are creepy as hell
[01:37] <Skully Of House Lannister> omg 
[01:37] <Skully Of House Lannister> i just found out 
[01:37] <Skully Of House Lannister> about 
[01:37] <Skully Of House Lannister> the most disturbing thing ever 
[01:37] <Bioniclefan1> Yeah I'm gonna go for the night. My last lmbw chat before summer ends. Thanks for the fun guys. o/ 
[01:37] <Impossibubbles> I was wary of them for a while, but only because one spit in my face one time (derp) But I wasn't scared :P 
[01:37] <Romaniandude12> lol clown pings me
[01:37] <HyperFlash Studios> Bye Bio
[01:38] <Ked830> baiiiii Bio
[01:38] <Dumbledore115> Do we want to hear Skul?
[01:38] <Impossibubbles> see ya bion
[01:38] <Skully Of House Lannister> no
[01:38] <Skully Of House Lannister> brick might
[01:38] <Skully Of House Lannister> its disturbing 
[01:38] <Impossibubbles> PM it then :P 
[01:38] <HyperFlash Studios> In that case could you PM it to him? :P 
[01:38] <Bioniclefan1> *Counts the goodbyes.* And.. that's all of them. 
[01:38] <HyperFlash Studios> And anyone who wants to hear ofc
[01:38] <Dumbledore115> Is it inapropriate? :P 
[01:39] <Ked830> bio you'll be back on later right?
[01:39] <Ked830> o
[01:39] <Skully Of House Lannister> yes
[01:39] <Skully Of House Lannister> wildly 
[01:39] <Skully Of House Lannister> its the freakiest crap ive ever seen
[01:39] <Impossibubbles> whale then
[01:39] <Impossibubbles> Ignorance is bliss (derp) 
[01:39] <Dumbledore115> Id rather stay innocent
[01:40] <Dumbledore115> :P 
[01:40] <Impossibubbles> same here :P 
[01:40] <HyperFlash Studios> Same :P 
[01:40] <Skully Of House Lannister> im laughing so hard at it 
[01:40] <Impossibubbles> Once you see something, it's in your brain forever 0.o
[01:41] <Skully Of House Lannister> brick pm 
[01:41] <Skully Of House Lannister> for disturbing crap
[01:42] <GandalftheWizard> MAJJY
[01:42] <Skully Of House Lannister> "i'm so into that"-bricks pm to me just now 
[01:42] <Majolo9050> well now i can't connect to the steam servers so i'm back (derp) 
[01:42] <Dumbledore115> What
[01:42] <HyperFlash Studios> Please don't elaborate :{P 
[01:42] <RusMan> Oh god
[01:43] <Skully Of House Lannister> Rus 
[01:43] <RusMan> Lol have fun with life
[01:43] <Skully Of House Lannister> Would you do that 
[01:43] <GandalftheWizard> I want to know what the hell Skul and Bricks are talking about.
[01:43] <Skully Of House Lannister> As a queer 
[01:43] <RusMan> (Yk) 
[01:43] <Skully Of House Lannister> Srsly would you 
[01:43] <Impossibubbles> oh wait
[01:43] <RusMan> Hell no :p 
[01:43] <Impossibubbles> I think I know what it is
[01:43] <Brick425> You think you do
[01:43] <Brick425> But you don't :P 
[01:44] <RusMan> Per LDC :P 
[01:44] <HyperFlash Studios> Afk, dinner
[01:44] <Skully Of House Lannister> LDC is into it 
[01:44] <Slicer Vorzakh> oh no I think I know
[01:44] <Ked830> baii hype
[01:44] <RusMan> "Rejection is rare, but can occur"
[01:44] <RusMan> Oh dear :p 
[01:44] <Brick425> Not for me
[01:45] <Skully Of House Lannister> Pm me Slicer 
[01:45] <Brick425> ;_;
[01:45] <Skully Of House Lannister> I've never been rejected 
[01:45] <Slicer Vorzakh> no
[01:45] <Skully Of House Lannister> I've only asked a girl out once (derp) 
[01:45] <Skully Of House Lannister> is it related to small orbs slicer 
[01:45] <Dumbledore115> Skul
[01:45] <Brick425> I've been rejected twice, but the first time was in kindergarten where I was dared to ask this girl to marry me (derp) 
[01:45] <Brick425> so painful
[01:45] <Impossibubbles> I've never been rejected. But I never asked anyone out (derp4) 
[01:47] <Skully Of House Lannister> Actually 
[01:47] <Skully Of House Lannister> I have been rejected 
[01:47] <Skully Of House Lannister> but it hardly counts 
[01:47] <Skully Of House Lannister> she was a lesbian 
[01:47] <Skully Of House Lannister> no one told me
[01:47] <Skully Of House Lannister> :p 
[01:47] <Dumbledore115> Oh my :P 
[01:47] <Impossibubbles> it half counts >:3
[01:48] <Skully Of House Lannister> hardly 
[01:49] <Skully Of House Lannister> there's a song called Sex Dwarf 
[01:49] <Impossibubbles> hardly half 
[01:49] <Impossibubbles> is it a good song? (derp7) 
[01:50] <Skully Of House Lannister> idk
[01:50] <Dumbledore115> By whom?
[01:50] <Skully Of House Lannister> Soft Cell
[01:53] <Dumbledore115> Skul, Gandalf told me the disturbing thing. It wasnt that weird imo
[01:53] <Ked830> skul left
[01:53] <Ked830> jsyk
[01:53] <Dumbledore115> Oh
[01:55] <Dumbledore115> Knight o/ 
[01:56] <KnightoftheLight> O/ 
[01:57] <AmazingPythor> test
[01:57] <Ked830> pass
[01:57] <Dumbledore115> Fail
[01:57] <Dumbledore115> Jk
[01:57] <AmazingPythor> On for like 15 mins or so
[01:57] <RusMan> Hey Pyth o/ 
[01:57] <SamanthaNguyen1116> o/ 
[01:57] <AmazingPythor> \o 
[01:58] <HyperFlash Studios> AP :{P 
[01:58] <Impossibubbles> Yay another nose bleed. Perfect way to top off tonight
[01:58] <RusMan> O/ 
[01:58] <Ked830> hai ava
[01:58] <HyperFlash Studios> Ava stahp running away
[01:58] <Impossibubbles> hey did you watch animaniacs, ap?
[01:58] <AmazingPythor> Hype :{P 
[01:58] <AmazingPythor> That's what I'd be doing now if my brother wasn't in the basement. (UD) 
[01:58] <Impossibubbles> oh xDD
[01:58] <Impossibubbles> I thought you came back rather soon :P 
[01:59] <AmazingPythor> Sorry, I'll start in fifteen minutes or so when he's hopefully gone
[01:59] <Impossibubbles> psh, no rush :P 
[01:59] <GandalftheWizard> I gtg
[01:59] <GandalftheWizard> bye
[01:59] <GandalftheWizard> people
[01:59] <Ked830> baii
[01:59] <GandalftheWizard> random people
[01:59] <Impossibubbles> o/ 
[01:59] <GandalftheWizard> o/ 
[01:59] <Majolo9050> baiiiii o/ 
[02:00] <Dumbledore115> Bai
[02:00] <Ked830> haiii
[02:00] <AmazingPythor> But Animaniacs is imperative to my existence 
[02:00] <Leinad~> Ay
[02:00] <RusMan> Heyo o/ 
[02:00] <Leinad~> Don't worry, I'm not gone yet :p 
[02:00] <HyperFlash Studios> Hi Lein
[02:00] <Dumbledore115> Hi Leniad. :3
[02:00] <Dumbledore115> Leinad*
[02:00] <Impossibubbles> ay person I dun know o/ 
[02:00] <Leinad~> Howdy
[02:00] <Impossibubbles> Ha, knew you'd like it, AP >:3
[02:01] <Leinad~> Likewise \o :P 
[02:01] <AmazingPythor> As usual you were correct. >:3
[02:01] <HyperFlash Studios> Been a bit since you've last been here :P 
[02:01] <Leinad~> Not as long as last time :p 
[02:01] <Impossibubbles> For as many bad TV shows and movies as I watch, I'd say my recommendations are pretty consistant :P 
[02:02] <AmazingPythor> "consistant" 
[02:02] <HyperFlash Studios> @Lein: True, true :P 
[02:02] <AmazingPythor> And yes you have very good taste when it comes down to it, despite my snobbery
[02:02] <Impossibubbles> well thank you >:3
[02:02] <Impossibubbles> shush AP
[02:02] <Impossibubbles> my computer added a mispelling to the dictionary 
[02:03] <Impossibubbles> now it always corrects to that
[02:03] <HyperFlash Studios> There are ways to fix that
[02:03] <Impossibubbles> No
[02:03] <Impossibubbles> I tried to
[02:03] <AmazingPythor> That's what happens to Apple-loving non-patrollers such as yourself
[02:03] <Impossibubbles> but with my operating system it's impossible
[02:03] <Impossibubbles> it's in the google chrome dictionary and I can't access it 
[02:04] <AmazingPythor> Oh, and Bubbles
[02:05] <AmazingPythor> If you want another Hitchcock/Stewart combo, I recommend Vertigo.
[02:06] <Impossibubbles> oh that's right, you recommended that to me. I forgot 
[02:06] <Impossibubbles> also
[02:06] <Impossibubbles> my god damn internet connection
[02:06] <Ked830> hai div
[02:06] <Impossibubbles> I hate WOW
[02:06] <AmazingPythor> [[SpitfireMad]] My eyes
[02:06] <AmazingPythor> Hello Div
[02:06] <Impossibubbles> No, you have to keep it, AP
[02:06] <Impossibubbles> it's so horrible everyone decided to leave it :P 
[02:07] <AmazingPythor> Not this bloke
[02:07] <AmazingPythor> I'm going in
[02:07] <HyperFlash Studios> Good god
[02:07] <Impossibubbles> AP
[02:07] <HyperFlash Studios> If you don't let AP do it I'm doing it
[02:07] <Impossibubbles> there was like a little vote and everything iirc
[02:07] <Impossibubbles> Hyper
[02:07] <AmazingPythor> ... For this PAGE?! :P 
[02:08] <HyperFlash Studios> What
[02:08] <Impossibubbles> I have looked up every single last tutorial on how to fix my problem
[02:08] <Impossibubbles> Do not send me useless info
[02:08] <AmazingPythor> Wait
[02:08] <HyperFlash Studios> Excuse me for trying to help
[02:08] <I'mDivergent> No leave the page as it is 
[02:08] <AmazingPythor> This page got its own damned vote
[02:08] <I'mDivergent> It's beautiful 
[02:08] <AmazingPythor> Nein.
[02:08] <Impossibubbles> Because it was horribly beautiful 
[02:08] <Avalair> hi div
[02:08] <I'mDivergent> hi ava
[02:08] <Avalair> you know jacob sartorius
[02:09] <AmazingPythor> Ava can I fix up this monstrosity
[02:09] <AmazingPythor> good job ap
[02:09] <AmazingPythor> [[SpitfireMad]]
[02:09] <Avalair> Are you a patroller? :P 
[02:09] <AmazingPythor> Forsooth.
[02:09] <Avalair> Go for it
[02:09] <Impossibubbles> He wrote it like a blog xD
[02:09] <I'mDivergent> ap nooo
[02:09] <AmazingPythor> Okay I'm blaming you if people get mad at me for fixing this
[02:09] <AmazingPythor> thx bae
[02:09] <Avalair> welckeee
[02:10] <HyperFlash Studios> Hey 99/100 days for the 100 day badge
[02:10] <Ked830> tsa hoii
[02:10] <TheShadowAssassin> o/ 
[02:10] <HyperFlash Studios> Hi Shadow 
[02:10] <TheShadowAssassin> Hoi Ked
[02:10] <TheShadowAssassin> Hi Hyper
[02:11] <Avalair> I had 55/60 for that 60 days badge
[02:11] <Avalair> and it reset yesterday
[02:11] <Avalair> ^_^
[02:11] <AmazingPythor> I'm at like 323/365
[02:11] <HyperFlash Studios> Ava you're a failure
[02:11] <HyperFlash Studios> Just so you know
[02:11] <Impossibubbles> quick, ban AP (As) 
[02:11] <Ked830> hai romey
[02:11] <TheShadowAssassin> Irony
[02:11] <Impossibubbles> so he'll lose his count (as) 
[02:11] <AmazingPythor> bubbles go away
[02:11] <Impossibubbles> Ha!
[02:12] <I'mDivergent> Sometimes I wish I could tell my parents stuff with no consequences 
[02:12] <HyperFlash Studios> Yes well he would need a block, not a ban for it to have effect (derp3) 
[02:12] <HyperFlash Studios> Did something happen, Div?
[02:12] <TheShadowAssassin> No kidding, Div
[02:12] <I'mDivergent> like "you think you're sheltering me by blocking YouTube and the Internet, guess who's had unlimited access to them for FOUR YEARS RIGHT UNDER YOUR NOSES"
[02:12] <I'mDivergent> not really hype 
[02:13] <HyperFlash Studios> Wow
[02:13] <Avalair> div
[02:13] <Avalair> jacob sartorius
[02:13] <AmazingPythor> "has sinced"
[02:13] <AmazingPythor> >no
[02:13] <I'mDivergent> they just only let me buy Christian music and I want to tell them that I can listen to whatever I want whenever I want no there's no purpose in that stupid rule :P 
[02:13] <I'mDivergent> *so
[02:13] <Avalair> div you are the queen of music
[02:14] <RusMan> Lol
[02:14] <Impossibubbles> I remember the days I was only allowed to listen to christian music
[02:14] <Avalair> thats blasphemy for enforcing that garbage rule :P 
[02:14] <RusMan> Same Bubbles
[02:14] <Impossibubbles> Never again for as long as I live will I willingly listen to christian music
[02:14] <AmazingPythor> Christian music 99.9% of the time is garbage
[02:14] <AmazingPythor> Though some of the stuff Starr linked me is cool
[02:14] <Impossibubbles> I hate it xD
[02:15] <Majolo9050> ..are we trashing most christian music?
[02:15] <TheShadowAssassin> Yes
[02:15] <Majolo9050> if so then yay xD
[02:15] <I'mDivergent> all i ever listen to is like tori kelly, twenty one pilots (because they're christians ;) ) and the occasional good ccm song :P 
[02:15] <Majolo9050> *or all
[02:15] <RusMan> Lol I grew up listening to kids' tapes made by Bob Jones.
[02:15] <TheShadowAssassin> Oi brb
[02:15] <Avalair> I like Worship music a lot
[02:15] <Majolo9050> ew worship music
[02:15] <Avalair> but not really CCM
[02:15] <I'mDivergent> per maj :P 
[02:15] <RusMan> I guess it's fried my brain (y) :p 
[02:15] <Impossibubbles> I don't need religion in any facet of my life. :P Least of all music xD
[02:16] <I'mDivergent> worship music is just so bleh
[02:16] <Avalair> ;~;
[02:16] <Avalair> i love worship music
[02:16] <Avalair> only if its played right tho
[02:16] <I'mDivergent> like that oceans song 
[02:16] <Majolo9050> oh god oceans
[02:16] <KnightoftheLight> Poll: Do you guys think yellow LEGO figs are supposed to represent white people?
[02:16] <Avalair> I never liked worship music until I joined the worship team
[02:16] <Nart L. Chipikal> i lost most of my taste for worship music after church classes
[02:16] <Majolo9050> i just can't stand anything slow
[02:16] <AmazingPythor> Same Bubbles
[02:16] <I'mDivergent> no it's supposed to represent race neutrality, sam
[02:16] <Nart L. Chipikal> i lost most of my desire for a religion after that too 
[02:17] <KnightoftheLight> I say yes simply because of the 2003 Cloud City set
[02:17] <RusMan> My church doesnt even like worship music :p 
[02:17] <RusMan> It's too secular for them :p 
[02:17] <KnightoftheLight> All the white characters were yellow but Lando was brown.
[02:17] <I'mDivergent> Sam, I have an official LEGO book that says it's supposed to be race neutral :P 
[02:17] <RusMan> That's how my family and grandparents are/were too :p 
[02:17] <Impossibubbles> no same
[02:17] <I'mDivergent> Wow, Rus 
[02:17] <Impossibubbles> they're suppose to be asain (troll) 
[02:17] <Majolo9050> I can do hymns, but most worship music is ew xD
[02:17] <Impossibubbles> *sam
[02:18] <Avalair> see hymns typically bore me unless theyre played fast
[02:18] <KnightoftheLight> Ya, I think LEGO tries to forget about that Lando fig. :P 
[02:18] <I'mDivergent> Oceans, Holy Spirit and This Is Amazing Grace are like the holy trinity of ear rape 
[02:18] <Impossibubbles> I remember this is amazing grace
[02:18] <Avalair> good grief I cant stand the latter two
[02:18] <Impossibubbles> so generic, so bleh
[02:18] <KnightoftheLight> This Is Amazing Grace is amazing.
[02:18] <Impossibubbles> ew sam
[02:18] <Impossibubbles> just ew
[02:18] <Majolo9050> yes div xD
[02:19] <Avalair> Unstoppable God is one of my favs
[02:19] <Avalair> and Alive by hillsong
[02:19] <I'mDivergent> hillsong young and free is such an amusing concept :P 
[02:20] <KnightoftheLight> I hope this becomes an Ideas set but the yellow people are given white skin. Or everyone has yellow skin.
[02:50] <Brick425> OK Rus, I'll see if I can kick my brother off :P 
[02:51] <Brick425> Bear in mind I haven't played in a while :P 
[02:51] <RusMan> Oh, I'm awful at the game, so I understand. :p 
[02:51] <Dumbledore115> He isnt trolling
[02:51] <HyperFlash Studios> Can we please
[02:51] <HyperFlash Studios> Move on
[02:52] <Dumbledore115> Or is it a she?
[02:52] <GandalftheWizard> I voted
[02:52] <HyperFlash Studios> I believe everyone has made their point
[02:54] <HyperFlash Studios> test
[02:55] <Dumbledore115> Peud o/ 
[02:55] <Peudguin> Hai Dumbles o/ 
[02:55] <Majolo9050> peopleeee o/ 
[02:55] <Marshal6000> passed
[02:58] <Iforgotmypassword9again9> here is for anyone who recognises me. if not, run it by keplers. it has been a long, friendless summer and i was hoping to distract myself with the wiki but unfortunately no one really likes my main account for reasons i am well aware of. i will now depart. it has been nice, goodbye frends.
[02:58] <RusMan> Oh, Kira..
[02:59] <Peudguin> oh
[02:59] <HyperFlash Studios> Oh well
[03:00] <Slicer Vorzakh> goddamnit 
[03:05] <Marshal6000> what just happened
[03:05] <Marshal6000> who is she?
[03:06] <Peudguin> idk
[03:06] <RusMan> Kira
[03:06] <HyperFlash Studios> A user, Marsh
[03:06] <Marshal6000> Kira?
[03:06] <Marshal6000> who's she?
[03:06] <HyperFlash Studios> Don't worry about it
[03:06] <Marshal6000> ...
[03:07] <Marshal6000> i must know :p 
[03:07] <HyperFlash Studios> She's a user
[03:07] <Avalair> What happened to Kira!!?!
[03:07] <HyperFlash Studios> I'm not sure what more can be said 
[03:06] <HyperFlash Studios> A user, Marsh
[03:06] <Marshal6000> Kira?
[03:06] <Marshal6000> who's she?
[03:06] <HyperFlash Studios> Don't worry about it
[03:06] <Marshal6000> ...
[03:07] <Marshal6000> i must know :p 
[03:07] <HyperFlash Studios> She's a user
[03:07] <Avalair> What happened to Kira!!?!
[03:07] <HyperFlash Studios> I'm not sure what more can be said 
[03:07] <Slicer Vorzakh> pm ava 
[03:08] <Impossibubbles> what has happened?
[03:08] <Marshal6000> [[User:Kira26]]
[03:08] <Marshal6000> hmm.
[03:11] <Impossibubbles> okay (derp) 
[03:16] <Slicer Vorzakh> hype can you submit your chat log
[03:07] <Slicer Vorzakh> pm ava 
[03:08] <Impossibubbles> what has happened?
[03:08] <Marshal6000> [[User:Kira26]]
[03:08] <Marshal6000> hmm.
[03:11] <Impossibubbles> okay (derp) 
[03:16] <Slicer Vorzakh> hype can you submit your chat log
[03:16] <HyperFlash Studios> ok
[03:17] <Slicer Vorzakh> the
[03:17] <Slicer Vorzakh> thx 
[03:17] <HyperFlash Studios> np
[03:18] <Marshal6000> DERPPY TONGUE SMILEY FTW
[03:18] <Marshal6000> :P 
[03:18] <Marshal6000> LONG LIVE DA DERPS! (DERP) 
[03:18] <HyperFlash Studios> lol
[03:23] <Impossibubbles> the derps are like a family now
[03:24] <HyperFlash Studios> They're getting to be that way
[03:24] <SamanthaNguyen1116> 7 isn't enough :P 
[03:24] <Impossibubbles> Luna tried to make an evil derp once
[03:24] <Impossibubbles> didn't get accepted thpo
[03:24] <HyperFlash Studios> Nya did too
[03:24] <HyperFlash Studios> She inverted the colors
[03:24] <HyperFlash Studios> It was demonic
[03:24] <HyperFlash Studios> (derp) 
[03:25] <Impossibubbles> do we have a monocle emote?
[03:25] <Impossibubbles> I'm gonna make a present for AP (as) 
[03:25] <SamanthaNguyen1116> (derp5) 
[03:25] <SamanthaNguyen1116> wait
[03:25] <SamanthaNguyen1116> (derp6) 
[03:25] <SamanthaNguyen1116> oh nvm i thought derp6 had a moncole :P 
[03:25] <SamanthaNguyen1116> *monocle
[03:25] <HyperFlash Studios> Nah
[03:25] <Impossibubbles> I think someone tried adding a monocle
[03:25] <Impossibubbles> but it didn't get accepted either
[03:25] <HyperFlash Studios> On at least two occasions
[03:26] <Brick425> o/ 
[03:26] <HyperFlash Studios> o/ 
[03:27] <SamanthaNguyen1116> what if there could be a (derp4) except while it's turning it changes to each color of the rainbow (derp) 
[03:27] <HyperFlash Studios> [[LEGO Message Boards Wiki:Emoticon Vote Archive]]
[03:27] <SamanthaNguyen1116> it'd be fab
[03:27] <HyperFlash Studios> Tfw you're the last author on like all of them
[03:27] <Impossibubbles> sammy, brick o/ 
[03:27] <Impossibubbles> that sounds seizure inducing, sam
[03:27] <SamanthaNguyen1116> hey brick and fellow twin o/ 
[03:27] <SamanthaNguyen1116> oh 
[03:27] <SamanthaNguyen1116> true :P 
[03:27] <SamanthaNguyen1116> yeah nvm xD
[03:28] <Impossibubbles> do we still have (dp) 
[03:28] <Impossibubbles> OH WE DO
[03:28] <Impossibubbles> <3
[03:28] <SamanthaNguyen1116> oh i was considering writing a script where it'd convert every emote to (derp1) on here, for personal use :P 
[03:28] <SamanthaNguyen1116> * (derp) 
[03:28] <SamanthaNguyen1116> i love the derp emotes xD
[03:28] <HyperFlash Studios> Did you get that added, Bubbles? :P 
[03:29] <Impossibubbles> Surprisingly, no :P 
[03:29] <Impossibubbles> The only ones I got added were (hipster) and (shrug2) 
[03:29] <HyperFlash Studios> Wow
[03:29] <Impossibubbles> I've adopted it tho
[03:29] <Impossibubbles> It's mah baby
[03:31] <HyperFlash Studios> omg this userpage [[User:Game %26 Watch|User:Game & Watch]]
[03:31] <Impossibubbles> the hell
[03:31] <Impossibubbles> that is hideous 
[03:31] <Impossibubbles> You know what annoys me the most on userpages
[03:31] <HyperFlash Studios> Apparently that was MsD's old account 
[03:31] <HyperFlash Studios> (derp) 
[03:31] <HyperFlash Studios> What annoys you?
[03:32] <Impossibubbles> when people put a user template on there, so it shows up in the user category
[03:32] <Pacman87> guys
[03:32] <Impossibubbles> I hate that xD
[03:32] <Pacman87> I have harry potter 8
[03:32] <Impossibubbles> pc o/ 
[03:32] <Impossibubbles> wait
[03:32] <Impossibubbles> pm
[03:32] <HyperFlash Studios> It is quite annoying
[03:32] <RusMan> Hey Keps o/ 
[03:32] <Impossibubbles> wait
[03:32] <Impossibubbles> pac
[03:32] <Impossibubbles> nvm
[03:32] <Pacman87> not really
[03:32] <Impossibubbles> i give up
[03:32] <Pacman87> its written in play format
[03:33] <Impossibubbles> what
[03:33] <Impossibubbles> are you in a play?
[03:33] <HyperFlash Studios> I've found several of Seaside98's sandboxes in the users category
[03:33] <HyperFlash Studios> :P 
[03:33] <Pacman87> like
[03:33] <Pacman87> Harry: i like coconuts
[03:33] <Pacman87> *he shrugs in disappointment*
[03:33] <Pacman87> Impossibubbles, Harry Potter is a book and a play
[03:33] <Impossibubbles> I wish I could remove them, but oh well
[03:34] <Pacman87> the book is written in play format
[03:34] <HyperFlash Studios> *removes them*
[03:34] <Impossibubbles> I know there's a play
[03:34] <Impossibubbles> oh
[03:34] <Impossibubbles> what
[03:34] <Impossibubbles> Maybe if the user is inactive we would be allowed to remove them?
[03:34] <Impossibubbles> That would be so satisfying xD
[03:35] <HyperFlash Studios> Considering the fact that Seaside hardly visits the wiki at all anymore I don't see why not
[03:35] <HyperFlash Studios> (That and NG has removed tons of categories from userpages so)
[03:35] <Impossibubbles> Hm >:3
[03:35] <RusMan> Well why delete someone's page? :p 
[03:35] <Impossibubbles> well we can't remove the category without removing the template
[03:35] <RusMan> Just dont look at it.
[03:36] <RusMan> Problem solved. :p 
[03:36] <Pacman87> seaside visits the wiki
[03:36] <Pacman87> 
[03:36] <Impossibubbles> that's not the problem, rus
[03:36] <Pacman87> every 1-2 years
[03:36] <Impossibubbles> it messes up the lists that we use to edit
[03:36] <HyperFlash Studios> We aren't deleting a page, Rus
[03:36] <HyperFlash Studios> We're removing a category :P 
[03:36] <RusMan> Oh :p 
[03:36] <Pacman87> Don't remove seaside or be removed
[03:36] <RusMan> ^
[03:36] <RusMan> :p 
[03:36] <HyperFlash Studios> :{P 
[03:37] <Impossibubbles> But to remove the category we may have to edit the profile to remove the template
[03:37] <Impossibubbles> and that's what I don't know if we're allowed to do
[03:38] <HyperFlash Studios> Ok that didn't work (derp) 
[03:38] <Impossibubbles> yeah 
[03:38] <Impossibubbles> I tried a long time ago
[03:38] <HyperFlash Studios> oh duh
[03:38] <SamanthaNguyen1116> i can try to help if you want
[03:38] <Impossibubbles> Sure, sam
[03:38] <SamanthaNguyen1116> just give me an example user page with the template :P 
[03:39] <Impossibubbles> I dunno what you can do tho
[03:39] <SamanthaNguyen1116> well i've worked with the back-end and front-end of mediawiki software :P 
[03:39] <Marshal6000> [[User blog:Marshal6000/2 (explained)]]
[03:39] <SamanthaNguyen1116> you're just trying to remove the template along with the category, right?
[03:40] <HyperFlash Studios> Yes 
[03:40] <HyperFlash Studios> I think I just did it tho
[03:40] <SamanthaNguyen1116> yeah, you did
[03:41] <SamanthaNguyen1116> both of you should be good
[03:41] <Impossibubbles> alrighty
[03:41] <SamanthaNguyen1116> if it still appears after it's probably cache
[03:41] <SamanthaNguyen1116> you just have to refresh 
[03:41] <Pacman87> i like puppies!
[03:41] <HyperFlash Studios> AP :{P 
[03:41] <AmazingPythor> Hyoer :{P 
[03:41] <HyperFlash Studios> :{P 
[03:42] <Impossibubbles> Ale o/ 
[03:42] <HyperFlash Studios> Ale? (Derp) 
[03:42] <Impossibubbles> AP
[03:42] <Impossibubbles> sigh
[03:42] <SamanthaNguyen1116> (derp) 
[03:42] <Impossibubbles> I'm tired, okay xD
[03:42] <HyperFlash Studios> lol
[03:42] <SamanthaNguyen1116> it's okay xD
[03:42] <AmazingPythor> MC \o 
[03:42] <Impossibubbles> How were the episodes, AP?
[03:43] <AmazingPythor> Slappy has grown on me, MC
[03:43] <Impossibubbles> OI
[03:43] <HyperFlash Studios> :P 
[03:45] <AmazingPythor> Also the Pinky and the Brain skit was good
[03:45] <AmazingPythor> The one where they go to freeze all the world leaders
[03:45] <Impossibubbles> Yeah xD
[03:46] <AmazingPythor> Also
[03:46] <AmazingPythor> What nurse wears heels on the job
[03:47] <Impossibubbles> hello nurse does apparently
[03:47] <AmazingPythor> I liked the one with the piano concert
[03:47] <Impossibubbles> Yes xD
[03:48] <Impossibubbles> That one was good :P 
[03:48] <AmazingPythor> The performer amused me
[03:48] <AmazingPythor> "Only those with an ear for music can appreciate the true depth of this masterpiece"
[03:50] <Impossibubbles> I think episode 12 is one of my all-time favorites
[03:50] <Impossibubbles> that's the one where they mess with death
[03:50] <Impossibubbles> :P 
[03:50] <AmazingPythor> Slappy's breaking the fourth wall is the best
[03:50] <AmazingPythor> lol
[03:50] <AmazingPythor> "Quick, dissolve into the next scene!"
[03:50] <AmazingPythor> "Enough with the gratuitous cameos"
[03:51] <AmazingPythor> Oh yeah so Hype
[03:52] <HyperFlash Studios> Hmm?
[03:52] <AmazingPythor> Just a reminder that I'll be gone from the 4th to the 7th
[03:52] <Impossibubbles> there's a funny episode where Slappy is supposed to be messing with characters who are obviously supposed to be like ebert and roeper :P 
[03:52] <HyperFlash Studios> Ah, right
[03:52] <AmazingPythor> Oh reminds me
[03:53] <AmazingPythor> In that dinner party episode
[03:53] <Impossibubbles> yes?
[03:53] <AmazingPythor> I lost track of all the cameos
[03:53] <AmazingPythor> But did they seriously reference Wayne's World
[03:53] <Impossibubbles> Yes xD
[03:53] <AmazingPythor> I also like the Casablanca reference in like the first second of the show
[03:54] <AmazingPythor> Where they explain the origins of the Animaniacs
[03:54] <Impossibubbles> yeah :P 
[03:54] <HyperFlash Studios> wat
[03:55] <RusMan> What, Keps? :p 
[03:55] <AmazingPythor> Anyways I didn't know this show took place at a film studio
[03:55] <AmazingPythor> So that certainly appeals to me
[03:55] <Impossibubbles> It's warner brother's studios ofc :P 
[03:56] <AmazingPythor> CGI in 80s music videos is my favorite thing
[03:56] <HyperFlash Studios> [[Template:Rating]]
[03:57] <HyperFlash Studios> Is there an image for [[Paulgoodman777/Archive]] by any chance?
[03:57] <AmazingPythor>
[03:58] <HyperFlash Studios> What
[03:58] <Impossibubbles> I make archive pics
[03:58] <Impossibubbles> I'll make one
[03:59] <HyperFlash Studios> I'm just going through various categories and seeing if anything can be fixed :P 
[04:00] <AmazingPythor> Tfw only version of French silent film on YT has no subtitles
[04:01] <HyperFlash Studios> Does anyone know why a bunch of moderators were promoted in September 2014?
[04:01] <HyperFlash Studios> I would assume not if there's not an article about it
[04:01] <AmazingPythor> It's one of the world's greatest mysteries. 
[04:02] <SamanthaNguyen1116> maybe they were running low on workers
[04:02] <Pacman87> hey ap physics
[04:02] <AmazingPythor> What is a Pacman doing here
[04:03] <Pacman87> Wow
[04:03] <Pacman87> rude
[04:03] <Pacman87> im going to go leave now
[04:03] <Pacman87> (crying) 
[04:03] <AmazingPythor> kden
[04:04] <AmazingPythor> And my dog is on my bed again okay
[04:04] <Keplers> What, LMB mods, Hype?
[04:04] <Keplers> Probably 'cause LEGO wanted to hire new moderators
[04:04] <HyperFlash Studios> Why is the Active category hidden but not inactive...? :P 
[04:04] <Keplers> Who even cares
[04:04] <HyperFlash Studios> I was just curious
[04:06] <Impossibubbles> I was wondering the same thing
[04:06] <Romaniandude12> hyper
[04:06] <Romaniandude12> marsh
[04:06] <AmazingPythor> Ew that jump cut though
[04:06] <Romaniandude12> theres alot of people on the server
[04:06] <Romaniandude12> yall should join in
[04:06] <Impossibubbles> I tried looking at the template but couldn't figure it out
[04:06] <Marshal6000> how many.
[04:06] <Romaniandude12> 4
[04:07] <HyperFlash Studios> >inb4 Rom is the only one on
[04:07] <Marshal6000> because i was going to go to bed soon.
[04:07] <Romaniandude12> mish, paccy, lf, and me
[04:07] <Marshal6000> i guess i can get on for an hour or so though.
[04:07] <SamanthaNguyen1116> what template, bubbles?
[04:07] <Impossibubbles> the user template
[04:07] <SamanthaNguyen1116> i can try to help but I have to go to bed soon
[04:07] <Impossibubbles> it's hiding the active category on the articles
[04:07] <HyperFlash Studios> Oh Rom wasn't kidding
[04:07] <AmazingPythor> Wow
[04:07] <SamanthaNguyen1116> ah 1 sec
[04:07] <HyperFlash Studios> Actually
[04:08] <HyperFlash Studios> That's on the category itself
[04:08] <AmazingPythor> I didn't know it was possible for a 15 pound dog to take up so much invaluable bed space
[04:08] <SamanthaNguyen1116> I'll remove it if you want me to :P 
[04:08] <HyperFlash Studios> Too late
[04:08] <HyperFlash Studios> :{P 
[04:08] <SamanthaNguyen1116> mk :P 
[04:10] <HyperFlash Studios> Oh goodness
[04:10] <HyperFlash Studios> I was looking at the Unsourced Articles category
[04:10] <HyperFlash Studios> [[User:Obi the LEGO Fan/ArticleFormat]]
[04:12] <SamanthaNguyen1116> hmm is there going to be an admin online soon?
[04:12] <HyperFlash Studios> Well there's a slight chance Ava, Swipe or Rio could get on but their activity is rather random
[04:13] <RusMan> I miss Rio. ;~;
[04:13] <SamanthaNguyen1116> I need someone to delete my old userpages along with sub-userpages, which are at and
[04:14] <SamanthaNguyen1116> Hmm okay
[04:14] <HyperFlash Studios> I can delete whatever non-mediawiki pages there are :P 
[04:14] <HyperFlash Studios> If you want :P 
[04:15] <SamanthaNguyen1116> wait you're a content moderator right
[04:15] <HyperFlash Studios> Yes
[04:15] <SamanthaNguyen1116> I don't keep up with Wikia's custom user rights :P 
[04:15] <SamanthaNguyen1116> Coolbeans
[04:15] <SamanthaNguyen1116> Yeah just delete those pages listed in both of the links please 
[04:15] <HyperFlash Studios> I technically have every local right below administrator level :P 
[04:16] <SamanthaNguyen1116> ah :P 
[04:17] <HyperFlash Studios> Of course it won't let me delete the actual mediawiki pages (derp) 
[04:17] <SamanthaNguyen1116> ofc
[04:18] <HyperFlash Studios> And your "Codyn" page is the default one, though I can blank it if you want
[04:18] <SamanthaNguyen1116> yes please, thanks :P 
[04:18] <SamanthaNguyen1116> o/ 
[04:20] <HyperFlash Studios> Anything else?
[04:20] <SamanthaNguyen1116> Nope, don't think so
[04:20] <HyperFlash Studios> Aigh
[04:20] <SamanthaNguyen1116> thanks
[04:20] <HyperFlash Studios> *aight
[04:20] <HyperFlash Studios> np
[04:25] <AmazingPythor>
[04:29] <Impossibubbles> [[Paulgoodman777/Archive]] better, hype?
[04:30] <HyperFlash Studios> Yes, thanks :P 
[04:30] <Impossibubbles> np
[04:30] <Impossibubbles> those are a pain in the butt to make xD
[04:34] <Impossibubbles> o/ 
[04:35] <AmazingPythor> Why is there a goat on the table
[04:35] <SamanthaNguyen1116> gonna go sleep now
[04:35] <HyperFlash Studios> \o 
[04:35] <SamanthaNguyen1116> cya folks o/ 
[04:36] <AmazingPythor> \o 
[04:36] <Impossibubbles> o/ 
[04:37] <GandalftheWizard> o/ 
[04:37] <HyperFlash Studios> o/ 
[04:39] <GandalftheWizard> "Knowledge is knowing Frankenstein is not the Monster. Wisdom is knowing Frankenstein is the monster." That's suprisingly prfound, actually...
[04:39] <AmazingPythor> >silent French film with Spanish subtitles 
[04:39] <AmazingPythor> Helpful. 
[04:39] <Impossibubbles> When is star wars rebels season 3 gonna start ;~:
[04:39] <Impossibubbles> I'm dying
[04:40] <GandalftheWizard> in your dreams
[04:40] <GandalftheWizard> so go tosleep xD
[04:40] <Impossibubbles> NEVRER
[04:40] <Impossibubbles> NEVER
[04:40] <GandalftheWizard> (shrug) your loss
[04:40] <AmazingPythor> >accidentally closes tab with silent film for the second time
[04:40] <GandalftheWizard> xD
[04:40] <GandalftheWizard> hey rus o/ 
[04:41] <Impossibubbles> ap u pleb
[04:41] <AmazingPythor> I'm not a- Wait according to Urban Dictionary I am
[04:41] <AmazingPythor> ;~;
[04:41] <Impossibubbles> :[[]]D
[04:42] <AmazingPythor> You know you have dedication when you change definitions of things just to be right
[04:42] <Impossibubbles> I am nothing if not dedicated 
[04:42] <Impossibubbles> *SCREAM*
[04:43] <AmazingPythor> wat
[04:43] <Impossibubbles> Season 3 episode 1 was already released and I can't find it anywhere
[04:43] <Impossibubbles> I HATE everything
[04:43] <AmazingPythor> Is it on Netflix
[04:43] <Impossibubbles> no ;~;
[04:43] <RusMan> We should try and watch a movie together sometime @everyone, just to see how it goes. :p 
[04:43] <AmazingPythor> Ha
[04:44] <AmazingPythor> We should all watch Les Vampires :[[]]D
[04:44] <Impossibubbles> no
[04:44] <RusMan> I still have never seen Titanic. (Derp7) 
[04:44] <AmazingPythor> Same.
[04:44] <Impossibubbles> I don't want to
[04:44] <RusMan> Even though I love everything about the actual Titanic and its sinking :p 
[04:44] <Impossibubbles> it seems stupid
[04:45] <RusMan> The idea or the movie?
[04:45] <AmazingPythor> I've heard it's pretty mediocre
[04:45] <Impossibubbles> >love mass tragedy and death
[04:45] <AmazingPythor> I have to see it eventually though
[04:45] <Impossibubbles> I will never see it
[04:45] <AmazingPythor> Because 1001 movies to see before you die
[04:45] <Impossibubbles> Because I'm stubborn like that
[04:45] <Impossibubbles> so
[04:45] <Impossibubbles> I'll probably see it
[04:45] <RusMan> Well that was more of a joke suggestion. :p 
[04:45] <Impossibubbles> someday
[04:46] <AmazingPythor> lol
[04:46] <Impossibubbles> the first episode of downtown abbey takes place the day after the sinking of the titanic
[04:46] <AmazingPythor> Can we do this either tomorrow night or after the 7th plz
[04:46] <RusMan> Lol yeah it's fine :0 
[04:47] <Impossibubbles> let's watch deadpool
[04:47] <AmazingPythor> Let's watch Birth of a Nation
[04:47] <RusMan> I also still have yet to see 300. :p 
[04:48] <Impossibubbles> ah yes
[04:48] <AmazingPythor> Same.
[04:47] <RusMan> I also still have yet to see 300. :p 
[04:48] <Impossibubbles> ah yes
[04:48] <AmazingPythor> Same.
[04:48] <Impossibubbles> leonidas: from the scottish part of grease 
[04:48] <Impossibubbles> ew
[04:48] <Impossibubbles> no
[04:48] <AmazingPythor> Still need to see the Godfather
[04:48] <Impossibubbles> spelling
[04:48] <Impossibubbles> Greece 
[04:48] <Impossibubbles> jesus
[04:49] <AmazingPythor> ancient grease
[04:49] <Impossibubbles> anyway
[04:49] <Impossibubbles> I didn't see 300
[04:49] <Impossibubbles> but I saw the second one for some reason
[04:49] <AmazingPythor> I don't know about you guys
[04:49] <AmazingPythor> But I really want to visit Spane one day :) 
[04:49] <Impossibubbles> You suck
[04:50] <Impossibubbles> hi gand o/ 
[04:50] <AmazingPythor> I am aware.
[04:50] <GandalftheWizard> hi again bubblybubbles
[04:50] <RusMan> Spane or Spain? :p 
[04:51] <AmazingPythor> I was parodying Bubbles of the Impossible variety's pathetic excuse for spelling :P 
[04:51] <Impossibubbles> SHUSHSUHSHU
[04:51] <HyperFlash Studios> What's a "SHUSHSHUSHU"
[04:51] <RusMan> Sushi? (Derp) 
[04:51] <AmazingPythor> Main is my favorite state
[04:52] <HyperFlash Studios> The state
[04:53] <HyperFlash Studios> of main chat
[04:53] <HyperFlash Studios> Coming soon to a theater nowhere
[04:53] <AmazingPythor> lol
[04:53] <AmazingPythor> So apparently
[04:53] <Impossibubbles> yes?
[04:53] <AmazingPythor> Ice Age 5 is bad
[04:53] <AmazingPythor> Like
[04:54] <AmazingPythor> Really bad
[04:54] <Impossibubbles> um
[04:54] <AmazingPythor> Like
[04:54] <Impossibubbles> yeah
[04:54] <Impossibubbles> did you expect it to not be?
[04:54] <AmazingPythor> Worse than mediocre kids movie bad
[04:54] <Impossibubbles> oh god
[04:54] <AmazingPythor> I expected it to be bad, but not Transformers-level bad
[04:54] <AmazingPythor> 11% on RT
[04:54] <HyperFlash Studios> I'm not really surprised
[04:54] <Impossibubbles> they should have quit while they were ahead. I found ice age 4 acceptable 
[04:54] <HyperFlash Studios> I mean
[04:54] <AmazingPythor> Ice Age 4 was pretty okay
[04:54] <HyperFlash Studios> Ice age /5/
[04:54] <HyperFlash Studios> /5/
[04:54] <RusMan> I like the first two the most
[04:54] <HyperFlash Studios> That's a lot of movies
[04:55] <Impossibubbles> I didn't actually like the first one
[04:55] <AmazingPythor> But Ice Age 5 has Neil Degrasse Tyson so I'm obligated to see it
[04:55] <Impossibubbles> and you tease me for my taste in bad movies
[04:55] <Impossibubbles> I'm not even wasting my time like that
[04:55] <AmazingPythor> >The Room
[04:55] <Impossibubbles> But the room is so bad it's actually funny
[04:55] <Impossibubbles> I'm pretty sure ice age will just be dull
[04:55] <RusMan> Per Bubbles :p 
[04:56] <EtherealSpirit> Hola! ^u^ o/ 
[04:56] <AmazingPythor> But Bubbles
[04:56] <AmazingPythor> Neil Degrasse Tyson
[04:56] <AmazingPythor> I have an excuse
[04:56] <HyperFlash Studios> Hi Varn
[04:56] <Impossibubbles> not even he can save this movie
[04:56] <EtherealSpirit> Hey Hype ;D 
[04:56] <EtherealSpirit> GANDY! ^u^ o/ 
[04:56] <AmazingPythor> "That's not what I call the garden of eden (wo) "
[04:56] <Impossibubbles> do you really want you image of him to be crushed by a horrible movie/
[04:56] <Impossibubbles> ?
[04:56] <Impossibubbles> *your
[04:58] <AmazingPythor> Just a little bit
[04:58] <Impossibubbles> just a bit
[04:59] <Impossibubbles> So
[04:59] <AmazingPythor> In all seriousness if anything I'll just pirate the movie a few months later lol
[04:59] <Impossibubbles> I'm convinced that
[05:00] <Impossibubbles> the room is just a self fanfic this guy wrote so he could live his fantasy
[05:00] <AmazingPythor> A fantasy that ends with suicide
[05:00] <EtherealSpirit> Yes, my summon worked. &gt;:D 
[05:00] <AmazingPythor> He sounds rather disturbed 
[05:00] <GandalftheWizard> According to a random test online, i'd have a 99% chance of winning the hunger games. Cool.:p
[05:00] <EtherealSpirit> XD
[05:01] <EtherealSpirit> WB Hype o/ 
[05:01] <HyperFlash Studios> thx
[05:01] <Impossibubbles> he gets to be overly dramatic, ap
[05:01] <AmazingPythor> You're TEARING ME APART LISA!!! ;~;
[05:01] <Impossibubbles> and a martyr 
[05:01] <Impossibubbles> look, I can spell
[05:02] <AmazingPythor> good job
[05:02] <AmazingPythor> This is the best part of the film right here
[05:02] <Impossibubbles> I must say the sex scenes were the worst part
[05:02] <AmazingPythor> "We should put random photos of spoons as props"
[05:03] <Impossibubbles> I don't want to watch two people get it on. Especially two unattractive people
[05:03] <Impossibubbles> it's artsy, ap (as) 
[05:03] <HyperFlash Studios> AP are those spoons-
[05:03] <AmazingPythor> They're also overly drawn out iirc
[05:03] <Impossibubbles> yes
[05:03] <Impossibubbles> and at the beginning
[05:03] <AmazingPythor> And like, they never actually have sex on camera
[05:03] <Impossibubbles> we get to see a full on shot of the guy's butt
[05:03] <Impossibubbles> something I never wanted to see
[05:03] <AmazingPythor> (D:) Forgot about that
[05:04] <Impossibubbles> And I cannot stress enough how unattractive he is (derp) 
[05:04] <Impossibubbles> he also looks like a scarred drug addict 
[05:04] <AmazingPythor> But Tommy Wiseau is practically a bodybuilder
[05:04] <AmazingPythor>
[05:04] <Impossibubbles> But he's so ugly
[05:04] <AmazingPythor> He's athletic too :[[]]D
[05:05] <Impossibubbles> But fugly 
[05:05] <AmazingPythor> fugly
[05:05] <HyperFlash Studios> Is there anything that can be done with these? :P [[Abevans]] [[BrandiBoy]] [[Codescan]]
[05:05] <Impossibubbles> fugly is a word
[05:05] <Impossibubbles> look it up
[05:05] <AmazingPythor> First thing I came up with was a Hindi word
[05:05] <AmazingPythor> Oh
[05:05] <Impossibubbles> it just means really ugly xD
[05:06] <Impossibubbles> also
[05:06] <Impossibubbles> "I just like to watch you guys" best line ever
[05:06] <AmazingPythor> His acting more than makes up for it though
[05:06] <AmazingPythor> ;[[]])
[05:06] <Impossibubbles> coming from a KID
[05:06] <RusMan> Time to watch Grave Encounters. :p 
[05:06] <AmazingPythor> Isn't the kid also a drug addict
[05:06] <Impossibubbles> yes
[05:07] <Impossibubbles> voyeur and drug addict 
[05:07] <Impossibubbles> a great combination 
[05:07] <AmazingPythor> ohai mark
[05:07] <Impossibubbles> wot
[05:08] <AmazingPythor> I did not hit her I did not
[05:08] <AmazingPythor> Oh hi Mark
[05:08] <Impossibubbles> Oh xDDDD
[05:09] <Impossibubbles> it was like awkwardly cut together too
[05:09] <Impossibubbles> like it says it so quickly
[05:09] <Impossibubbles> also
[05:09] <Impossibubbles> I don't blame her for not wanting him
[05:09] <Impossibubbles> also
[05:09] <AmazingPythor> The best is the scene in the pet shop
[05:09] <Impossibubbles> I blame the other guy for getting with such a fugly lady
[05:10] <AmazingPythor> yeah can I have a dozen red roses plz
[05:10] <AmazingPythor> ohai johnny i didn't know it was you
[05:10] <AmazingPythor> here you go
[05:10] <AmazingPythor> that's me :[[]]D
[05:10] <Impossibubbles> like how can you not know it was him tho
[05:10] <HyperFlash Studios> What's the movie called again? :P 
[05:10] <Impossibubbles> the room
[05:10] <AmazingPythor> How much is it
[05:10] <AmazingPythor> 18.59
[05:11] <AmazingPythor> here you go keep the change goodbye hi doggt
[05:11] <AmazingPythor> doggy
[05:11] <Impossibubbles> xDDDD
[05:11] <Impossibubbles> I love how he's so deadpan
[05:11] <HyperFlash Studios> lol
[05:11] <HyperFlash Studios> [[LMBW:MoS]]
[05:11] <Impossibubbles> I can't do a good impression over text ;~;
[05:12] <Impossibubbles> everyone's in bed
[05:12] <HyperFlash Studios> >Topic Articles
[05:12] <HyperFlash Studios> Format: <span style="font-style:italic;">Format rules to follow.</span>
[05:12] <Impossibubbles> I'm gonna do a spreaker
[05:12] <Impossibubbles> at midnight, yes
[05:12] <AmazingPythor> Well
[05:12] <HyperFlash Studios> ooh
[05:12] <AmazingPythor> I kinda need to get up early tomorrow but screw it
[05:12] <Impossibubbles> and I'll read you an inappropriate bedtime story
[05:12] <AmazingPythor> I'm gonna pull a Bubbles
[05:12] <Impossibubbles> (as) 
[05:12] <AmazingPythor> Is that the one you recommended I read
[05:13] <Impossibubbles> Yes
[05:13] <Impossibubbles> I have the PDF bookmarked and everything :[[]]D
[05:13] <Impossibubbles> but I also can't link in main, so xD
[05:14] <AmazingPythor> Wow that's sad
[05:14] <AmazingPythor> >Has two spongebob memes bookmarked
[05:14] <Impossibubbles> pfft
[05:15] <AmazingPythor> Also one robocop meme
[05:15] <Impossibubbles> okay let's see if I can get this to work
[05:15] <Impossibubbles> I think you may be my only listener, AP :P 
[05:16] <AmazingPythor> Perhaps, please be efficient considering I have places to be tomorrow morning. (derp) 
[05:16] <GandalftheWizard> I'll listen to you, bubbles :P 
[05:16] <Impossibubbles> Well, PM for link, I shall swear
[05:16] <AmazingPythor> I think I've only heard your voice for like one sentence
[05:17] <AmazingPythor> But of course.
[05:17] <Slicer Vorzakh> just post it in main no one would mind
[05:17] <Impossibubbles> okay :P 
[05:17] <Impossibubbles>
[05:17] <EtherealSpirit> SPREAKER!
[05:17] <Impossibubbles> tell me if it's working
[05:17] <EtherealSpirit> I'm listening XD
[05:17] <Impossibubbles> just a warning, I will swear
[05:17] <Impossibubbles> :P 
[05:17] <GandalftheWizard> just asec
[05:17] <AmazingPythor> It appears to be working.
[05:17] <EtherealSpirit> Works (y) 
[05:17] <AmazingPythor> My dog is now subject to your voice.
[05:18] <AmazingPythor> You mean you don't talk to yourself
[05:18] <EtherealSpirit> Your voice is nice ;p 
[05:18] <AmazingPythor> What kind of an existence is that
[05:18] <EtherealSpirit> XD
[05:19] <AmazingPythor> And you make fun of me for butchering pronunciations of 18th century philosophy
[05:19] <EtherealSpirit> This is good XD
[05:19] <Slicer Vorzakh> i need to give this to my dad to read to my sister
[05:20] <GandalftheWizard> nooo i can't listen to bubble's beautidul voice becuz me device doesn't support flash
[05:20] <GandalftheWizard> dammit
[05:20] <EtherealSpirit> Aww
[05:20] <AmazingPythor> Ha
[05:20] <GandalftheWizard> poor me
[05:21] <EtherealSpirit> She's pitying you
[05:21] <HyperFlash Studios> I'd listen but my earbuds all are broken
[05:21] <Slicer Vorzakh> don't listen hype
[05:21] <Slicer Vorzakh> you'd get a hear attack
[05:21] <EtherealSpirit> XD
[05:21] <HyperFlash Studios> wat
[05:21] <AmazingPythor> More like sympathizing, I had an excuse considering I was reading James Madison and not this nonsense
[05:21] <Slicer Vorzakh> i meant to say heart but what I said works more
[05:21] <EtherealSpirit> XDXDXD
[05:21] <HyperFlash Studios> Good grief :P 
[05:21] <EtherealSpirit> Pangolins? ;p 
[05:22] <AmazingPythor> Charming.
[05:22] <EtherealSpirit> Awesome (clap) 
[05:22] <EtherealSpirit> Heheh XD
[05:23] <Slicer Vorzakh> it's like an aardvark sloth
[05:23] <HyperFlash Studios> I feel left out ;-;
[05:23] <EtherealSpirit> Thankis
[05:23] <HyperFlash Studios> I'm going to bed
[05:55] <HyperFlash Studios> I'm confused
[05:55] <GandalftheWizard> xD so am i
[05:55] <RusMan> Wow rome
[05:55] <Romaniandude12> what
[05:55] <EtherealSpirit> c:
[05:55] <RusMan> :p 
[05:55] <Romaniandude12> it's true
[05:55] <Romaniandude12> (derp) 
[05:56] <EtherealSpirit> Or maybe I'm a chicken nugget c:
[05:56] <Romaniandude12> no can do
[05:56] <Romaniandude12> chicken nuggets are made with white meat too
[05:56] <Romaniandude12> you could be a chicken leg
[05:56] <GandalftheWizard> chicken legs are dark meat
[05:56] <EtherealSpirit> Hmmm
[05:56] <Romaniandude12> exactly
[05:57] <EtherealSpirit> TSA o/ 
[05:57] <HyperFlash Studios> Hi Shadow
[05:57] <GandalftheWizard> varn isn't black
[05:57] <EtherealSpirit> XDDDD
[05:57] <Nart L. Chipikal> airport security o/ 
[05:57] <GandalftheWizard> o/ 
[05:57] <TheShadowAssassin> By the way, Hyper, I talked to Pi. He hasn't gotten back to me, but he says he's kind of doing okay
[05:57] <Romaniandude12> dark =/= black
[05:57] <Romaniandude12> xD
[05:57] <TheShadowAssassin> He's moving into his own dorm soon
[05:57] <EtherealSpirit> XP
[05:57] <Nart L. Chipikal> oh yeah o:
[05:57] <HyperFlash Studios> Thanks, that means a lot
[05:57] <GandalftheWizard> close enough, rome
[05:57] <TheShadowAssassin> Yeah
[05:57] <EtherealSpirit> I think I'm caramel creme then
[05:57] <TheShadowAssassin> It says he was last seen not too long ago, but he won't answer my message lol
[05:57] <Keplers> Looking at your skin color I'd agree, Eth
[05:58] <EtherealSpirit> =) (y) 
[05:58] <Romaniandude12> sweet and soft, varn? (derp) 
[05:58] <HyperFlash Studios> Lol
[05:58] <EtherealSpirit> Whaaaaaat XD
[05:58] <Romaniandude12> caramel creme is sweet and soft
[05:58] <Romaniandude12> (Derp3) 
[05:58] <TheShadowAssassin> Anyway, just thought I'd let you know
[05:58] <EtherealSpirit> (derp3) 
[05:58] <TheShadowAssassin> Byebye
[05:58] <EtherealSpirit> Bye o/ 
[05:58] <Keplers> go away apple
[05:58] <HyperFlash Studios> Well as long as I know he's /ok/ at least, I'll survive (derp) 
[05:58] <EtherealSpirit> Take care, have a great night ;D 
[05:58] <Keplers> nobody liked you since 2012
[05:58] <Romaniandude12> and brownish gold (derp3) 
[05:58] <HyperFlash Studios> Bye Shadow
[05:59] <EtherealSpirit> I'm golden in colour (:3) 
[05:59] <Romaniandude12> shiny 
[05:59] <GandalftheWizard> 'varn is shiny'
[05:59] <EtherealSpirit> It's a weird colour TBH
[05:59] <EtherealSpirit> XD
[06:00] <GandalftheWizard> not my first thought, but ok xD
[06:00] <Romaniandude12> she does glow though
[06:00] <EtherealSpirit> I've got shiny skin too
[06:00] <Romaniandude12> ew
[06:00] <EtherealSpirit> I do glow ;p True ;p 
[06:00] <Romaniandude12> take a bath and clean your oily skin D:
[06:00] <EtherealSpirit> WTH XD
[06:00] <EtherealSpirit> It's not oil ;p 
[06:00] <EtherealSpirit> It's my skin XD
[06:00] <Keplers> ...
[06:00] <Romaniandude12> you said it was shinyyyy
[06:00] <Keplers> welp
[06:00] <GandalftheWizard> it's the inner goodness radiating out of varn
[06:00] <EtherealSpirit> (ws) 
[06:01] <HyperFlash Studios> Uh
[06:01] <HyperFlash Studios> Whay
[06:01] <Keplers> MAYBE SHE'S MADE OF GOLD (DERP2) 
[06:01] <HyperFlash Studios> *what
[06:01] <EtherealSpirit> XD
[06:01] <GandalftheWizard> not true xD
[06:01] <HyperFlash Studios> Why
[06:01] <HyperFlash Studios> You know what
[06:01] <EtherealSpirit> Varnika means gold in an Indian language ;p 
[06:01] <HyperFlash Studios> I'm not going to bother (derp) 
[06:01] <EtherealSpirit> In other, it means colourful XD
[06:01] <Romaniandude12> Hindi? (as) 
[06:01] <HyperFlash Studios> Goodnight
[06:01] <EtherealSpirit> Nope (as) 
[06:01] <Romaniandude12> (as) 
[06:01] <GandalftheWizard> bye hype o/ 
[02:08] <HyperFlash Studios> Yo
[02:08] <Legoanimals750> o/ 
[02:08] <Skully Of House Lannister> Nothing much :p 
[02:09] <Skully Of House Lannister> And yes I am Skul :p 
[02:09] <Verrack333> Well...I just joined yesterday.
[02:09] <Skully Of House Lannister> That explains why I had not seen you before. :P 
[02:09] <Skully Of House Lannister> brb
[02:09] <Verrack333> How come you aren't on the MBs but on here? :P 
[02:09] <Verrack333> yep it does XD
[02:10] <Ked830> lmbw > MBs
[02:11] <Legoanimals750> Hi Ava o/ 
[02:11] <Verrack333> o/ 
[02:11] <Ked830> HOI ava
[02:11] <Avalair> It makes me happy that you're here Verrack :P 
[02:11] <Ked830> And bubbleh
[02:11] <Legoanimals750> o/ 
[02:11] <Verrack333> Danke. :P why would you be happy? :P 
[02:11] <Avalair> ....And I just realized you have no idea who I am (derp) 
[02:11] <Avalair> 
[02:12] <Ked830> Lel
[02:12] <Avalair> [[Firebreather1210]]
[02:12] <Avalair> :P 
[02:12] <Legoanimals750> Good job... :P 
[02:12] <Avalair> You probably dont remember me but I posted in BB/FF with you a looong time ago :P 
[02:12] <HyperFlash Studios> Ava no one remembers you
[02:13] <Avalair> Only the oldiest of oldies ;~;
[02:13] <Verrack333> Oh man that's cool. :P I might remember you. :P Do you remember NXTein1996?
[02:13] <Avalair> Just kidding, no one even remembered me when I was /active/
[02:13] <Avalair> Yeah, I'm friends with Nxt :P 
[02:13] <Legoanimals750> I remember him. :P 
[02:13] <HyperFlash Studios> I talk to NXTein here a lot, Verrack :p 
[02:13] <Skully Of House Lannister> NXT used to be on here... 
[02:13] <Ked830> NXT comes here every once and a while
[02:13] <Skully Of House Lannister> Is he still 
[02:13] <HyperFlash Studios> Well, when he's active :P 
[02:13] <Ked830> Some times
[02:14] <Ked830> Hai Man
[02:14] <HyperFlash Studios> Hello MC :{P 
[02:14] <Avalair> Hi Skul
[02:14] <Verrack333> He was one of my best friends on here, but he went inactive last year. I know he's on here, so I'll try to contact him. :P 
[02:15] <Verrack333> well better get going. cya o/ 
[02:15] <HyperFlash Studios> \o 
[02:15] <Ked830> Baii
[02:16] <LBTB3> o/ 
[02:16] <Avalair> Im pretty sure I just opened my computer up to 2826 viruses
[02:16] <Legoanimals750> o/ 
[02:16] <Legoanimals750> Better get rid of them. :P 
[02:16] <Ked830> why would you do that Ava 
[02:16] <Avalair> I was watching Steven Universe illegally ;~;
[02:16] <Ked830> o
[02:17] <HyperFlash Studios> The only reason I remember Ava on the MBs is because I used to look at nearly every forum
[02:17] <HyperFlash Studios> (derp) 
[02:17] <Avalair> Did you read my hellish stories :P 
[02:17] <HyperFlash Studios> Some of them
[02:17] <HyperFlash Studios> :{P 
[02:17] <Legoanimals750> I was in BB at the same time he was so Ha! :P 
[02:17] <Avalair> Webby remembered me when he joined :P 
[02:17] <Avalair> Then again I was still active on the MBs (derp) 
[02:18] <Ked830> That helps
[02:18] <Alemas2005> Ah, Ava, hi.
[02:18] <Avalair> Hi Alemas
[02:18] <Legoanimals750> I remember getting you and Ara mixed up at first though. :P 
[02:22] <HyperFlash Studios> Web do you remember my stories in the LOCO forum? 
[02:22] <HyperFlash Studios> And how awful they were? (derp) 
[02:23] <Legoanimals750> Uhh, I forgot if i read them or not tbh. :P 
[02:23] <HyperFlash Studios> I know you read at least one of them because your character was in it (yk) :P 
[02:24] <Legoanimals750> Really? I don't remember that. :P 
[02:24] <Ked830> Lel
[02:25] <Ked830> oh Man are you there
[02:25] <Ked830> you had asked me a question yesterday that I didn't get to answer
[02:25] <Ked830> Maaaaaaan
[02:26] <Ked830> hai wal
[02:26] <HyperFlash Studios> Hi Wal
[02:27] <LBTB3> It's a walruse!
[02:28] <Ked830> Brb
[02:29] <LBTB3> Next time they shine your light in the sky
[02:29] <LBTB3> Don't go to it
[02:29] <LBTB3> The bat is dead
[02:29] <LBTB3> Bury it
[02:29] <Legoanimals750> What?
[02:30] <LBTB3> Consider this mercy
[02:30] <Majolo9050> yo people o/ 
[02:31] <LBTB3> Yo
[02:31] <LBTB3> Ahoy ahoy!
[02:32] <LBTB3> I was raised on a farm. I know how to wrestle a pig.
[02:33] <HyperFlash Studios> Ava
[02:33] <Avalair> Hi :P 
[02:33] <HyperFlash Studios> Are you still planning that editing contest
[02:33] <Avalair> Ah, LBTB3, welcome to the LEGO Message Boards Wiki
[02:33] <LBTB3> Thanks
[02:34] <Avalair> [[User blog:Avalair/Bringing something back]] @Hyper
[02:34] <Avalair> We got 16 no votes.... :P 
[02:35] <LBTB3> You were never a god
[02:35] <LBTB3> You were never even a man
[02:35] <HyperFlash Studios> Ava polls never matter anyway
[02:36] <HyperFlash Studios> :P 
[02:36] <LBTB3> If I wanted it, you'd be dead already
[02:36] <Avalair> Hmph, true :P 
[02:36] <Avalair> I would love to hold it
[02:36] <Ked830> Maaaaaan hai
[02:36] <Avalair> How often does the community corner thing update?
[02:36] <Man.city1> *eats ked*
[02:36] <Legoanimals750> We all know Bubbles would mostly likely win though. :P 
[02:36] <Ked830> yyyyyy
[02:37] <Man.city1> izzy vs ale in an editing contest :{p 
[02:38] <HyperFlash Studios> The special:community, ava? 
[02:38] <Avalair> Yeah
[02:38] <Avalair> cause idk how we'd keep track of edits :P 
[02:38] <HyperFlash Studios> It refreshes every monday morning I think
[02:38] <HyperFlash Studios> Look at editcount beforehand
[02:38] <HyperFlash Studios> :{P 
[02:38] <Avalair> true
[02:38] <Legoanimals750> But it counts Sunday's edits
[02:39] <HyperFlash Studios> No
[02:39] <HyperFlash Studios> Regular editcount
[02:39] <Avalair> [[Special:Editcount]]
[02:39] <LBTB3> Devils don't come from hell beneath us, no, they come from the sky
[02:40] <Avalair> Ok, I'll hold one
[02:40] <Avalair> We'll start it on August 5th
[02:40] <HyperFlash Studios> I wonder who will win
[02:41] <Avalair> We actually have competition (derp) 
[02:41] <Legoanimals750> Either you or Bubbles. :P 
[02:41] <LBTB3> Tell me, do you bleed?
[02:41] <LBTB3> You will.
[02:41] <Avalair> You, Possi, and NG
[02:41] <Avalair> NG hasnt edited in a while but I expect she'll come back :P 
[02:41] <HyperFlash Studios> NG edited yesterday
[02:41] <Avalair> Plot twist: NG is Possi 
[02:41] <Avalair> o:
[02:41] <HyperFlash Studios> She categorized a photo
[02:41] <LBTB3> God vs man
[02:41] <LBTB3> Day vs night
[02:42] <LBTB3> Son of Krypton vs Bat of Gotham
[02:42] <Man.city1> Why don't ppl call bubbles izzy?
[02:42] <Avalair> She doesnt want to be called Izzy
[02:42] <LBTB3> The greatest gladiator battle in history
[02:42] <Avalair> she hates that name :P 
[02:42] <Man.city1> meh 
[02:42] <HyperFlash Studios> It's a personal request 
[02:42] <Legoanimals750> NG made 4 edits this week. :P 
[02:42] <Avalair> So she is Impossibubbles now
[02:43] <Man.city1> whatever floats her boat :p 
[02:43] <Avalair> speaking of personal requests pertaining to names
[02:43] <Avalair> Has nya been on recently? :P 
[02:43] <LBTB3> The red capes are coming
[02:43] <Legoanimals750> Not really
[02:43] <LBTB3> The red capes are coming!
[02:43] <Avalair> Hm, okay
[02:43] <HyperFlash Studios> A couple days ago
[02:43] <HyperFlash Studios> Why
[02:44] <HyperFlash Studios> Also [[User blog:HyperFlash Studios/Post your desktops -the (wait, what edition is this%3F)|User blog:HyperFlash Studios/Post your desktops -the (wait, what edition is this?)]]
[02:44] <Avalair> I'm not posting mine
[02:44] <Avalair> My desktop background is a picture of me and 4 other people :P 
[02:44] <Legoanimals750> Yeah, bad idea. :P 
[02:44] <Ked830> O
[02:45] <HyperFlash Studios> Ava ur no fun
[02:45] <HyperFlash Studios> D:
[02:45] <Avalair> Although if I posted you probably wouldnt be able to figure out which one is me
[02:45] <Avalair> Well actually I'm in my lumiere costume so you would know which one (derp) 
[02:45] <HyperFlash Studios> I bet I could
[02:46] <HyperFlash Studios> (derp) 
[02:46] <Ked830> your constuuuuuuume
[02:46] <Legoanimals750> You're making us want to see it. :p 
[02:46] <Ked830> speaking of which how is the play going :333
[02:46] <Avalair> Also I'm the only good-looking guy
[02:46] <Avalair> I mean what
[02:46] <Avalair> (derp4) 
[02:47] <Avalair> But my friends wouldnt appreciate me posting pictures of them 
[02:47] <Avalair> (Derp) 
[02:47] <LBTB3> WHY'D YOU SAY THAT NAME???????!!!!!!!!!!!
[02:47] <LBTB3> MARTHA-!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[02:47] <Avalair> Oh I already performed it Ked :p 
[02:47] <Ked830> ...
[02:47] <Ked830> o
[02:47] <HyperFlash Studios> Ava it's quite simple actually
[02:47] <Ked830> kay
[02:47] <HyperFlash Studios> Change your desktop
[02:47] <HyperFlash Studios> Screenshot it
[02:47] <HyperFlash Studios> Thrn change it back
[02:48] <Avalair> It went really well actually
[02:48] <Avalair> I got so many compliments
[02:48] <Avalair> I was recognized at the doctors office by random people
[02:48] <Avalair> (derp) 
[02:48] <LBTB3> Martha martha martha!
[02:48] <Ked830> awwww
[02:48] <Avalair> I felt famous (derp3) 
[02:48] <LBTB3> You're psychotic
[02:48] <Ked830> Avamoose is famoose awwwwwwwwww
[02:48] <Ked830> hehrheeee XD I'm so glad it went welllll
[02:49] <LBTB3> Psychotic is a three syllable word to big for little minds
[02:49] <Legoanimals750> Good for you Ava. :P 
[02:50] <LBTB3> Is she with you?
[02:50] <LBTB3> I thought she was with you
[02:51] <LBTB3> That's how it starts
[02:51] <LBTB3> The anger
[02:51] <LBTB3> The rage
[02:51] <Ked830> It leads to the dark side 
[02:52] <LBTB3> Things that turn good men into bad men 
[02:52] <LBTB3> :o 
[02:52] <LBTB3> Luke, I am your father!!!
[02:52] <LBTB3> Together, we can rule the Galaxy
[02:53] <LBTB3> You underestimate the power of the dark side
[02:53] <LBTB3> I have you now
[02:53] <LBTB3> I find your lack of patience disturbing
[02:54] <LBTB3> IT'S A TRAP!!!!!!!!
[02:54] <LBTB3> I love you
[02:54] <LBTB3> I know.
[02:54] <LBTB3> Use the force
[02:54] <BlizardBrick> o/ 
[02:54] <Ked830> Hai bliz
[02:55] <LBTB3> May the force be with you
[02:55] <LBTB3> Hi o/ 
[02:55] <HyperFlash Studios> O/ 
[02:55] <BlizardBrick> Hello everyone. o/ 
[02:55] <Majolo9050> blizzzzyyy o/ 
[02:55] <LBTB3> I have a bad feeling about this
[02:55] <HyperFlash Studios> Ava u should edit more
[02:55] <HyperFlash Studios> Ur an administrator 
[02:55] <HyperFlash Studios> Gosh
[02:55] <BlizardBrick> I spent hours yesterday just doing tiny coding/edits to my DA page...Sad how long it took for such a little change. ;p 
[02:56] <Legoanimals750> o/ 
[02:56] <Alemas2005> And as usual, Ava gets the abuse.
[02:56] <Alemas2005> 'cause he's a vegetation.
[02:56] <Alemas2005> (derp3) 
[02:57] <HyperFlash Studios> Ale you shoild edit more too
[02:57] <BlizardBrick> And it took forever to figure out how to make transparent animations in GIMP as well. ;p 
[02:57] <HyperFlash Studios> *should
[02:57] <Alemas2005> Meh, I put it this way...
[02:57] <Alemas2005> I did my bit back in the day. :{P 
[02:57] <Alemas2005> Now I consign myself to chat. :P 
[02:57] <HyperFlash Studios> Fine
[02:58] <Legoanimals750> It's not like he made 31K edits
[02:58] <HyperFlash Studios> Onky because you have 11k mainspace edits :{P 
[02:58] <HyperFlash Studios> *only
[02:58] <Alemas2005> How many does Ava have?
[02:58] <Avalair> like 3
[02:58] <HyperFlash Studios> Web a portion of thise are chat logs :P 
[02:58] <Avalair> jk I have like 1,000 mainspace? :P 
[02:58] <Avalair> maybe
[02:58] <HyperFlash Studios> Ava has 4,226 total edits
[02:58] <Legoanimals750> Meh. :P 
[02:58] <Avalair> oh wow
[02:58] <HyperFlash Studios> [[Special:Editcount]] 
[02:59] <HyperFlash Studios> I'm on mobile so I have an excuse this time
[02:59] <Legoanimals750> Ava has 442 mainspace. :P 
[02:59] <Avalair> 442 mainspace
[02:59] <Avalair> (Derp) 
[02:59] <LBTB3> I've been living life the way my father saw it
[02:59] <Avalair> 442, 1,000 same thing
[02:59] <Avalair> (Derp) 
[02:59] <Legoanimals750> Not really. :P 
[03:00] <LBTB3> It was right there and I didn't see
[03:00] <LBTB3> It
[03:00] <HyperFlash Studios> I have 1,182
[03:00] <HyperFlash Studios> :{P 
[03:00] <Alemas2005> ...Hyper, what device are you on... :P 
[03:00] <Legoanimals750> I have 828. :P 
[03:00] <LBTB3> It's because I wasn't looking
[03:00] <LBTB3> Superman was never real
[03:00] <Alemas2005> No wait, what mobile browser are you using... :P 
[03:00] <LBTB3> Must there be a Superman?
[03:01] <LBTB3> There is.
[03:01] <HyperFlash Studios> Chrome mobile on android, Ale
[03:01] <Alemas2005> Tabs exist. :P 
[03:01] <Legoanimals750> I have half the edits Ava has but nearly double the main space. :P 
[03:01] <LBTB3> The world has been so caught up with what Superman can do. Maybe we should focus on what he should do.
[03:02] <HyperFlash Studios> It is far, far more inconvenient to type in a url on mobile than it is on computer
[03:02] <HyperFlash Studios> :P 
[03:02] <Legoanimals750> Well, I'm going to get off, bye o/ 
[03:02] <Alemas2005> Don't you have URLs in your history? :P 
[03:02] <LBTB3> Bye o/ 
[03:03] <HyperFlash Studios> Yes
[03:03] <Alemas2005> For me, just entering "l" gives me the Wiki Activity link to the Wiki. :P 
[03:03] <Avalair> Me too alema :P 
[03:03] <Alemas2005> I can select it and modify it from there. :P 
[03:03] <Avalair> alema
[03:03] <Alemas2005> So there's STILL no excuse for self-linking. (steve) 
[03:03] <Avalair> alema bean
[03:03] <Avalair> teehee
[03:04] <LBTB3> I gtg
[03:04] <Avalair> bye o/ 
[03:04] <HyperFlash Studios> I remember when I looked at the RfR reqs and saw you had to have at least a thousand edits for admin
[03:04] <LBTB3> But I'll make you a promise
[03:04] <HyperFlash Studios> \o 
[03:04] <LBTB3> Martha won't die tonight
[03:04] <LBTB3> o/ 
[03:05] <HyperFlash Studios> I was like "I'll never get thst many edits" 
[03:05] <Avalair> [[w:c:community:Special:MyPage/global.js| :P ]]
[03:05] <HyperFlash Studios> Now I have more than 5 times as many :{P 
[03:06] <Alemas2005> Now I have 31 times as many.
[03:07] <HyperFlash Studios> And I have 11 times the amount of mainspace edits required (derp) 
[03:15] <BlizardBrick> Ohhh stink. XD
[03:15] <BlizardBrick> ...Could one of you guys delete a picture for me? ;p 
[03:15] <BlizardBrick> Or....could I do it or do you need some sort of high "rank" or whatever? (sus) 
[03:17] <HyperFlash Studios> Hmm? 
[03:17] <HyperFlash Studios> I can delete a picture for you :P 
[03:17] <BlizardBrick> Oh? Ehh, could you delete this one? XP
[03:17] <BlizardBrick> [[File:BlizBackground.png]]
[03:18] <HyperFlash Studios> Done :P 
[03:19] <BlizardBrick> Thank you. ;p 
[03:19] <BlizardBrick> I forgot to edit it... XP
[03:20] <Marshal6000> o/ 
[03:20] <Marshal6000> [[User blog:Marshal6000/2 (explained)]]
[03:20] <Marshal6000> just in case some people didn't get it :P 
[03:29] <Marshal6000> [[LEGO Message Boards Wiki:Emoticon Vote/Tongue Smiley Derp]]
[03:33] <KnightoftheLight> I judt realized how stupid my MB name is. :P 
[03:34] <HyperFlash Studios> Why us it stupid, Sam? :P 
[03:34] <Marshal6000> light
[03:34] <KnightoftheLight> Sam isn't capitalized and there are just random numbers. (derp) 
[03:34] <Marshal6000> tit's not knightofthedark
[03:34] <Marshal6000> oh. :P 
[03:35] <Marshal6000> My MB name is capitalized either :P 
[03:35] <KnightoftheLight> I wish my MB name was KnightoftheLight. :P 
[03:35] <Majolo9050> mine isn't capped either, and lord knows what the numbers stand for xD
[03:35] <KnightoftheLight> But I first made my account for the Harry Potter gallery and it was a thing for everyone to have random numbers after their names.
[03:35] <Marshal6000> Cinnamon Rasen Bagel. Yum! :{P 
[03:35] <KnightoftheLight> Or so I thought. :P 
[03:35] <Majolo9050> sam, psst
[03:36] <Majolo9050> the numbers had meaning xD
[03:36] <KnightoftheLight> I tried random numbers unless they finally let me use 8432. :P 
[03:36] <KnightoftheLight> *until
[03:36] <KnightoftheLight> not unless. :P 
[03:36] <Avalair> I love my music taste
[03:37] <Avalair> Just a minute ago I was listening to Marina and the Diamonds and the nI suddenly got the urge to listen to 1930's Swing Music
[03:37] <KnightoftheLight> Anyone here watch Ricegum. (derp) 
[03:38] <KnightoftheLight> *?
[03:38] <HyperFlash Studios> Ava wat
[03:38] <Avalair> ikr
[03:40] <HyperFlash Studios> Just
[03:40] <HyperFlash Studios> Wat
[03:45] <HyperFlash Studios> Ok chrome you can stop crashing now
[03:53] <HyperFlash Studios> Hi Skul
[03:54] <Majolo9050> I'm off to the moviessss bai guys o/ 
[03:56] <Marshal6000> [[LEGO Message Boards Wiki:Emoticon Vote/Tongue Smiley Derp]]
[03:56] <Marshal6000> vote!
[04:01] <HyperFlash Studios> AP :{P 
[04:01] <AmazingPythor> Hype :{P 
[04:02] <Marshal6000> Derps :{P 
[04:02] <HyperFlash Studios> I hate chrome mobile
[04:02] <HyperFlash Studios> Slightly less than Firefox mobile 
[04:03] <HyperFlash Studios> Ok maybe not less
[04:04] <HyperFlash Studios> (yk) 
[04:04] <Marshal6000> I hate mobile browsers all together :{P 
[04:05] <Marshal6000> PC Master Race :{P 
[04:05] <Impossibubbles> Someone got hit with a flaming arrow on AGT
[04:05] <AmazingPythor> Bubbles. o/ 
[04:05] <Marshal6000> really?
[04:05] <Impossibubbles> yeah
[04:05] <Marshal6000> Link? :{P 
[04:06] <Impossibubbles> and it was live TV
[04:06] <AmazingPythor> What is AGT
[04:06] <Impossibubbles>
[04:06] <Marshal6000> I got to see this! :P 
[04:06] <Impossibubbles> America's got talent
[04:06] <Impossibubbles> It's not very funny
[04:06] <AmazingPythor> Ew :P 
[04:06] <Marshal6000> I've always wanted to see something go wrong on AGT! :P 
[04:06] <Impossibubbles> rather serious, really
[04:06] <HyperFlash Studios> I like AGT
[04:06] <HyperFlash Studios> :{P 
[04:07] <Impossibubbles> rn I only like tapeface
[04:07] <Marshal6000> I haven't watch this season's too much.
[04:07] <Impossibubbles> [[User:Impossibubbles]] look, I made a sig for myself!
[04:07] <Impossibubbles> Isn't it pretty? :3
[04:08] <Marshal6000> did he die?
[04:08] <Alemas2005> ...bubblegum colour.
[04:08] <Alemas2005> Clever.
[04:08] <AmazingPythor> Why isn't bubble pluralized
[04:08] <Alemas2005> Stop being pedantic. :P 
[04:08] <Impossibubbles> Because I liked it better not pluralized 
[04:09] <Impossibubbles> I would have had this username not pluralized but it was taken :P 
[04:09] <Impossibubbles> But I like the nickname bubbles, so it works out I guess :P 
[04:10] <Avalair> [c pink]bubble
[04:10] <Legoanimals750> o/ 
[04:10] <Marshal6000> HOLY CRAP!
[04:10] <Marshal6000>
[04:10] <Avalair> [c pink]bubble
[04:10] <Avalair> ?
[04:10] <Avalair> why does no work
[04:10] <Impossibubbles> I was just talking about that, animal
[04:10] <AmazingPythor> test
[04:10] <Impossibubbles> isn't it horrible?
[04:10] <Avalair> [c=pink]bubble
[04:10] <Avalair> ?!?!?!
[04:10] <Avalair> *flips table*
[04:10] <Impossibubbles> ava what are you doing xD
[04:11] <Impossibubbles> [c pink] bubble 
[04:11] <HyperFlash Studios> Ava
[04:11] <Impossibubbles> ah
[04:11] <Avalair> "Being a vegetation" 
[04:11] <Impossibubbles> I thought you didn't have the equal sign
[04:10] <Avalair> ?!?!?!
[04:10] <Avalair> *flips table*
[04:10] <Impossibubbles> ava what are you doing xD
[04:11] <Impossibubbles> [c pink] bubble [/c]
[04:11] <HyperFlash Studios> Ava
[04:11] <Impossibubbles> ah
[04:11] <Avalair> "Being a vegetation" 
[04:11] <Impossibubbles> I thought you didn't have the equal sign
[04:11] <Avalair> -Alemas everyday of my life
[04:11] <Impossibubbles> I forget how it works
[04:11] <Impossibubbles> Hey look
[04:11] <Impossibubbles> I'm up before 3 pm
[04:12] <Impossibubbles> I was supposed to get up at 9 tho
[04:12] <HyperFlash Studios> That was the first tine a browser made mre ragequit
[04:12] <Marshal6000> I think he survived but he still got shot with a flaming arrow in the thought
[04:12] <HyperFlash Studios> *me
[04:12] <Marshal6000> Holy Moly
[04:12] <HyperFlash Studios> The keyboard would not open
[04:12] <AmazingPythor> Why did he get hit with a flaming arrow
[04:12] <HyperFlash Studios> <span style="color:pink;"> bubbles</span>
[04:13] <Impossibubbles> Because it was a daredevil act, ap
[04:13] <Marshal6000> [c pink]bubbles
[04:13] <AmazingPythor> edgy
[04:13] <HyperFlash Studios> Ava you were using the wrong code
[04:13] <Marshal6000> <span style="color:pink;">bubbles</span>
[04:13] <HyperFlash Studios> You vegetation
[04:13] <Marshal6000> there :P 
[04:13] <HyperFlash Studios> (steve) w
[04:13] <Impossibubbles> When my browser malfunctions I can simply swipe left and go to my dashboard, then go back and it's all better (as) 
[04:13] <Matoro4212> o/ 
[04:14] <Impossibubbles> o/ 
[04:14] <HyperFlash Studios> O/ 
[04:14] <Romaniandude12> DOES ANYONE LIKE MY WALLPAPER
[04:14] <Legoanimals750> *Gets on chat and opens up another tab with Khan Academy on it* :P 
[04:14] <HyperFlash Studios> Only 46 minutes until I can use my computer (ud) 
[04:14] <Impossibubbles> let's see
[04:15] <Marshal6000> why's that hype?
[04:15] <Impossibubbles> I'm gonna make a monocle emote
[04:15] <Impossibubbles> as soon as I can find my tablet
[04:15] <Marshal6000> I made a monocle derp but no one liked it :P 
[04:15] <HyperFlash Studios> AP be like 
[04:15] <AmazingPythor> Make one that actually conveys sophistication 
[04:15] <HyperFlash Studios> "YES" 
[04:15] <Impossibubbles> Yes, of course, AP :P 
[04:15] <Legoanimals750> AP only like good ones. :P 
[04:15] <AmazingPythor> The monocle derp emote failed in that regard. :P 
[04:15] <AmazingPythor> Ah, good.
[04:15] <Legoanimals750> likes*
[04:16] <Marshal6000> See if you can make a better one than me bubbles :P 
[04:16] <AmazingPythor> Web I have liked one idea for an emote in the past year
[04:16] <Impossibubbles> I mean, for as annoying as it is, I made (hipster) and I don't think it's that ugly
[04:16] <Marshal6000> I made :{P (uso) and (faceless) 
[04:16] <Marshal6000> :P 
[04:16] <HyperFlash Studios> And then I went an ruined it
[04:16] <HyperFlash Studios> *and
[04:16] <Impossibubbles> a bit, hype (derp7) 
[04:16] <AmazingPythor> Wait you made :{P 
[04:17] <AmazingPythor> Okay Marsh I now forgive you for all your other emores
[04:17] <AmazingPythor> emotes
[04:17] <Marshal6000> yes AP
[04:17] <Impossibubbles> Marsh you made a scourge 
[04:17] <Marshal6000> ask drew :P 
[04:17] <Romaniandude12> there needs to be an alemas derp
[04:17] <Marshal6000> he implmented it :{P 
[04:17] <Marshal6000> *implemented 
[04:17] <Impossibubbles> what would that even look like, rom
[04:17] <AmazingPythor> The only remotely useful derps are the first four
[04:17] <HyperFlash Studios> What bubbles said
[04:17] <Romaniandude12> like alemas
[04:17] <Romaniandude12> but derpy
[04:18] <Impossibubbles> But AP
[04:18] <Impossibubbles> we're mkeing a derp family
[04:18] <Romaniandude12> i ccould get mish to make it lol
[04:18] <Impossibubbles> *making
[04:18] <Impossibubbles> mkeing
[04:18] <Impossibubbles> *sigh*
[04:18] <Marshal6000> (derp) (derp2) (derp3) (derp4) 
[04:18] <Romaniandude12> derp5 and derp6 are cool
[04:18] <Impossibubbles> (derp7) 
[04:18] <Romaniandude12> (derp7) 
[04:18] <Marshal6000> (derp5) (derp6) (derp7) 
[04:18] <AmazingPythor> Well kill all of the family but the first four
[04:18] <AmazingPythor> Problem solved.
[04:18] <Impossibubbles> where's the crying one
[04:18] <Marshal6000> (derp5) 
[04:18] <HyperFlash Studios> The second and 4th are redundant
[04:18] <Romaniandude12> (Derp) (Derp2) (derp3) (derp4) (derp5) (derp6) (derp7) (as)
[04:18] <Legoanimals750> I don't like the 2nd one. :P 
[04:18] <Impossibubbles> ah ther it is
[04:18] <HyperFlash Studios> Rom srs
[04:18] <Impossibubbles> *there
[04:18] <Romaniandude12> no
[04:18] <Romaniandude12> im not serious
[04:18] <AmazingPythor> No more than five emotes in one message
[04:19] <Marshal6000> I thought there was a work around for that but I forget it :P 
[04:19] <AmazingPythor> The fourth and fifth are redundant
[04:19] <AmazingPythor> As is the 7th
[04:19] <AmazingPythor> And the 6th is useless
[04:19] <HyperFlash Studios> You literally cannot have more than 5 emotes in a message 
[04:19] <HyperFlash Studios> But it's a rather sily rule
[04:19] <HyperFlash Studios> Just say "don't flood" :{P 
[04:20] <Impossibubbles> (derp) (derp) (derp) (derp) (derp) (derp)
[04:20] <Impossibubbles> Ha! xD
[04:20] <AmazingPythor> Limits senseless emote spam.
[04:20] <AmazingPythor> ... Case in point.
[04:20] <GandalftheWizard> But I could do"
[04:20] <GandalftheWizard> :
[04:20] <GandalftheWizard> (derp) 
[04:20] <GandalftheWizard> (derp) 
[04:20] <Marshal6000> (derp) (derp) (derp) (derp) (derp) (derp)
[04:20] <GandalftheWizard> (derp) 
[04:20] <GandalftheWizard> (derp) 
[04:20] <HyperFlash Studios> Ok
[04:20] <AmazingPythor> Gand, warning.
[04:20] <GandalftheWizard> And stuff like that
[04:20] <GandalftheWizard> Sorry
[04:20] <Impossibubbles> I can still spam text emotes
[04:20] <Impossibubbles> but I won't
[04:20] <GandalftheWizard> I was just giving an example of how pointless it is
[04:20] <Impossibubbles> because I'm good
[04:20] <HyperFlash Studios> AP he was using an example
[04:21] <AmazingPythor> Well it wasn't a necessary one
[04:21] <HyperFlash Studios> I don't think that quite merits a warning but eh (derp) 
[04:21] <AmazingPythor> He could've just explained what he was meaning
[04:21] <AmazingPythor> Rather than taking up space with nonsense.
[04:21] <Impossibubbles> I thought he was gonna keep going with a troll thing as well :P 
[04:21] <GandalftheWizard> I'm not a troll :P 
[04:22] <GandalftheWizard> I'm not cruel like that :P 
[04:22] <Marshal6000> [[User blog:Marshal6000/2 (explained)]]
[04:22] <HyperFlash Studios> Not like a particularly meaningful conversation is currently happening 
[04:22] <HyperFlash Studios> :P 
[04:22] <AmazingPythor> Doesn't justify spam.
[04:22] <Impossibubbles> If I ever wanted to troll with an emote, it would have been when we still had legosie
[04:22] <HyperFlash Studios> *sigh*
[04:22] <Marshal6000> <img class="chatags-image" src="">
[04:23] <AmazingPythor> Srs
[04:23] <Legoanimals750> I've had spam before, it
[04:23] <Impossibubbles> (sie) 
[04:23] <Legoanimals750> it's ok*
[04:23] <Impossibubbles> ew
[04:23] <Impossibubbles> you're dead to me
[04:23] <GandalftheWizard> Spam
[04:23] <GandalftheWizard> Spam is delicious
[04:23] <AmazingPythor> Never had it
[04:23] <Impossibubbles> never have it
[04:23] <Impossibubbles> save yourself, ap
[04:23] <AmazingPythor> I didn't plan on doing so. :P 
[04:24] <Romaniandude12> hi world
[04:24] <Romaniandude12> im bored
[04:24] <HyperFlash Studios> Hi bored
[04:24] <Impossibubbles> hi
[04:24] <Romaniandude12> someone entertain me
[04:24] <Impossibubbles> I'm bubbles
[04:24] <Impossibubbles> DAD JOKE
[04:24] <Legoanimals750> Well it was given to us as a bad gift. :P 
[04:24] <Romaniandude12> h8 bubbles
[04:24] <HyperFlash Studios> I'm HyperFlash Studios 
[04:24] <Romaniandude12> *hi
[04:24] <Romaniandude12> xD
[04:24] <Impossibubbles> h8 ;~;
[04:24] <HyperFlash Studios> Rom is a h8r
[04:24] <Romaniandude12> o
[04:25] <HyperFlash Studios> Rom, m8, why all the h8, it's not too l8 to do sonething gr8 so stop all the h8 m8
[04:25] <HyperFlash Studios> Yeah I don't know where I wad going with that
[04:25] <HyperFlash Studios> *was
[04:25] <Legoanimals750> (facepalm) 
[04:26] <Legoanimals750> And, i'll just go back to my math. :P 
[04:26] <Romaniandude12> w8 wat
[04:27] <AmazingPythor> Bubbles did our PM die or are you keeping me in suspense
[04:27] <Impossibubbles> Ah, there it is
[04:28] <Impossibubbles> It died
[04:28] <Impossibubbles> sorry bout that
[04:28] <HyperFlash Studios> AP you were the one who died
[04:28] <Marshal6000> G8 M8 i R8 8/8 4 G8 B8 #CAKE
[04:28] <HyperFlash Studios> AP is in denial
[04:29] <Impossibubbles> I feel dead
[04:29] <Marshal6000> :P 
[04:29] <GandalftheWizard> He's in the Nile???
[04:29] <Impossibubbles> dead inside (derp) 
[04:29] <Impossibubbles> ahahaha
[04:29] <Marshal6000> you are dead bubbles (evil) 
[04:29] <GandalftheWizard> Never knew he went to Egypt...
[04:29] <AmazingPythor> How did you know I drank sulfuric acid the other day
[04:29] <AmazingPythor> And am now a ghost
[04:29] <Impossibubbles> we could tell by all the ghost related jokes
[04:29] <Marshal6000> Is Marc a bot or something? :P 
[04:29] <Marshal6000> He never says anything :P 
[04:30] <AmazingPythor> Such as
[04:30] <HyperFlash Studios> He leaves his tablet on to log chat
[04:30] <Marshal6000> Just sits there and looks pretty :P 
[04:30] <Marshal6000> OK Hype :P 
[04:30] <Marshal6000> (ghost) 
[04:30] <HyperFlash Studios> And occasionally rises from the dead to speak
[04:30] <Marshal6000> (obj3) 
[04:30] <AmazingPythor> the hell
[04:31] <Marcel77799> (Watching) 
[04:31] <Legoanimals750> Marc talks at least once a day. 
[04:31] <Marshal6000> (eg)
[04:31] <Marshal6000> (eb)
[04:31] <AmazingPythor> And he lives.
[04:31] <Marshal6000> what was the code!? :P 
[04:31] <Legoanimals750> Oh look: :P 
[04:31] <HyperFlash Studios> Lol hi Marc
[04:33] <AmazingPythor> Leaving an auto-refresher on overnight seems to be not good for my browser.
[04:33] <Legoanimals750> Really? I ever had problems when i did that.
[04:34] <GandalftheWizard> KED o/ 
[04:34] <Marshal6000> o/ 
[04:34] <Impossibubbles> I have pain in my wrist that radiates up to my elbow
[04:34] <Marshal6000> I need more zombiod villies :P 
[04:35] <Romaniandude12> y bub
[04:35] <Marshal6000> they keep dying on me when i find them :P 
[04:35] <Impossibubbles> I assume it's related to arthritis
[04:35] <Marshal6000> For the iron farm so everyone can have iron rom :P 
[04:35] <Impossibubbles> but I'm not entirely sure
[04:35] <Marshal6000> And spy still hasn't made a warp to the witch farm (yk) 
[04:35] <Legoanimals750> o/ 
[04:35] <Romaniandude12> lol ,marsh i dont even care about the iron farm :P 
[04:35] <Marcel77799> Arthritis at your age...
[04:35] <Marcel77799> Ouch
[04:36] <Ked830> Haii Ara
[04:36] <Marcel77799> O/ 
[04:36] <AmazingPythor> o/ 
[04:36] <Romaniandude12> i like to use my hands to farm for iron
[04:36] <Impossibubbles> shush marc
[04:36] <HyperFlash Studios> Hey Ara
[04:36] <Romaniandude12> not get it for free
[04:36] <Impossibubbles> I'm an old laydee
[04:36] <Romaniandude12> scrubbles, u r not :C
[04:37] <Aravis Tarkheena> Hi people
[04:37] <Romaniandude12> oh ara :P 
[04:37] <Impossibubbles> yes i am ;~;
[04:38] <Romaniandude12> ;-;
[04:38] <Romaniandude12> then you should find a little old man to marry (as) 
[04:38] <Marshal6000> I didn't say you had to use it rom :P 
[04:38] <AmazingPythor> o/ 
[04:39] <Marshal6000> but I think hype wants it :P 
[04:39] <Romaniandude12> :P 
[04:39] <Marshal6000> 
[04:39] <Romaniandude12> hype's a n00b :@ 
[04:39] <Marshal6000> (uso) 
[04:39] <HyperFlash Studios> I've been playing Minecraft since the beta, scrub
[04:39] <HyperFlash Studios> (steve) 
[04:39] <Marshal6000> I'm going to the witch farm so I can message spy and tell him to make a warp 9uso)
[04:39] <Marshal6000> 8 (uso) 
[04:40] <Impossibubbles> ugh
[04:40] <Impossibubbles> I feel ill
[04:41] <HyperFlash Studios> Good thing you don't have to work today
[04:41] <Impossibubbles> True
[04:41] <Impossibubbles> But it's just because I took my medication
[04:41] <AmazingPythor> Oh yeah, lunch is a thing
[04:41] <AmazingPythor> test
[04:41] <Impossibubbles> I have to take it with about a pint of water that I can't drink too slowly :P 
[04:41] <Legoanimals750> pass
[04:41] <HyperFlash Studios> Passed AP
[04:41] <Impossibubbles> It always makes me feel sick
[04:41] <HyperFlash Studios> Ahhhh
[04:41] <AmazingPythor> Got some odd lag there
[04:42] <Romaniandude12> bubbles you only got a few hours of sleep. no wonder you feel ill :P 
[04:42] <Skully Of House Lannister> ape 
[04:42] <AmazingPythor> skul
[04:42] <Impossibubbles> I got like 7 hours
[04:42] <Skully Of House Lannister> i made the mistake of reading the comments on an article about australians abusing the human rights of migrants 
[04:42] <Skully Of House Lannister> lets just say 
[04:42] <Marcel77799> 7 h are enough
[04:43] <AmazingPythor> lolwut
[04:43] <Skully Of House Lannister> many people dont believe migrants should receieve human rights at all 
[04:43] <AmazingPythor> So much for shining city on the hill, lol.
[04:44] <Majolo9050> i'm finally off to the movies, again, bai o/ 
[04:44] <AmazingPythor> \o 
[04:44] <HyperFlash Studios> \o 
[04:45] <AmazingPythor> ...
[04:45] <AmazingPythor> Genralaustin's page is a candidate for deletion?
[04:45] <Impossibubbles> lol this freakazoid episode
[04:45] <Skully Of House Lannister> srsly
[04:45] <AmazingPythor> No
[04:45] <Skully Of House Lannister> wth
[04:45] <Legoanimals750> What?
[04:45] <AmazingPythor> No
[04:45] <Skully Of House Lannister> who suggested that
[04:45] <Impossibubbles> "I desire to date agent skully from the xfiles"
[04:45] <AmazingPythor> The tag is there but there's no vote for it
[04:46] <Skully Of House Lannister> who added that
[04:46] <HyperFlash Studios> I think the vote already happened 
[04:46] <AmazingPythor> What was the outcome
[04:46] <Skully Of House Lannister> Bubbles made it a candidate for deletion 
[04:46] <HyperFlash Studios> I'n looking
[04:46] <Skully Of House Lannister> Srsly 
[04:47] <HyperFlash Studios> *I'm
[04:47] <AmazingPythor> >Legend on the old mbs
[04:47] <Impossibubbles> Yeah, because it's literally exactly the same as the archive
[04:47] <Aravis Tarkheena> whatever happened to the newer generation
[04:47] <Impossibubbles> I don't care who the user it
[04:47] <Impossibubbles> *is
[04:47] <Skully Of House Lannister> "its literally the exact same as the archive" 
[04:47] <Legoanimals750> But he has caveman... :P 
[04:47] <Skully Of House Lannister> we cant edit archives 
[04:47] <Aravis Tarkheena> Do you realise the point of the archives and the newer ones :P 
[04:47] <Impossibubbles> Yes
[04:47] <Impossibubbles> you can
[04:47] <Skully Of House Lannister> youre not meant to 
[04:47] <Aravis Tarkheena> He has caveman and how many posts
[04:47] <Aravis Tarkheena> hmmmm
[04:47] <Skully Of House Lannister> like 25k lol 
[04:47] <AmazingPythor> Mainly for punctuation errors and whatnot
[04:47] <Skully Of House Lannister> 3rd Legend
[04:47] <Aravis Tarkheena> My point exactly
[04:48] <Impossibubbles> And this is an online forum, all that means nothing to me :P 
[04:48] <Aravis Tarkheena> You don't go deleting our gods and kings
[04:48] <AmazingPythor> Please tell me the vote failed
[04:48] <Skully Of House Lannister> Don't go around editing stuff if you don't understand the system 
[04:48] <AmazingPythor> Well users with historical significance should be made exceptions
[04:48] <Marcel77799> ^^
[04:48] <Impossibubbles> If you care so much, skul, you edit :P 
[04:48] <Impossibubbles> And I'll keep doing what I want
[04:48] <Marcel77799> GA was quite important back then
[04:49] <Skully Of House Lannister> "I'll keep doing what I want" That sounds really entitled 
[04:49] <Legoanimals750> He's also made 5 posts since the update so.....
[04:49] <GandalftheWizard> So if a Caveman crossed the Rubicon, he'd get his own page??? :P 
[04:49] <Impossibubbles> key words being "back then"
[04:49] <GandalftheWizard> Because he's of historical significance XD
[04:49] <Aravis Tarkheena> Technically speaking he's more key to the MBs than any of the little kiddos these days
[04:49] <HyperFlash Studios> The delete vote failed
[04:49] <Marcel77799> Per Vis
[04:49] <Skully Of House Lannister> Good, it was an absurd thing to attempt 
[04:49] <Aravis Tarkheena> Goodness, yes, let's erase Napoleon from the history books because he's not alive anymore
[04:49] <Legoanimals750> Then why is it still there?
[04:49] <Skully Of House Lannister> someone just remove the category 
[04:49] <AmazingPythor> So because Julius Caesar has been dead for centuries we should delete his Wikipedia page :S 
[04:50] <HyperFlash Studios> And you can edit archives to correct things, but you're supposed to keep the core information
[04:50] <Aravis Tarkheena> He was all back then
[04:50] <AmazingPythor> It's not like he's relevant to anything :S 
[04:50] <AmazingPythor> But it failed so I guess that's good
[04:50] <AmazingPythor> I should probably follow that page more (derp) 
[04:50] <Impossibubbles> No one is relevant on a forum (ys) As soon as they're gone, no new user is going to give a damn :P 
[04:51] <Aravis Tarkheena> New users
[04:51] <Skully Of House Lannister> If no one is relevant on a forum why are you editing :p 
[04:51] <Avalair> honestly does anyone give damn about anything ever at all on the MBs
[04:51] <Skully Of House Lannister> Do you understand the point of the wiki :p 
[04:51] <Aravis Tarkheena> you realise this place exists to satisfy the nostalgia of us old folks
[04:51] <HyperFlash Studios> I happen to look at a lot of things concerning the old MBs
[04:51] <RusMan> Oh, Aravis is here o/ 
[04:51] <AmazingPythor> Just because people are ignorant doesn't mean someone's influence is irrelevant 
[04:51] <HyperFlash Studios> Hi Alemas
[04:51] <Aravis Tarkheena> Hey Rus :P 
[04:51] <Avalair> Per Pyt :P 
[04:52] <Aravis Tarkheena> Literally what is even the point of deleting anything :P 
[04:52] <Alemas2005> What are we even discussing... :P 
[04:52] <RusMan> I heard you like Tame Inpala (derp) 
[04:52] <Aravis Tarkheena> It's not our server space :P 
[04:52] <RusMan> Per Aravis :p 
[04:52] <Aravis Tarkheena> Uh huhhhh
[04:52] <Alemas2005> What now? :P 
[04:52] <Impossibubbles> ew (shrug2) 
[04:52] <Aravis Tarkheena> Do you now :P 
[04:52] <Impossibubbles> *eh
[04:52] <RusMan> Yeah :p 
[04:52] <AmazingPythor> For example, most people don't know who Georges Melies is. That doesn't mean he's not an influential figure and shouldn't be considered important.
[04:52] <Aravis Tarkheena> Just Currents though
[04:52] <Avalair> *sigh* I am a child at heart
[04:52] <Aravis Tarkheena> I can't tried the other albums :P 
[04:52] <Avalair> I am procrastinating about cleaning my room
[04:52] <Skully Of House Lannister> Ale, someone tried to delete Genralaustin's page because he's "not relevant". :p 
[04:52] <RusMan> Their latest album is amazing.
[04:52] <Avalair> and instead playing minecraft 
[04:52] <Aravis Tarkheena> Mh, yes
[04:52] <Alemas2005> Uh, we voted for it to be kept.
[04:53] <HyperFlash Studios> Yes
[04:53] <HyperFlash Studios> No obe deleted it
[04:53] <HyperFlash Studios> *one
[04:53] <Avalair> [[Genralaustin]]
[04:53] <Alemas2005> So what's the problem?! :P 
[04:53] <Skully Of House Lannister> it still has the category 
[04:53] <HyperFlash Studios> I just removed it
[04:53] <RusMan> Today is the perfect day for listening to Boards of Canada.
[04:53] <Aravis Tarkheena> Does anyone else still check all links to see if they're logouts
[04:53] <Aravis Tarkheena> :P 
[04:53] <Avalair> 25,959 posts 
[04:53] <AmazingPythor> The fact that such an idea was even proposed is ludicrous, that's what we were arguing over. :P 
[04:53] <Skully Of House Lannister> Per Ape. :p 
[04:53] <Legoanimals750> Sometimes Ara. :P 
[04:53] <HyperFlash Studios> Yes Ara
[04:53] <Alemas2005> *Sigh* :P 
[04:53] <RusMan> A hazy August day, with not a cloud in the sky
[04:54] <Alemas2005> [[Category%3ACandidates for deletion|Category:Candidates for deletion]]
[04:54] <Alemas2005> Well. (derp) 
[04:54] <Skully Of House Lannister> Who put PHINN in there??? :P 
[04:54] <Skully Of House Lannister> Wth is this :p 
[04:55] <Alemas2005> [[Category talk:Candidates for deletion?oldid=767992]]
[04:55] <Alemas2005> Original reasonings there.
[04:55] <HyperFlash Studios> Maybe keep an eye on the candidates for deletion page so you can actually vote on said things (derp) 
[04:56] <Alemas2005> [[Category talk:Candidates for deletion]]
[04:56] <Alemas2005> There.
[04:56] <Skully Of House Lannister> hyper the people editing the wiki should have some mild understanding of the MBs :p 
[04:56] <AmazingPythor> ^ :P 
[04:56] <HyperFlash Studios> I know :P 
[04:57] <Legoanimals750> No, that's silly. :P 
[04:59] <GandalftheWizard> HI KED
[04:59] <HyperFlash Studios> Hi Keddy c:
[05:00] <Legoanimals750> gtg bye o/ 
[05:00] <Ked830> <span style="font-size:7pt;">haii</span>
[05:00] <AmazingPythor> Bye Web
[05:00] <HyperFlash Studios> \O 
[05:00] <AmazingPythor> 4321 edits. (y) 
[05:00] <HyperFlash Studios> Lol
[05:01] <RusMan> Great album
[05:02] <HyperFlash Studios> Ah, finally back on my laptop
[05:03] <AmazingPythor> Well, I'm gonna go maybe find something to eat.
[05:03] <HyperFlash Studios> \o 
[05:03] <Ked830> Good idea
[05:06] <HyperFlash Studios> test
[05:07] <Ked830> pass
[05:07] <Ked830> hai there
[05:07] <HyperFlash Studios> hi
[05:08] <Ked830> so I watched the first ep of Naruto, but then I decided I liked Fary Tail more.. (Derp) 
[05:08] <Ked830> su
[05:10] <HyperFlash Studios> ;-;
[05:11] <Skully Of House Lannister> chat is dull
[05:11] <Marcel77799> Judging just by the first episode is questionable IMO xD
[05:11] <GandalftheWizard> Why is finding a good picture of movie theater seats so goddamn hard
[05:11] <GandalftheWizard> XD
[05:13] <Marcel77799> Well, coz no one takes picture in a movie theater
[05:13] <Marcel77799> And especially not of the seats 
[05:13] <GandalftheWizard> Exactly! People need to do that more often.
[05:13] <GandalftheWizard> Soe! o/ 
[05:13] <Son of Elrond> hi
[05:13] <GandalftheWizard> 'ello
[05:14] <GandalftheWizard> Keps hi o/ 
[05:15] <Keplers> 1Ey
[05:15] <HyperFlash Studios> I just realized how strange of a word "laugh" is
[05:15] <GandalftheWizard> Yes, I it's so weird it makes you want to
[05:16] <HyperFlash Studios> Hi Guac
[05:16] <GuacamoleCCXR>
[05:17] <GandalftheWizard> XD wth
[05:20] <Marcel77799> Too bad natural selection failed there @GCM
[05:20] <GandalftheWizard> That guy is damaging to the collective gene pool.
[05:20] <GandalftheWizard> XD
[05:20] <Marcel77799> ^^
[05:21] <Keplers> "why can't i die"
[05:21] <Marcel77799> Sadly reproduction doesn't require any intelligence xD
[05:21] <Keplers> can i reply with "I wish I could tell you how"
[05:22] <GuacamoleCCXR> you guys can't appreciate semi-ironic suicidal memes 
[05:22] <GandalftheWizard> Oh, I appreciate it, I just like to pick it apart.
[05:22] <Keplers> I just like taking everything ironic at face value so that humanity looks as stupid as I pretend it is
[05:23] <GandalftheWizard> Don't worry, Keps, sometimes it is.
[05:24] <Keplers> Yep
[05:24] <Keplers> Here came living proof
[05:24] <Son of Elrond> o/ 
[05:25] <GandalftheWizard> BNR o/ 
[05:26] <Keplers> Whoa, more proof that humanity is really as stupid as I think
[05:26] <Keplers> Next, like, Obi will join chat
[05:26] <Keplers> o/ 
[05:26] <BraveNewRoyalty>
[05:26] <BraveNewRoyalty> see #1
[05:27] <Keplers> Definition three is actually the definition that suits me as it is a noun
[05:32] <Romaniandude12> i just found out some of the pre-school homework i need to be working on for honor chemsitry
[05:32] <Romaniandude12> i think i'm getting dizzy just looking at it
[05:32] <GandalftheWizard> PRE-SCHOOL HOMEWORK???
[05:32] <GandalftheWizard> Who does that sorta thing???
[05:32] <Romaniandude12> honors chemistry :{P 
[05:32] <HyperFlash Studios> Apparently scrubs like Rom
[05:32] <HyperFlash Studios> (link) 
[05:32] <RusMan> I need to register myself for AP classes soon.
[05:32] <RusMan> Or at least 1
[05:33] <Romaniandude12> my school starts in one week
[05:33] <RusMan> I'll probably end up doing it online.
[05:33] <Romaniandude12> i need to teach myself the whole first chapter
[05:33] <Romaniandude12> 132 slides =D 
[05:33] <RusMan> Slides? :p 
[05:33] <Romaniandude12> yeah
[05:33] <RusMan> Is it all on a slideshow?
[05:33] <Romaniandude12> powerpoint slides
[05:33] <Romaniandude12> yup
[05:33] <RusMan> Ah 
[05:33] <RusMan> Which curriculum?
[05:34] <Romaniandude12> not to mention I need to memorize 26 ion formulas....
[05:34] <Romaniandude12> in a week
[05:34] <RusMan> Fun
[05:34] <Romaniandude12> i also need to finish reading this book for english class
[05:34] <Romaniandude12> (as) 
[05:34] <RusMan> Try using Quizlet.
[05:34] <Romaniandude12> im not even halfway done (as) 
[05:34] <RusMan> Lol I only got a third of the way done with my last English book.
[05:34] <Romaniandude12> lol
[05:35] <Romaniandude12> tbh i cant remember if the "summer reading" was an extra credit thing or wat
[05:35] <RusMan> It brought my english grade from an A+ to an A :( :( :p 
[05:35] <Romaniandude12> but idk if i want to take the chance :{P 
[05:35] <RusMan> O/ 
[05:35] <Romaniandude12> and lol
[05:35] <Ked830> Haiii Wilf
[05:35] <Game Wolf> haiiiii ked
[05:35] <Romaniandude12> acetate
[05:35] <Romaniandude12> wat
[05:36] <Game Wolf> and its wilf
[05:36] <Game Wolf> with no capital 
[05:36] <Ked830> osorry
[05:36] <Game Wolf> its k
[05:36] <GandalftheWizard> Wolf yo o/ 
[05:36] <RusMan> Also Rome try using Khan Academy. They have good videos on Chemistry and other courses.
[05:36] <Game Wolf> just don't let it happen again 
[05:36] <GandalftheWizard> Per Rus
[05:36] <Game Wolf> Galdalf yo o/ 
[05:36] <GandalftheWizard> I learned all of Trig on Khan
[05:36] <GandalftheWizard> and all of Algebra 1
[05:36] <Romaniandude12> well, if I get stuck on something I'll check it out
[05:36] <Game Wolf> "algebra"
[05:36] <Game Wolf> i hate algebra 
[05:37] <Romaniandude12> algebra was fun :{P 
[05:37] <Skully Of House Lannister> lol so more trump news
[05:37] <Romaniandude12> *hides in a corner*
[05:37] <GandalftheWizard> Algebra is a necessary evil
[05:37] <Game Wolf> ???
[05:37] <RusMan> I did the whole HTML/CSS beginner course there. :p 
[05:37] <Skully Of House Lannister> he apparently had 0 credible foreign policy advisors 
[05:37] <GandalftheWizard> but not as bad as some people say
[05:37] <Skully Of House Lannister> and in a meeting with some guy he kept asking over and over "why cant the US use nuclear weapons" 
[05:37] <Skully Of House Lannister> so 
[05:37] <Skully Of House Lannister> yay world
[05:37] <RusMan> That means they're INcredible :o :o 
[05:37] <Skully Of House Lannister> :o 
[05:38] <Romaniandude12> :P 
[05:38] <BraveNewRoyalty> i remember seeing an interview of putin
[05:38] <BraveNewRoyalty> he was asked what would happen if ISIS shot down a russian aircraft
[05:38] <BraveNewRoyalty> "Every Muslim in the world would be gone in half an hour."
[05:39] <Romaniandude12> :P 
[05:39] <Skully Of House Lannister> trump approves 
[05:39] <Skully Of House Lannister> seriously though 
[05:39] <Skully Of House Lannister> now we know the man has 0 foreign policy plan or advisement 
[05:39] <Skully Of House Lannister> this is not good
[05:39] <RusMan> Link?
[05:39] <RusMan> I believe you, just wanted to see
[05:39] <Romaniandude12> you know, I think some form of radical action could need to be taken to stop ISIS, but persecution of a whole religion doesnt get anyone anywhere :{P 
[05:39] <BraveNewRoyalty> yea real quick
[05:40] <BraveNewRoyalty>
[05:40] <Skully Of House Lannister>
[05:40] <Skully Of House Lannister> theres one 
[05:41] <Skully Of House Lannister> trump denies it ofc but he denies everything 
[05:41] <Ked830> Test
[05:41] <Skully Of House Lannister> who would the US even nuke 
[05:42] <BraveNewRoyalty> nukes arent made to be used for war
[05:42] <Skully Of House Lannister> trump doesnt realize that 
[05:42] <BraveNewRoyalty> they're deterrents so other people dont use nukes (derp) 
[05:42] <BraveNewRoyalty> im pretty sure everyone who lived in the cold war era knows that
[05:43] <GandalftheWizard> ^
[05:44] <Romaniandude12> does peoplez like my wallpaper? >:3
[05:45] <Ked830> Do they?
[05:45] <Romaniandude12> you're a peoplez ked
[05:45] <BraveNewRoyalty>
[05:46] <Ked830> Oh I'm a peoplez now
[05:46] <Ked830> ye I like it
[05:46] <BraveNewRoyalty> i like how trump's name tag was covered up so it said "EARTH CANDIDATE" 
[05:46] <Ked830> love the colors
[05:46] <Romaniandude12> thats aweomse brave
[05:46] <Romaniandude12> xD
[05:47] <Romaniandude12> yay ked
[05:47] <Romaniandude12> i used to have epic movie-inspired stuff for wallpapers :{P 
[05:48] <Romaniandude12> but new computer and I wanted something colorful :{P 
[05:48] <Romaniandude12> ad nobody cares (As) 
[05:49] <KnightoftheLight> IG is trying to hard to copy Snapchat. XD
[05:49] <Ked830> I didn't bother much with my wallpaper
[05:49] <Ked830> i just found something not too busy that I liked and went with that
[05:50] <Skully Of House Lannister> IG and Snapchat are both ew
[05:53] <Skully Of House Lannister> also trump is also facing a fraud lawsuit lol 
[05:55] <Skully Of House Lannister> russ 
[05:56] <GuacamoleCCXR>
[05:56] <Nehpets7000> Wow. Neat.
[05:56] <HyperFlash Studios> God dang it
[05:56] <Nart L. Chipikal> o/ 
[05:57] <Ked830> Hai
[05:57] <HyperFlash Studios> Hi Nehp
[05:57] <Nehpets7000> Heyas. o/ 
[05:57] <HyperFlash Studios> Back from the dead? (Derp3) 
[05:57] <Nehpets7000> Something like that. 
[05:57] <Romaniandude12> wow neh :{P 
[05:57] <Nehpets7000> Wow what?
[05:57] <Romaniandude12> you're alive or something
[05:57] <Nehpets7000> I know or something
[05:58] <Nehpets7000> Maybe there's internet in Heaven. :) 
[05:58] <Romaniandude12> havent seen you in a while :{P 
[05:58] <Nehpets7000> I'm not allowed to spoil it. :) 
[05:58] <Romaniandude12> (gasp0
[05:58] <Nehpets7000> Yeahhh, it's been a little while.
[05:58] <Romaniandude12> did you resign from cm?
[05:58] <Romaniandude12> :P 
[05:59] <HyperFlash Studios> :{P 
[05:59] <Alemas2005> Hm.
[05:59] <Romaniandude12> or wait, you got banned for a while or something didnt you :{P 
[05:59] <Alemas2005> Ah, Neh, hi. :P 
[05:59] <Nehpets7000> Nah, I got demoted in May of 2015 because I offended the admins' agenda.
[05:59] <Nehpets7000> Hey, Alemas!
[05:59] <Romaniandude12> ah xD
[05:59] <Nehpets7000> But I was an okay CM while I was around. 
[05:59] <Alemas2005> Hm...
[06:00] <Nehpets7000> Remember when the wikia was kinda getting hacked?
[06:00] <Alemas2005> "Sprite: 'Brutally refreshing' - or sexist?"
[06:00] <Romaniandude12> you were the first person to ever ban me, neh (as) 
[06:00] <Nehpets7000> So much kicking of the hackers. 
[06:00] <RusMan> Oh hey neh o/ 
[06:00] <Alemas2005> ""She's seen more ceilings than Michelangelo"; "You're not popular, you're easy".
[06:00] <Alemas2005> Brutally refreshing? Or just brutal?"
[06:00] <Nehpets7000> I'm sorry okay ;-;
[06:00] <Romaniandude12> xD
[06:00] <Alemas2005> "The campaign, which uses the hashtag #BrutallyRefreshing, was launched in Ireland earlier this year.
[06:00] <Alemas2005> Sprite said it was "celebrating those with guts to tell it like it is"."
[06:00] <Avalair> Nehpets! <3 
[06:00] <Nehpets7000> Hey, Ava.
[06:01] <Skully Of House Lannister> lol ale 
[06:01] <GuacamoleCCXR> what is my life
[06:01] <Nehpets7000> Look, Rome, if you wanna bring Frodo on here and give me a star for like 5 seconds, I will happily ban her and finally right the wrong I did ok
[06:01] <Romaniandude12> death
[06:01] <Nart L. Chipikal> potato 
[06:01] <HyperFlash Studios> Ava are you alive now
[06:01] <Romaniandude12> wow neh i cant believe you remember that xDD
[06:01] <Romaniandude12> gg
[06:01] <Romaniandude12> and nah, I'm not mad xD
[06:02] <Nehpets7000> It's secretly been tormenting me for the past year(s)?
[06:02] <Romaniandude12> i see
[06:02] <Romaniandude12> xD
[06:02] <GuacamoleCCXR> when you lowkey want to whinge but then remember all the edge kids who do that constantly 
[06:02] <Avalair> I remember when Nehpets extinguished all the hackers
[06:02] <Avalair>
[06:03] <Avalair> so does honest abe
[06:03] <Skully Of House Lannister> What did she do Nehp
[06:03] <Romaniandude12> omw
[06:03] <Romaniandude12> who was abe
[06:03] <Romaniandude12> wasnt that luke or something
[06:03] <Romaniandude12> xP
[06:03] <Nehpets7000> Wow
[06:03] <Avalair> Luke or Div :P 
[06:03] <Nehpets7000> And Abe is generally not a liar, too.
[06:04] <HyperFlash Studios> This though
[06:04] <HyperFlash Studios>
[06:04] <Nehpets7000>
[06:05] <HyperFlash Studios> lol
[06:05] <Nehpets7000> ^Literally me
[06:05] <Romaniandude12> neh, you're worse than goggs
[06:05] <Nehpets7000> I basically am Goggs.
[06:05] <Romaniandude12> lol
[06:05] <Avalair> defenestrated is kick
[06:05] <Avalair> not ban
[06:05] <Avalair> they just kept kicking him over and over again
[06:05] <Romaniandude12> gg
[06:06] <HyperFlash Studios> Who are you talking to, Ava
[06:06] <Nart L. Chipikal> imagine if that was real, he'd be flying out of the window every second 
[06:06] <Avalair> you
[06:06] <GuacamoleCCXR> wasn't that back when banning was disabled somehow
[06:06] <HyperFlash Studios> I know what the difference between a ban and a kick is (YK) 
[06:06] <GuacamoleCCXR> with a script or smth
[06:06] <HyperFlash Studios> And just so you know they tried banning him to
[06:06] <HyperFlash Studios> *too
[06:06] <Avalair> no it was when Nigma got his hands on an auto unban script
[06:06] <HyperFlash Studios> But it didn't work and kicks were faster
[06:06] <GuacamoleCCXR> oh yeah that
[06:07] <Skully Of House Lannister> I always wonder how sad Nigma's life must be that he actually bothered doing that stuff 
[06:07] <Avalair> I was the lucky first person who got to see it
[06:07] <Avalair> =D 
[06:07] <Avalair> =D =D =D 
[06:07] <Avalair> im pretty sure I swore at my computer that day 
[06:07] <Romaniandude12> when was that ava
[06:07] <Skully Of House Lannister> was that back when you were a pain ava 
[06:07] <Impossibubbles> new steven universe episodes (sie) 
[06:07] <Romaniandude12> :{P 
[06:07] <Avalair> Because it was with the "old people falling from polio"
[06:08] <Avalair> and i was like "this joke (ym) "
[06:08] <Avalair> and then I banned him
[06:08] <Avalair> and then it was like "old people falling from polio has joined the chat"
[06:08] <Romaniandude12> xD
[06:08] <HyperFlash Studios> rip
[06:08] <Avalair> and I was like ?~?~
[06:08] <Avalair> and everyone on chat was like "oh gosh ava you cant even ban a person right"
[06:08] <HyperFlash Studios> gg
[06:09] <Romaniandude12>
[06:09] <Avalair> and then I was getting harassed in PM whilst trying to ban this person but it wouldnt work
[06:09] <Romaniandude12> gg
[06:09] <Romaniandude12> sounds painful
[06:09] <Skully Of House Lannister> ava remember our group PM with imp where she was saying crap about depressed people 
[06:09] <HyperFlash Studios> I banned Satl for eternity once
[06:09] <HyperFlash Studios> (Derp) 
[06:09] <Avalair> ....No :P 
[06:09] <Avalair> I do remember me bannig you for cursing her out in PM though
[06:09] <Skully Of House Lannister> she was saying super insensitive stuff 
[06:09] <Skully Of House Lannister> like
[06:10] <Skully Of House Lannister> some of it was actually terrible 
[06:10] <Skully Of House Lannister> so i swore at her 
[06:10] <Avalair> I dont recall :P 
[06:10] <Romaniandude12> ava what ever did happen to derp
[06:10] <Avalair> the wiki was so screwed up back then
[06:10] <Avalair> you could get banned for calling someone ugly in PM
[06:10] <Romaniandude12> ava
[06:10] <Romaniandude12> your ugly
[06:10] <Romaniandude12> ;@
[06:10] <Avalair> Derpulse is alive
[06:11] <Nehpets7000> I see how it is. I come on chat for a few minutes and we suddenly need to rekindle old flames?
[06:11] <Nehpets7000> Well.
[06:11] <Romaniandude12> :P 
[06:11] <Romaniandude12> thats good ava
[06:11] <Avalair> Its not in PM rom :@ 
[06:11] <HyperFlash Studios> Neh your presence affects chat
[05:48] <Romaniandude12> but new computer and I wanted something colorful :{P 
[05:48] <Romaniandude12> ad nobody cares (As) 
[05:49] <KnightoftheLight> IG is trying to hard to copy Snapchat. XD
[05:49] <Ked830> I didn't bother much with my wallpaper
[05:49] <Ked830> i just found something not too busy that I liked and went with that
[05:50] <Skully Of House Lannister> IG and Snapchat are both ew
[05:53] <Skully Of House Lannister> also trump is also facing a fraud lawsuit lol 
[05:55] <Skully Of House Lannister> russ 
[05:56] <GuacamoleCCXR>
[05:56] <Nehpets7000> Wow. Neat.
[05:56] <HyperFlash Studios> God dang it
[05:56] <Nart L. Chipikal> o/ 
[05:57] <Ked830> Hai
[05:57] <HyperFlash Studios> Hi Nehp
[05:57] <Nehpets7000> Heyas. o/ 
[05:57] <HyperFlash Studios> Back from the dead? (Derp3) 
[05:57] <Nehpets7000> Something like that. 
[05:57] <Romaniandude12> wow neh :{P 
[05:57] <Nehpets7000> Wow what?
[05:57] <Romaniandude12> you're alive or something
[05:57] <Nehpets7000> I know or something
[05:58] <Nehpets7000> Maybe there's internet in Heaven. :) 
[05:58] <Romaniandude12> havent seen you in a while :{P 
[05:58] <Nehpets7000> I'm not allowed to spoil it. :) 
[05:58] <Romaniandude12> (gasp0
[05:58] <Nehpets7000> Yeahhh, it's been a little while.
[05:58] <Romaniandude12> did you resign from cm?
[05:58] <Romaniandude12> :P 
[05:59] <HyperFlash Studios> :{P 
[05:59] <Alemas2005> Hm.
[05:59] <Romaniandude12> or wait, you got banned for a while or something didnt you :{P 
[05:59] <Alemas2005> Ah, Neh, hi. :P 
[05:59] <Nehpets7000> Nah, I got demoted in May of 2015 because I offended the admins' agenda.
[05:59] <Nehpets7000> Hey, Alemas!
[05:59] <Romaniandude12> ah xD
[05:59] <Nehpets7000> But I was an okay CM while I was around. 
[05:59] <Alemas2005> Hm...
[06:00] <Nehpets7000> Remember when the wikia was kinda getting hacked?
[06:00] <Alemas2005> "Sprite: 'Brutally refreshing' - or sexist?"
[06:00] <Romaniandude12> you were the first person to ever ban me, neh (as) 
[06:00] <Nehpets7000> So much kicking of the hackers. 
[06:00] <RusMan> Oh hey neh o/ 
[06:00] <Alemas2005> ""She's seen more ceilings than Michelangelo"; "You're not popular, you're easy".
[06:00] <Alemas2005> Brutally refreshing? Or just brutal?"
[06:00] <Nehpets7000> I'm sorry okay ;-;
[06:00] <Romaniandude12> xD
[06:00] <Alemas2005> "The campaign, which uses the hashtag #BrutallyRefreshing, was launched in Ireland earlier this year.
[06:00] <Alemas2005> Sprite said it was "celebrating those with guts to tell it like it is"."
[06:00] <Avalair> Nehpets! <3 
[06:00] <Nehpets7000> Hey, Ava.
[06:01] <Skully Of House Lannister> lol ale 
[06:01] <GuacamoleCCXR> what is my life
[06:01] <Nehpets7000> Look, Rome, if you wanna bring Frodo on here and give me a star for like 5 seconds, I will happily ban her and finally right the wrong I did ok
[06:01] <Romaniandude12> death
[06:01] <Nart L. Chipikal> potato 
[06:01] <HyperFlash Studios> Ava are you alive now
[06:01] <Romaniandude12> wow neh i cant believe you remember that xDD
[06:01] <Romaniandude12> gg
[06:01] <Romaniandude12> and nah, I'm not mad xD
[06:02] <Nehpets7000> It's secretly been tormenting me for the past year(s)?
[06:02] <Romaniandude12> i see
[06:02] <Romaniandude12> xD
[06:02] <GuacamoleCCXR> when you lowkey want to whinge but then remember all the edge kids who do that constantly 
[06:02] <Avalair> I remember when Nehpets extinguished all the hackers
[06:02] <Avalair>
[06:03] <Avalair> so does honest abe
[06:03] <Skully Of House Lannister> What did she do Nehp
[06:03] <Romaniandude12> omw
[06:03] <Romaniandude12> who was abe
[06:03] <Romaniandude12> wasnt that luke or something
[06:03] <Romaniandude12> xP
[06:03] <Nehpets7000> Wow
[06:03] <Avalair> Luke or Div :P 
[06:03] <Nehpets7000> And Abe is generally not a liar, too.
[06:04] <HyperFlash Studios> This though
[06:04] <HyperFlash Studios>
[06:04] <Nehpets7000>
[06:05] <HyperFlash Studios> lol
[06:05] <Nehpets7000> ^Literally me
[06:05] <Romaniandude12> neh, you're worse than goggs
[06:05] <Nehpets7000> I basically am Goggs.
[06:05] <Romaniandude12> lol
[06:05] <Avalair> defenestrated is kick
[06:05] <Avalair> not ban
[06:05] <Avalair> they just kept kicking him over and over again
[06:05] <Romaniandude12> gg
[06:06] <HyperFlash Studios> Who are you talking to, Ava
[06:06] <Nart L. Chipikal> imagine if that was real, he'd be flying out of the window every second 
[06:06] <Avalair> you
[06:06] <GuacamoleCCXR> wasn't that back when banning was disabled somehow
[06:06] <HyperFlash Studios> I know what the difference between a ban and a kick is (YK) 
[06:06] <GuacamoleCCXR> with a script or smth
[06:06] <HyperFlash Studios> And just so you know they tried banning him to
[06:06] <HyperFlash Studios> *too
[06:06] <Avalair> no it was when Nigma got his hands on an auto unban script
[06:06] <HyperFlash Studios> But it didn't work and kicks were faster
[06:06] <GuacamoleCCXR> oh yeah that
[06:07] <Skully Of House Lannister> I always wonder how sad Nigma's life must be that he actually bothered doing that stuff 
[06:07] <Avalair> I was the lucky first person who got to see it
[06:07] <Avalair> =D 
[06:07] <Avalair> =D =D =D 
[06:07] <Avalair> im pretty sure I swore at my computer that day 
[06:07] <Romaniandude12> when was that ava
[06:07] <Skully Of House Lannister> was that back when you were a pain ava 
[06:07] <Impossibubbles> new steven universe episodes (sie) 
[06:07] <Romaniandude12> :{P 
[06:07] <Avalair> Because it was with the "old people falling from polio"
[06:08] <Avalair> and i was like "this joke (ym) "
[06:08] <Avalair> and then I banned him
[06:08] <Avalair> and then it was like "old people falling from polio has joined the chat"
[06:08] <Romaniandude12> xD
[06:08] <HyperFlash Studios> rip
[06:08] <Avalair> and I was like ?~?~
[06:08] <Avalair> and everyone on chat was like "oh gosh ava you cant even ban a person right"
[06:08] <HyperFlash Studios> gg
[06:09] <Romaniandude12>
[06:09] <Avalair> and then I was getting harassed in PM whilst trying to ban this person but it wouldnt work
[06:09] <Romaniandude12> gg
[06:09] <Romaniandude12> sounds painful
[06:09] <Skully Of House Lannister> ava remember our group PM with imp where she was saying crap about depressed people 
[06:09] <HyperFlash Studios> I banned Satl for eternity once
[06:09] <HyperFlash Studios> (Derp) 
[06:09] <Avalair> ....No :P 
[06:09] <Avalair> I do remember me bannig you for cursing her out in PM though
[06:09] <Skully Of House Lannister> she was saying super insensitive stuff 
[06:09] <Skully Of House Lannister> like
[06:10] <Skully Of House Lannister> some of it was actually terrible 
[06:10] <Skully Of House Lannister> so i swore at her 
[06:10] <Avalair> I dont recall :P 
[06:10] <Romaniandude12> ava what ever did happen to derp
[06:10] <Avalair> the wiki was so screwed up back then
[06:10] <Avalair> you could get banned for calling someone ugly in PM
[06:10] <Romaniandude12> ava
[06:10] <Romaniandude12> your ugly
[06:10] <Romaniandude12> ;@
[06:10] <Avalair> Derpulse is alive
[06:11] <Nehpets7000> I see how it is. I come on chat for a few minutes and we suddenly need to rekindle old flames?
[06:11] <Nehpets7000> Well.
[06:11] <Romaniandude12> :P 
[06:11] <Romaniandude12> thats good ava
[06:11] <Avalair> Its not in PM rom :@ 
[06:11] <HyperFlash Studios> Neh your presence affects chat
[06:11] <Romaniandude12> :@ 
[06:12] <Nart L. Chipikal>
[06:12] <Nehpets7000> What doesn't my presence affect?
[06:12] <Romaniandude12> your life
[06:12] <Nehpets7000> Man, I remember when we needed viewpure for youtube links.
[06:12] <Romaniandude12> lol
[06:12] <Romaniandude12> xD
[06:12] <HyperFlash Studios> What's viewpure
[06:12] <HyperFlash Studios> --> (Derp) 
[06:12] <Romaniandude12> hyp u n00b
[06:12] <Nart L. Chipikal> why would you want to remember that
[06:13] <Skully Of House Lannister> omg hype 
[06:13] <Skully Of House Lannister> you are 
[06:13] <Skully Of House Lannister> a total noob 
[06:13] <Nehpets7000> idunno m9
[06:13] <Skully Of House Lannister> that was a thing for years 
[06:13] <HyperFlash Studios> jk
[06:13] <Nehpets7000> why do you want to remember potatos
[06:13] <Romaniandude12> :P 
[06:13] <HyperFlash Studios> I know what viewpure is :P 
[06:13] <Skully Of House Lannister> who remembers Norvik
[06:13] <Nehpets7000> *Raises hand*
[06:13] <Skully Of House Lannister> in 2012 Norvik was the big bad troll but compared to nigma he was super tame
[06:13] <Nehpets7000> Who remembers when we had chat commands like /winter and /fall?
[06:14] <Nehpets7000> Who remembers boardscraft and "what you all look like as x" blogs?
[06:14] <Romaniandude12> wait we dont have those anymore neh
[06:14] <Nehpets7000> Who remembers the drama?
[06:14] <Nehpets7000> The drama was perhaps the most entertaining part.
[06:14] <HyperFlash Studios> Well
[06:14] <Romaniandude12> i remember all three of those (Derp3) 
[06:14] <HyperFlash Studios> LMBW isn't LMBW without drama
[06:14] <Romaniandude12> considering drama is still a thing
[06:14] <HyperFlash Studios> Seeing as there's some every day :{P 
[06:14] <Nehpets7000> Wait, it is?
[06:14] <Nehpets7000> What's the current drama?
[06:15] <Skully Of House Lannister> Hype kissed Ale 
[06:15] <Nehpets7000> wow
[06:15] <HyperFlash Studios> Skul go away
[06:15] <Romaniandude12> does nya count as drama :{P 
[06:15] <Skully Of House Lannister> lol
[06:15] <Nehpets7000> I would make a comment on the nature of the kiss considering the two persons in the situation, but I got demoted the last time I said that. (derp) 
[06:16] <Romaniandude12> neh xD
[06:16] <HyperFlash Studios> Yes she does, Rom :{P 
[06:16] <Romaniandude12> k :{P 
[06:16] <HyperFlash Studios> Wow Neh
[06:16] <Avalair> nart that video is hillarious
[06:16] <Avalair> x
[06:16] <Avalair> xD
[06:17] <Skully Of House Lannister> gg neh 
[06:17] <Nart L. Chipikal> i watched the whole show with my friend 
[06:17] <Nart L. Chipikal> it was amazing 
[06:17] <Nehpets7000> Did you watch Friends with your friend?
[06:18] <Nehpets7000> Aww, now I remember the borg.
[06:18] <Nart L. Chipikal> i really want to watch star trek beyond
[06:19] <Nehpets7000> Chip, are you currently using the shadowy corner?
[06:19] <Nart L. Chipikal> no, i have residence in the ceiling now
[06:19] <Nart L. Chipikal> you may have the shadowy corner
[06:19] <HyperFlash Studios> Ava can we work on those content mod tags yet because they'd be fairly simple to set up
[06:19] <Nehpets7000> Noice.
[06:20] <HyperFlash Studios> Oh look at what I found
[06:20] <HyperFlash Studios> [[Special:UncategorizedCategories]]
[06:20] <Nehpets7000> Man, the new Pokemon Go updates are annoying.
[06:20] <Nehpets7000> Rip Pokevision.
[06:20] <HyperFlash Studios> We should make a category called "category" and add all the uncategorized categories to the category called category
[06:20] <GuacamoleCCXR> the fact they took out the battery saver for ios pisses me off to no end
[06:20] <HyperFlash Studios> (derp) 
[06:21] <Nehpets7000> That sad feel when you hatch a 10 k egg and get a freaking Eevee.
[06:21] <HyperFlash Studios> I love getting bot calls from "credit card services" when I don't even have a credit card
[06:22] <Skully Of House Lannister> did they do that guac
[06:22] <Skully Of House Lannister> wth 
[06:22] <Skully Of House Lannister> i havent updated yet
[06:23] <Impossibubbles> I like getting sales calls
[06:23] <Nehpets7000> Oh, wow.
[06:23] <GuacamoleCCXR> yes skul
[06:23] <Nehpets7000> I must say, our CM situation looks nice.
[06:24] <Impossibubbles> they just keep talking and the whole time I'm going "yes, hi, excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, excuse me"
[06:24] <Nehpets7000> There's not dozens in the chat, but about enough to keep it sane.
[06:24] <HyperFlash Studios> gg Bubbles
[06:24] <HyperFlash Studios> Yeah Neh, I think the team is currenty balanced pretty well at the moment (derp) 
[06:24] <GuacamoleCCXR> i'm really sad there's someone called sqz me already and i didn't come up with the name first
[06:26] <Nehpets7000> Remember when we had family trees?
[06:26] <HyperFlash Studios> Funny you say that
[06:27] <HyperFlash Studios> GandalftheWizard just made a new one fairly recently
[06:27] <Nehpets7000> wow
[06:27] <Nehpets7000> is it too late to be adopted
[06:27] <GandalftheWizard> No, I can change it
[06:27] <GandalftheWizard> Who adopted you????
[06:27] <Romaniandude12> your mom
[06:27] <GandalftheWizard> :| 
[06:28] <GandalftheWizard> shaddup
[06:28] <HyperFlash Studios> Rom that's probably the only thing you've ever said that makes logical sense
[06:28] <HyperFlash Studios> (as) 
[06:28] <Romaniandude12> yay (As) 
[06:28] <Impossibubbles> I'll adopt you (derp4) 
[06:28] <Romaniandude12> be careful neh, shes a mother from the 50's
[06:28] <Son of Elrond> oooh a new sibling? (derp7) 
[06:28] <Ked830> Hai Divveh
[06:28] <HyperFlash Studios> Hey Div, Slice o/ 
[06:28] <Ked830> and slice
[06:28] <Impossibubbles> wot rom
[06:29] <Romaniandude12> ur old
[06:29] <Slicer Vorzakh> hi 
[06:29] <Impossibubbles> I'm 19. Practically as old as time
[06:29] <I'mDivergent> beauty and the beasttt
[06:30] <Romaniandude12> no u
[06:30] <BlizardBrick> o/ 
[06:30] <HyperFlash Studios> Hi Bliz
[06:30] <I'mDivergent> hi bliz
[06:30] <Romaniandude12> ew it's a bliz D:
[06:30] <HyperFlash Studios> jinx
[06:30] <Son of Elrond> hi blizahd o/ 
[06:31] <GuacamoleCCXR> people who must point themselves out as being really sarcastic are the literal worst
[06:31] <GuacamoleCCXR> like 
[06:31] <BlizardBrick> ayy bliz people are still cool D:
[06:31] <Impossibubbles> "literal" worst
[06:31] <LBTB3> Hi o/ 
[06:31] <GuacamoleCCXR> it's so cringey to see kids add something like "i'm too sarcastic for my own good [[]]:D" in buckin their twitter bio 
[06:31] <GuacamoleCCXR> yes, literal worst
[06:32] <HyperFlash Studios> o/ 
[06:32] <Skully Of House Lannister> guac 
[06:32] <GuacamoleCCXR> worse than global warming and the holocaust 
[06:32] <GuacamoleCCXR> or something
[06:32] <Skully Of House Lannister> i have a friend who shares tumblr posts on fb 
[06:32] <Impossibubbles> cuz there's nothing worse than someone calling themselves sarcastic
[06:32] <Impossibubbles> ofc
[06:32] <Skully Of House Lannister> from pages like "the best of TUMBLR" and "the weird side of tumblr" and "the last thing i want to do is kill you. but its still on my list" 
[06:32] <Skully Of House Lannister> those are just three
[06:32] <I'mDivergent> you know what else is cringey 
[06:32] <Skully Of House Lannister> and they share these awful posts
[06:32] <Skully Of House Lannister> some are super edgy 
[06:33] <I'mDivergent> german boys who watch my little pony 
[06:33] <I'mDivergent> (y) 
[06:33] <GuacamoleCCXR> lol 
[06:33] <Skully Of House Lannister> lol
[06:33] <Skully Of House Lannister> yes
[06:33] <Impossibubbles> div
[06:33] <Impossibubbles> freaking savage (as) 
[06:34] <GuacamoleCCXR> i came here to have fun and i feel so attacked right now [[]];[
[06:34] <I'mDivergent> im too savage for my own good [[]]:D
[06:34] <Impossibubbles> xDDD
[06:34] <Skully Of House Lannister> guac needs a safe space??
[06:34] <I'mDivergent> hold on that was a good line let me put it in my Twitter bio
[06:34] <Skully Of House Lannister> lol 
[06:34] <Skully Of House Lannister> i dont even use twitter
[06:34] <I'mDivergent> hi peud
[06:34] <GandalftheWizard> I gtg
[06:34] <HyperFlash Studios> Hey Peud o/ 
[06:34] <Peudguin> Hai o/ 
[06:34] <GandalftheWizard> Nehpets
[06:34] <HyperFlash Studios> Bye Gandalf
[06:35] <Peudguin> Bye Gand o/ 
[06:35] <GandalftheWizard> I edited the family tree
[06:35] <GandalftheWizard> you're adopted now
[06:35] <Peudguin> who?
[06:35] <GuacamoleCCXR> my safe space is /mlp/ because i obviously consider a show i casually watch to be the central part of my lifestyle and the only thing i identify my personality with 
[06:35] <HyperFlash Studios> I can show him later if you want
[06:35] <HyperFlash Studios> @Gandalf
[06:35] <GuacamoleCCXR> so
[06:35] <GuacamoleCCXR> yeah
[06:36] <Son of Elrond> hi peud
[06:36] <I'mDivergent> guac you're too sarcastic for your own good 
[06:36] <Peudguin> Hi SoE
[06:36] <GuacamoleCCXR> way too sarcastic
[06:36] <GuacamoleCCXR> i should tone myself down
[06:36] <I'mDivergent> eat a snickers 
[06:37] <GuacamoleCCXR> unfortunately i don't have a peanut allergy
[06:37] <Game Wolf> HISSS
[06:37] <GuacamoleCCXR> otherwise that would be a good idea
[06:37] <Nehpets7000> Man, I'm just friggin old.
[06:37] <Game Wolf> HOLY CRAP
[06:37] <HyperFlash Studios> What
[06:37] <Nehpets7000> I've been here since 2012, and most of you are probably like 7 or something.
[06:38] <Nehpets7000> probably
[06:38] <Game Wolf> NEHPETS
[06:38] <HyperFlash Studios> :\
[06:38] <LBTB3> Nah I'm 5
[06:38] <I'mDivergent> ah here's the neh we all know and love 
[06:38] <Nehpets7000> Ohh
[06:38] <HyperFlash Studios> Caps, GW
[06:38] <Nehpets7000> Yeah, it's been awhile
[06:38] <Nart L. Chipikal> i'm eleventeen
[06:38] <Nehpets7000> Heya!
[06:38] <LBTB3> Just kidding, I'm well beyond the minimum age :P 
[06:39] <Game Wolf> LGBTomato
[06:40] <GuacamoleCCXR>
[06:40] <Nehpets7000> Lettuce Gourde Beets Tomato?
[06:41] <Son of Elrond> hi ked
[06:41] <Peudguin> Ked o/ 
[06:41] <I'mDivergent> I don't think there's an e in gourd
[06:41] <Game Wolf> haiiii ked
[06:41] <I'mDivergent> WB ked
[06:41] <Ked830> hou
[06:41] <Ked830> hoi
[06:41] <Game Wolf> did Toa kill I for me yet in mc? :3
[06:41] <Game Wolf> *u
[06:42] <Ked830> Ye. And theni killed him back and told him to tell you I appreciate his sacrifice :3
[06:42] <Game Wolf> Im glad you appreciate it. 
[06:42] <Ked830> Clearly he didn't tell you
[06:42] <Game Wolf> You have no idea what it cost me. :3
[06:43] <Ked830> An arm and a leg?
[06:43] <Game Wolf> Something like that. 
[06:43] <Ked830> ..oh wait Lel I actually know what it cost you
[06:43] <Ked830> sort of
[06:43] <Game Wolf> nien
[06:44] <Game Wolf> > LordWeirdo
[06:44] <HyperFlash Studios> Hi Weirdo
[06:44] <Ked830> Haiiiii
[06:44] <Skully Of House Lannister> ked once touched a walrus just to see how it felt
[06:44] <Ked830> wlf PM
[06:45] <Son of Elrond> weirdo hi
[06:45] <LordWeirdo> ello sonnies 
[06:45] <A Walruse> walruses feel fluffy and amazing and are full of love
[06:45] <Ked830> They also share good music
[06:45] <Game Wolf> eyyyyyyyyy
[06:45] <GuacamoleCCXR> does anyone here know how works
[06:45] <Nart L. Chipikal> walruses are majestic creatures
[06:46] <Game Wolf> We shuld kill them
[06:46] <Game Wolf> and sell their horns and say they r unicorn horns
[06:46] <I'mDivergent> hi rus 
[06:46] <LordWeirdo> wat
[06:46] <Ked830> walruses don't have horns u derp
[06:46] <LordWeirdo> div
[06:47] <A Walruse> they're not horns they're tusks
[06:47] <Game Wolf> They do if I say they do
[06:47] <Game Wolf> i shall glue horns on all of them 
[06:47] <A Walruse> also they have two of them so why should they be unicorn horns
[06:47] <Game Wolf> *glues horn on A Walruse*
[06:47] <Skully Of House Lannister> is everyone here high 
[06:47] <Game Wolf> yes
[06:47] <Game Wolf> ita high noon
[06:48] <LordWeirdo> I'm low
[06:48] <I'mDivergent> what weirdo
[06:48] <Game Wolf> and 4:20
[06:48] <Ked830> it's actually 2 were I am but w/e
[06:48] <Impossibubbles> what is low
[06:48] <Nart L. Chipikal> it's hiiiiigh noon
[06:48] <Game Wolf> all at the same time 
[06:48] <GuacamoleCCXR> this is the best playlist on all of youtube 
[06:48] <LordWeirdo> @Div I didn't know your ban was up, that's all (derp) 
[06:48] <Game Wolf> ooohhhhhh maaaaaaiiiii gghhhhoooooooodddddd
[06:49] <Game Wolf> thats some good weed 
[06:49] <I'mDivergent> It's been over for three months
[06:49] <Impossibubbles> It's been up for a while, dado
[06:49] <LordWeirdo> Well I haven't been on in a while OK 
[06:49] <Game Wolf> what did you get banned for div?
[06:49] <Nart L. Chipikal> i'm gonna play some overwatch now
[06:49] <LordWeirdo> (Derp) 
[06:50] <Game Wolf> dammit
[06:50] <Game Wolf> i was gonna go outside and play PoGo
[06:50] <Game Wolf> but it started raining :( 
[06:50] <I'mDivergent> get an umbrella 
[06:50] <LordWeirdo> I like rain
[06:50] <LordWeirdo> I like rain better than sunshine any day
[06:51] <Game Wolf> i like rain too
[06:51] <Game Wolf> but I also like having a functioning phone 
[06:51] <GuacamoleCCXR> do it for the kids 
[06:51] <I'mDivergent> Maybe you'll catch another zubat
[06:52] <Game Wolf> I prefer to catch Snorlax. 
[06:52] <Peudguin> Paccy o/ 
[06:52] <GuacamoleCCXR> i'm like, incapable of catching zubats 
[06:52] <Game Wolf> I caught three in the last week. 
[06:52] <Son of Elrond> hi pac
[06:52] <Ked830> Paaaaaaac hai
[06:52] <Impossibubbles> what is a snorlax
[06:52] <Game Wolf> What is a bubbles
[06:52] <I'mDivergent> ive never played a pokemon game in my life :P 
[06:52] <Impossibubbles> a bubbles is a me
[06:53] <Peudguin> me neither
[06:53] <Pacman87> hi im a man
[06:53] <Game Wolf> Ive got a bunch of illegal Pokemon games 
[06:53] <Impossibubbles> oh it's pokemon
[06:53] <Impossibubbles> I thought it was something real
[06:53] <Skully Of House Lannister> div you suck 
[06:53] <Game Wolf> I had em shipped over from Japan 
[06:53] <Pacman87> language skul
[06:53] <Game Wolf> lel
[06:53] <I'mDivergent> Blame my parents and whoever named the franchise a word for "little demons" :P 
[06:53] <LordWeirdo> will be afk and my pings don't work so don't try to get a hold of me
[06:54] <Game Wolf> > "little demons"
[06:54] <Pacman87> Do you mean Babevils?
[06:54] <LordWeirdo> (Derp) 
[06:54] <Game Wolf> what the hell did your parents tell you about the games?
[06:54] <I'mDivergent> like nothing 
[06:54] <Game Wolf> "little demons"
[06:54] <Game Wolf> wth
[06:54] <I'mDivergent> But Pokemon translates to little monsters and somehow they got demons out of that 
[06:55] <Pacman87> Charizard is a demon'
[06:55] <Pacman87> how do i know this? idk ive never played a pokemon game ver
[06:55] <Game Wolf> Pocket Monsters actually 
[06:55] <Game Wolf> That's where Pokemon comes from 
[06:56] <Game Wolf> Po(c)ke(t)mon(sters)
[06:56] <Romaniandude12> :{P 
[06:56] <Pacman87> Pokemon = no monkey
[06:54] <Game Wolf> "little demons"
[06:54] <Game Wolf> wth
[06:54] <I'mDivergent> But Pokemon translates to little monsters and somehow they got demons out of that 
[06:55] <Pacman87> Charizard is a demon'
[06:55] <Pacman87> how do i know this? idk ive never played a pokemon game ver
[06:55] <Game Wolf> Pocket Monsters actually 
[06:55] <Game Wolf> That's where Pokemon comes from 
[06:56] <Game Wolf> Po(c)ke(t)mon(sters)
[06:56] <Romaniandude12> :{P 
[06:56] <Pacman87> Pokemon = no monkey
[06:57] <Pacman87> wow there's a flamewar between mods and users
[06:57] <Game Wolf> i love it when Christians say Pokemon is demonic 
[06:57] <Game Wolf> where at?!
[06:57] <Ked830> Bout what
[06:58] <Romaniandude12> wat wolf :P 
[06:58] <Pacman87> about t rated games
[06:58] <Pacman87> and bionicle
[06:58] <I'mDivergent> In tttm?
[06:58] <Peudguin> yup
[06:58] <Pacman87> It doesnt start here
[06:58] <Pacman87>
[06:58] <Game Wolf> OH MY GOD THATS OSSUM
[07:00] <HyperFlash Studios> Tfw Matt02
[07:00] <Game Wolf> I like to envision things like online civil unrest in my head. I'm picturing a market where the mods are the people selling things and the users are just non chalantly flipping tables and giving death stares while others fling crap. 
[07:01] <I'mDivergent> i love how the mods can never admit a user is right or has a valid point 
[07:01] <HyperFlash Studios> The mods are always right!!! !!111
[07:01] <LordWeirdo> per div
[07:01] <I'mDivergent> Be quiet sam
[07:01] <HyperFlash Studios> Follow what they say without question!!111!!one1one
[07:01] <I'mDivergent> i mean hype
[07:02] <HyperFlash Studios> They work hard to moderate all our posts! ;D 
[07:02] <HyperFlash Studios> wat
[07:02] <HyperFlash Studios> oh
[07:02] <GuacamoleCCXR> just looking at that makes me wince 
[07:02] <I'mDivergent> Cicada is like the loosest of all the mods too :P 
[07:02] <Skully Of House Lannister> no
[07:02] <Skully Of House Lannister> Catwiz is 
[07:02] <I'mDivergent> meh 
[07:02] <LordWeirdo> I thought Catwizard was the most lenient
[07:03] <Skully Of House Lannister> He knew there was a heavily implied rape scene in one of my MB stories 
[07:03] <Son of Elrond> catwiz hasn't posted for a month
[07:03] <Skully Of House Lannister> And he let it through 
[07:03] <Skully Of House Lannister> He probably got fired
[07:03] <LordWeirdo> We all know he's the most fun :P 
[07:03] <I'mDivergent> He used to be but got really lame after a while 
[07:03] <Peudguin> wut 
[07:03] <LordWeirdo> Maybe
[07:03] <Game Wolf> I once had an email convo with the mods. 
[07:03] <Skully Of House Lannister> Ive had tons of email convos with them 
[07:03] <Skully Of House Lannister> going back years
[07:03] <Skully Of House Lannister> my first was like 2012ish
[07:04] <LordWeirdo> I haven't been on for six months or so so idk
[07:04] <Game Wolf> They lost it and had a break down as they kept ignoring my points and repeating the same things. 
[07:04] <Skully Of House Lannister> They tend to do that 
[07:04] <Pacman87> i cant wait to read harry potter
[07:04] <Game Wolf> God I hate them. 
[07:04] <Skully Of House Lannister> its a script pacman lol 
[07:04] <I'mDivergent> A script that sold 2 million copies in 2 days :P 
[07:04] <Skully Of House Lannister> ik 
[07:05] <Skully Of House Lannister> but im warning him 
[07:05] <HyperFlash Studios> Pac knows
[07:05] <Skully Of House Lannister> in case he goes in expecting a proper book 
[07:05] <Pacman87> I know I have the book
[07:05] <Pacman87> right next to me
[07:05] <Pacman87> 
[07:05] <Skully Of House Lannister> remember when pacman was a little kid on the MBs
[07:05] <Skully Of House Lannister> that was amusing 
[07:05] <Pacman87> remember when skul said
[07:05] <Pacman87> "go back to the hot place seaside"
[07:05] <Skully Of House Lannister> yes 
[07:05] <Pacman87> that was amusing
[07:05] <Skully Of House Lannister> i told him to do something worse 
[07:06] <Skully Of House Lannister> that cant even be said now on LMBW 
[07:06] <Skully Of House Lannister> and the mods let it through 
[07:06] <I'mDivergent> pm it to me
[07:06] <Pacman87> "seaside you arent famous"
[07:06] <Pacman87> It got deleted I bet
[07:07] <Skully Of House Lannister> its still in some quote chains
[07:07] <Skully Of House Lannister> i believe
[07:08] <Skully Of House Lannister> chat is so laggy
[07:08] <Skully Of House Lannister> why do we even use wikia 
[07:09] <HyperFlash Studios> Because it functions I guess
[07:09] <Skully Of House Lannister> hardly
[07:09] <Pacman87> WIUKI
[07:09] <Pacman87> *wiki
[07:09] <LordWeirdo> Wikia functions? :o 
[07:09] <I'mDivergent> Maybe your phone/computer just sucks 
[07:09] <Pacman87> remember when jaden smith was a thing
[07:10] <I'mDivergent> was jaden smith a thing or was a thing jaden smith
[07:10] <Pacman87> if you search jaden smith the first thing you see is "Jaden smith dead"
[07:11] <Skully Of House Lannister> i wish
[07:11] <Ked830> Hai APPPP
[07:11] <HyperFlash Studios> AP :{P 
[07:11] <Peudguin> AP o/ 
[07:11] <AmazingPythor> But his performance in After Earth was Oscar-worthy. :S 
[07:11] <AmazingPythor> \o Hype :{P 
[07:11] <Skully Of House Lannister> ap u sensual creature of the night 
[07:12] <Pacman87> AP is a creature of the light
[07:12] <Legoanimals750> o/ 
[07:12] <I'mDivergent> hi ap, web by 
[07:12] <I'mDivergent> *webby
[07:12] <HyperFlash Studios> o/ 
[07:12] <AmazingPythor> o/ 
[07:13] <Peudguin> Hi Webby o/ 
[07:13] <I'mDivergent> hi ava
[07:13] <I'mDivergent> avaliar
[07:13] <Legoanimals750> o/ 
[07:13] <Son of Elrond> hi ava
[07:13] <HyperFlash Studios> And bye goes Neh
[07:13] <Son of Elrond> hi webz
[07:14] <Pacman87> no not ked
[07:14] <Legoanimals750> and Ked too. 
[07:14] <I'mDivergent> ur legz dezerve they own dai of da weak ththththi dai -ll kool j 
[07:14] <Avalair> !
[07:14] <Legoanimals750> What?
[07:14] <AmazingPythor> the hell
[07:14] <Pacman87> I agree with div
[07:15] <Skully Of House Lannister> ape is a snake and he is a sexy snake 
[07:15] <Skully Of House Lannister> i tied him up with tape 
[07:15] <I'mDivergent> Skul no
[07:15] <Avalair> kinky
[07:15] <Skully Of House Lannister> speaking of kinky 
[07:15] <AmazingPythor> How crass.
[07:15] <Skully Of House Lannister> the kinks (yay) 
[07:15] <Skully Of House Lannister> ape 
[07:15] <Avalair> (yay) 
[07:16] <Legoanimals750> That'
[07:16] <AmazingPythor> skul
[07:16] <Skully Of House Lannister> i always expect ( yay ) to be a better emote 
[07:16] <Legoanimals750> That's an emote? :P 
[07:16] <Skully Of House Lannister> so i type it 
[07:16] <Skully Of House Lannister> and 
[07:16] <Avalair> (fs) 
[07:16] <HyperFlash Studios> It's a wikia standard one
[07:16] <Skully Of House Lannister> ew
[07:16] <HyperFlash Studios> I think
[07:16] <HyperFlash Studios> (derp) 
[07:16] <Skully Of House Lannister> i dont think so 
[07:16] <I'mDivergent> well they have it on cc but it's not standard 
[07:16] <HyperFlash Studios> Close enough
[07:16] <Avalair> its not standard
[07:16] <Skully Of House Lannister> (wow)
[07:16] <Avalair> (doge) 
[07:16] <Skully Of House Lannister> what weird emotes do we have 
[07:16] <Avalair> oh 
[07:16] <Legoanimals750> (doge2) 
[07:17] <Avalair> we have (breadfish) 
[07:17] <AmazingPythor> Too many to name.
[07:17] <Avalair> and (squirrel) 
[07:17] <Avalair> and (derp) (derp2) (derp3) (derp4) (derp5) (derp6) (derp7)
[07:17] <I'mDivergent> (Sie n) 
[07:17] <AmazingPythor> Basically a good 75% of our emoticons serve no purpose.
[07:17] <HyperFlash Studios> [[LMBW:Emotes]]
[07:17] <I'mDivergent> dangit
[07:17] <Avalair> (^_^)
[07:17] <Pacman87> (death(
[07:17] <Son of Elrond> (legosie)
[07:17] <Pacman87> (batman) 
[07:17] <HyperFlash Studios> (kutie) 
[07:17] <Skully Of House Lannister> (hp2) 
[07:17] <Pacman87> (ks)
[07:17] <Skully Of House Lannister> evil emote
[07:17] <Pacman87> (pe) 
[07:17] <Legoanimals750> Squirrel? Was that Ben's idea? 
[07:17] <Avalair> (hp) 
[07:17] <Skully Of House Lannister> (sexygoatstripper) 
[07:17] <HyperFlash Studios> It haunts you in your nightmares, Skul
[07:17] <HyperFlash Studios> What
[07:17] <Skully Of House Lannister> not an emote 
[07:17] <Pacman87> (killskul)
[07:17] <Avalair> (hp) bears a slight resemblance to (ss)
[07:17] <HyperFlash Studios> Pac no
[07:17] <Pacman87> nope
[07:17] <AmazingPythor> o/ 
[07:18] <Pacman87> pac yes
[07:18] <Skully Of House Lannister> guysn 
[07:18] <HyperFlash Studios> Hi roddy o/ 
[07:18] <Skully Of House Lannister> can we bring back (Ss) pls 
[07:18] <Avalair> have an emote vote
[07:18] <I'mDivergent> glee wiki has an emote for a piece of fried chicken dancing on a stripper pole :P 
[07:18] <AmazingPythor> No. :P 
[07:18] <Skully Of House Lannister> we have (bb) which is just as bad 
[07:18] <Skully Of House Lannister> if not worse 
[07:18] <I'mDivergent> do it skul
[07:18] <Impossibubbles> AP
[07:18] <Impossibubbles> AP
[07:18] <AmazingPythor> Bubbles
[07:18] <Skully Of House Lannister> ape ties up goats and makes them dance 
[07:18] <Pacman87> (sarcastic) 
[07:18] <Pacman87> (ap)
[07:19] <Impossibubbles> I'm watching an animaniacs episode, where the goodfeathers, try to get into a hitchcock movie
[07:19] <AmazingPythor> Okay for a second I thought you were going to use that damned emoticon again
[07:19] <Avalair>
[07:19] <Avalair> ???
[07:19] <Impossibubbles> No :P 
[07:19] <AmazingPythor> And what season is this
[07:19] <Avalair> who was I stalking
[07:19] <Impossibubbles> Season 1
[07:19] <Impossibubbles> episode 21
[07:19] <AmazingPythor> Ooh, so close. :P 
[07:19] <Impossibubbles> I was just watching it and I was like "AP will get a kick out of this" xD
[07:19] <HyperFlash Studios> Ava wat
[07:20] <Slicer Vorzakh> i can probably guess ava 
[07:20] <Avalair> I apparently was stalking someone and finding their instagram
[07:20] <Avalair> who slicer :P 
[07:20] <Skully Of House Lannister> we know youre a creep
[07:20] <AmazingPythor> Is Jimmy Stewart in the episode
[07:20] <Avalair> oh actually you know what
[07:20] <Avalair> I think I know
[07:20] <Nart L. Chipikal> ow rockets are painful
[07:20] <Avalair> but I'm not going to tell you all who (derp) 
[07:21] <Impossibubbles> I don't think Jimmy Stewart was in the birds :P 
[07:21] <HyperFlash Studios> Gee thanks
[07:21] <HyperFlash Studios> Leaving us all in suspense like that
[07:21] <Impossibubbles> But there have been episodes with Jimmy Stewart before
[07:21] <Skully Of House Lannister> AP needlessly sexualizes rodents
[07:21] <AmazingPythor> Oh
[07:21] <Pacman87> guys i hv t go
[07:21] <AmazingPythor> They're referencing the birds
[07:21] <AmazingPythor> Why did I not assume that
[07:21] <Impossibubbles> It's the goodfeathers xD
[07:21] <Avalair> Skul stop :P 
[07:21] <Pacman87> gtg bye
[07:21] <AmazingPythor> Right, that was rather foolish of me. :{P 
[07:21] <HyperFlash Studios> Bye Paccy
[07:21] <Legoanimals750> I know Ale has done that a lot. :P 
[07:21] <Skully Of House Lannister> see
[07:22] <Legoanimals750> o/ 
[07:22] <Skully Of House Lannister> speakers of the truth are silenced by the power
[07:22] <AmazingPythor> And Animanics impression of Jimmy Stewart
[07:22] <Impossibubbles> It's pretty funny. I won't give anything away tho :P 
[07:22] <Avalair> (fw) 
[07:22] <AmazingPythor> I await this eagerly
[07:22] <HyperFlash Studios> Does anyone remember the exact date the Lotr forum was completely removed
[07:22] <Impossibubbles> no
[07:22] <Legoanimals750> Nope
[07:22] <LordWeirdo> no
[07:22] <Peudguin> no
[07:22] <Legoanimals750> I don't post there
[07:22] <HyperFlash Studios> <span class="me-username">* <span>HyperFlash Studios</span></span> glares at Romaniandude12 *
[07:22] <LordWeirdo> I didn't even know it was removed till I couldn't find SOPO
[07:23] <Romaniandude12> (yk) 
[07:23] <AmazingPythor> Bubbles do they ever do a James Bond skit
[07:23] <Legoanimals750> There he is. :P 
[07:23] <Impossibubbles> Yes :P 
[07:23] <AmazingPythor> Or something similar
[07:23] <AmazingPythor> IS CONNERY IN IT
[07:23] <HyperFlash Studios> Rom when did the Lotr forum close
[07:23] <Impossibubbles> I believe so
[07:23] <Romaniandude12> uhhhhhhh
[07:23] <AmazingPythor> yay senpai is in animaniacs
[07:23] <AmazingPythor> I mean
[07:23] <HyperFlash Studios> I know it was in May
[07:23] <AmazingPythor> Sounds interesting.
[07:23] <Romaniandude12> ask gandy or somethin
[07:23] <HyperFlash Studios> (YK) 
[07:24] <Impossibubbles> it's been a while, but I'm sure I remember Connery in it
[07:24] <LordWeirdo> May?
[07:24] <AmazingPythor> I would've watched this earlier if I had known about all the film references. :{P 
[07:24] <Impossibubbles> haha xD
[07:24] <Impossibubbles> that's the best part
[07:25] <Impossibubbles> they do the godfather too
[07:25] <LordWeirdo> They closed the forum one year after they closed SOPO? :p 
[07:25] <AmazingPythor> Also Bill Clinton playing the saxophone would've appealed to me had I known of its existence 
[07:25] <Impossibubbles> that one was funny, even for not seeing the movie
[07:25] <AmazingPythor> The Godpigeon? :P 
[07:25] <Impossibubbles> no, it's a whole sketch with the animaniacs 
[07:26] <AmazingPythor> Ooh. :{P 
[07:26] <AmazingPythor> Do they ever parody a silent film (gasp) 
[07:26] <Impossibubbles> hmmmm
[07:27] <Impossibubbles> I don't recall 
[07:27] <AmazingPythor> The Twilight Zone actually does
[07:27] <AmazingPythor> In season 3 or 5
[07:27] <AmazingPythor> So obviously it's one of my favorites
[07:28] <Impossibubbles> oh wait!
[07:28] <Impossibubbles> They do do a silent film!
[07:28] <HyperFlash Studios> Is it just me or is this page rather messy in terms of images [[Ehlek333]]
[07:28] <Impossibubbles> there's an ep that's supposed to be like the history of the warners. So they parody all these old cartoons
[07:29] <Impossibubbles> one is silent
[07:29] <AmazingPythor> Dammit Bubbles why didn't you tell me about this show earlier
[07:29] <Legoanimals750> It is messy
[07:29] <Impossibubbles> and then it's like the warners gets loaned out to all these different animation studios xD
[07:29] <Impossibubbles> That was a great episode
[07:29] <AmazingPythor> Is it coming up soonish or no
[07:29] <Impossibubbles> I can't remember
[07:30] <Impossibubbles> because they show got better as the seasons went on
[07:30] <Impossibubbles> and that episode was really good, so
[07:30] <AmazingPythor> Wait so it never goes downhill or anything
[07:30] <Impossibubbles> nope
[07:30] <Impossibubbles> it's good till the end
[07:30] <AmazingPythor> Well that's a rarity. :P 
[07:31] <Impossibubbles> i know :P 
[07:31] <Impossibubbles> that's one of the reasons I call it one of the best cartoons of all time
[07:31] <AmazingPythor> Yeah, I'd put in like the top 20 or something
[07:31] <AmazingPythor> But I haven't watched much so
[07:32] <Impossibubbles> omg the ep I'm wathing
[07:32] <Impossibubbles> *watching
[07:32] <Impossibubbles> they're spoofying the creation story xD
[07:32] <AmazingPythor> Wait you're watching NOW? :P 
[07:32] <AmazingPythor> nICE :p 
[07:32] <Impossibubbles> I forgot about this one
[07:32] <Impossibubbles> slappy in the garden of eden (as) 
[07:33] <AmazingPythor> This sounds amusing. :{P 
[07:33] <AmazingPythor> Unfortunately I won't be able to watch while I'm in Florida
[07:33] <Impossibubbles> bummer :P 
[07:33] <Ked830> When r u going to Florida
[07:34] <AmazingPythor> Tomorrow. :P 
[07:34] <Ked830> ..oh
[07:34] <Ked830> Woohoo
[07:35] <AmazingPythor> I'll watch a few episodes tonight, but that'll be all for a bit. :{P 
[07:35] <Impossibubbles> okay xD
[07:35] <Legoanimals750> Have fun, don't get Zika. :P 
[07:35] <Impossibubbles> zika isn't even serious
[07:35] <AmazingPythor> Well
[07:36] <AmazingPythor> Since I don't plan on giving birth it's not to me
[07:36] <Impossibubbles> unless you're pregnant, and even then, we don't know
[07:36] <AmazingPythor> Is Zika even rampant in Florida
[07:36] <Impossibubbles> no
[07:36] <Legoanimals750> Not yet
[07:36] <AmazingPythor> I'd hope not. (derp) 
[07:36] <AmazingPythor> Hopefully the freaking Olympics don't spread it terribly
[07:37] <AmazingPythor> Wait did the Olympics start yet
[07:37] <Impossibubbles> Trying to get my sister to see star trek with me tonight
[07:37] <Impossibubbles> she says she wants to see finding dory 
[07:37] <Impossibubbles> I said I'd rather die
[07:37] <AmazingPythor> How old is she
[07:37] <Impossibubbles> 16
[07:37] <AmazingPythor> ... :P 
[07:38] <Impossibubbles> she hates star trek
[07:38] <AmazingPythor> Then why do you want her to go with you :{P 
[07:38] <Impossibubbles> but only because she won't give it the time of day to see if she really likes it (ud) 
[07:38] <Legoanimals750> The Olympics start in 2 days
[07:38] <Impossibubbles> i will convert her
[07:39] <AmazingPythor> Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if I had just missed the Olympics altogether 
[07:39] <AmazingPythor> Has she even watched an episode
[07:39] <Impossibubbles> She watched one of the original series once
[07:39] <Impossibubbles> she's a stickler about effects 
[07:39] <Impossibubbles> soiled millenial, she is
[07:40] <Impossibubbles> *millennial 
[07:40] <Impossibubbles> *spoiled
[07:40] <Impossibubbles> god I can't rn
[07:40] <AmazingPythor> I'm a millennial and even I hate the industry's overuse of cgi
[07:40] <AmazingPythor> "rn"
[07:40] <AmazingPythor> >implying you ever can
[07:40] <LordWeirdo> me too
[07:40] <LordWeirdo> I like black and white films
[07:41] <HyperFlash Studios> test
[07:41] <HyperFlash Studios> test
[07:41] <LordWeirdo> (Derp) 
[07:44] <Skully Of House Lannister> did chat go out 
[07:44] <HyperFlash Studios> Test
[07:44] <HyperFlash Studios> ...that was odd
[07:44] <AmazingPythor> Good job wikia
[07:44] <Legoanimals750> The whole wiki died for me
[07:45] <HyperFlash Studios> I legit was signed out
[07:45] <AmazingPythor> Same, couldn't access it on my phone.
[07:45] <Legoanimals750> Same
[07:45] <Legoanimals750> 
[07:45] <AmazingPythor> Anyways so as I was saying
[07:46] <AmazingPythor> Superhero fans' responses to Suicide Squad's negative reviews amuse me
[07:46] <AmazingPythor> "the movie is about fan service, not about quality storytelling you stupid critics"
[07:46] <HyperFlash Studios> (um) 
[07:46] <AmazingPythor> Like, is it unreasonable to expect decent writing and direction at this point
[07:46] <AmazingPythor> Can you not have a good movie with fan service...?
[07:47] <AmazingPythor> Does it have to be one or the other?
[07:48] <HyperFlash Studios> Apparently
[07:48] <LordWeirdo> yay it works again
[07:49] <Legoanimals750> Nope, can only have 1. :P 
[07:49] <AmazingPythor> Got better reviews than BVS but still
[07:50] <AmazingPythor> Yeah it's not like superhero movies can have compelling storylines and quality direction or anything
[08:10] <Impossibubbles> Oh, yeah, it was
[08:10] <HyperFlash Studios> Is there a specific reason Ava's MB article doesn't say who he is on the wiki
[08:10] <Impossibubbles> you didn't see it?
[08:10] <Matoro4212> And even I can say that the movies based on Marvel take themselves less seriously than the ones based on DC
[08:10] <AmazingPythor> I was jaded by then, lol
[08:11] <Impossibubbles> There was at one point, hype
[08:11] <Impossibubbles> iirc
[08:11] <HyperFlash Studios> I mean
[08:11] <Impossibubbles> ask him about it before you change it, please
[08:11] <AmazingPythor> Last one I saw in theaters was Age of Ultron, which was meh
[08:11] <HyperFlash Studios> (YK) 
[08:11] <Impossibubbles> I was ready to leave half way through that movie, AP
[08:11] <AmazingPythor> It wasn't /bad/ :P 
[08:12] <Impossibubbles> I was bored
[08:12] <AmazingPythor> Just painfully average :P 
[08:12] <AmazingPythor> The cgi in the intro was really awkward tbh
[08:12] <Impossibubbles> It was at the hulkbuster fight and I was like "I could be doing so many other things right now..."
[08:12] <Impossibubbles> and I had just gotten skyward sword that day
[08:12] <Impossibubbles> I would have rather been playing that
[08:12] <AmazingPythor> lol
[08:13] <AmazingPythor> Ultron was one of those movies I forgot existed right after
[08:13] <Impossibubbles> But my mom took me to the movie as a surprise for my birthday, and I didn't want to be rude
[08:13] <AmazingPythor> Everyone on the wiki was obsessed with seeing it as soon as possible
[08:13] <AmazingPythor> I was sick of the genre by then but saw it anyways
[08:13] <Impossibubbles> I would have rather seen a live Wait Wait Don't Tell me Episode. Or gone to the live this american life event
[08:14] <AmazingPythor> I remember liking the first Avengers film
[08:14] <AmazingPythor> But I was like 13
[08:14] <AmazingPythor> so
[08:14] <Impossibubbles> I once went to a special live This American Life show with my mom when I was 12. I was the youngest person there by far
[08:14] <Impossibubbles> I had begged her to take me :P 
[08:15] <Roddy15> I honestly like the Avengers stuff
[08:15] <AmazingPythor> *googles*
[08:15] <AmazingPythor> Oh, sounds better than Ultron, lol.
[08:15] <Roddy15> but I'm not overly picky about what films I watch
[08:15] <Impossibubbles> It is (derp) 
[08:15] <Roddy15> I mean I would still happily watch Cars or something
[08:15] <Impossibubbles> I remember thinking the first avengers movie was awesome
[08:16] <Roddy15> I draw a line at Postman Pat and Shawn The Sheep movies though because they are just disgusting.
[08:16] <AmazingPythor> I should probably rewatch the first Avengers
[08:16] <Impossibubbles> I was 15 or so, and my tastes were pretty simple
[08:16] <Impossibubbles> I should watch it again
[08:16] <Impossibubbles> see if it hold up
[08:16] <Impossibubbles> *holds
[08:16] <AmazingPythor> Same, doubt it will. (derp) 
[08:16] <AmazingPythor> Have you ever seen the Nolan movies
[08:16] <Impossibubbles> Or maybe I should just preserve my memory of it xDD
[08:16] <Impossibubbles> Which are those
[08:17] <AmazingPythor> Batman Begins, TDK, TDKR
[08:17] <Impossibubbles> Oh, yeah
[08:17] <Impossibubbles> I saw all those
[08:17] <Roddy15> For me a movie is a movie, watch it once and if it's good I'll watch it again but I've never disliked a movie that much.
[08:17] <AmazingPythor> Those are easily the best superhero movies ever IMO
[08:17] <AmazingPythor> Which, granted, isn't saying that much
[08:17] <Impossibubbles> My favorite superhero movie is deadpool
[08:17] <Roddy15> The Batman films hold up still.
[08:18] <Impossibubbles> I've seen it 4 times now
[08:18] <AmazingPythor> Nolan in general is easily my favorite modern director
[08:18] <AmazingPythor> Interstellar, Memento, Inception, TDK...
[08:18] <Roddy15> Interstellar.
[08:18] <AmazingPythor> I should probably see Deadpool some time
[08:18] <Impossibubbles> Interstellar starred the two actors I hate most
[08:18] <Skully Of House Lannister> lol
[08:18] <AmazingPythor> Who would that be
[08:18] <Roddy15> I had to explain the film to my parents when we watched it but they once they got their head around it then it all clicked for them.
[08:18] <Impossibubbles> You should, AP
[08:19] <Marcel77799> Interstellar was easily one of the best movies of the last 10 years
[08:19] <AmazingPythor> Oh, certainly
[08:19] <Impossibubbles> Anne Hathaway and Matthew Mcconaughey
[08:19] <Roddy15> I still listen to the OST regularly.
[08:19] <AmazingPythor> Oh yeah, lol
[08:19] <AmazingPythor> But the direction was great
[08:19] <Skully Of House Lannister> Anne Hathaway is hot 
[08:19] <Impossibubbles> I hate them with a passion that burns in my soul 
[08:19] <Marcel77799> And agreed on the Nolan statement 
[08:19] <AmazingPythor> And all the 2001 references <3
[08:19] <Marcel77799> He is amazing 
[08:19] <Impossibubbles> She looks like a horse, skul. But if you're into horses, cool
[08:19] <Skully Of House Lannister> she has nice
[08:19] <Skully Of House Lannister> nvm 
[08:20] <AmazingPythor> Skul, no :P 
[08:20] <Marcel77799> Skul (as) 
[08:20] <Marcel77799> You bad boy
[08:20] <AmazingPythor> >friend is spamming me with text messages
[08:20] <AmazingPythor> >silences phone
[08:21] <AmazingPythor> And I completely forgot Hathaway was in it
[08:21] <AmazingPythor> So obviously she gave a memorable performance.
[08:22] <Skully Of House Lannister> So did I, admittedly 
[08:22] <Skully Of House Lannister> What role did she play 
[08:23] <GuacamoleCCXR> if there were two people of whom i wish more music existed it would be visinin and kaido 
[08:23] <AmazingPythor> Wasn't she the main character's daughter after she got older
[08:23] <Skully Of House Lannister> No
[08:23] <Skully Of House Lannister> I don't think so
[08:23] <Roddy15> Brand
[08:23] <Skully Of House Lannister> That was Jessica Chastain 
[08:23] <Skully Of House Lannister> (was the daughter I mean)
[08:23] <AmazingPythor> Idr then :P 
[08:23] <Impossibubbles> no she was an astronaut 
[08:24] <Impossibubbles> and she cried a lot I think
[08:24] <AmazingPythor> I know little about modern actors. :P 
[08:24] <Impossibubbles> idc
[08:24] <Impossibubbles> *idk
[08:24] <Roddy15> She was that one who went on about love being able to transcend dimensions 
[08:24] <Impossibubbles> oh
[08:24] <Skully Of House Lannister> oh lol her
[08:24] <Roddy15> She was one of the astronauts
[08:24] <GuacamoleCCXR> are we talking about interstellar
[08:24] <AmazingPythor> Oh yes I recall now.
[08:24] <Roddy15> She was the scientist one.
[08:24] <Marcel77799> Yep
[08:25] <Impossibubbles> what I want to know
[08:25] <Impossibubbles> is why the guy cares so much about his daughter and his son is just eh
[08:25] <Roddy15> Because he's their father.
[08:25] <Skully Of House Lannister> some parents have a better connection with one child over the other 
[08:26] <Marcel77799> Well, coz his son is stupid and his daughter is a genious 
[08:26] <Skully Of House Lannister> also shes younger, sometimes people are more protective of their younger children
[08:26] <Impossibubbles> It's like "Okay, we get it, you have favorites, jesus"
[08:26] <Skully Of House Lannister> I'm trying to think of recent movies I've watched 
[08:26] <Skully Of House Lannister> the last movie I saw in theatres was...
[08:26] <Skully Of House Lannister> Terminator Genisys 
[08:26] <Impossibubbles> The last I saw in theaters was Star Trek Beyond
[08:26] <Roddy15> Last one for me was TFA.
[08:27] <Skully Of House Lannister> I didn't see the TFA until a month ago 
[08:27] <AmazingPythor> I was at the theaters yesterday so
[08:27] <Marcel77799> X-Men -Age of Apocalypse 
[08:27] <Skully Of House Lannister> I might go see Star Trek Beyond 
[08:27] <Skully Of House Lannister> I haven't watched a ton of new movies recently 
[08:27] <Impossibubbles> I saw that one, marc
[08:27] <AmazingPythor> It was pretty good Skul
[08:27] <Impossibubbles> did you like it?
[08:27] <Marcel77799> It was good, yeah
[08:27] <Skully Of House Lannister> @Ape: I like Abram's star trek 
[08:27] <AmazingPythor> brb
[08:27] <Skully Of House Lannister> and I'm a huge fan of Simon Pegg
[08:28] <Roddy15> Pegg is pretty great
[08:28] <Marcel77799> Is the new Star Trek one good?
[08:28] <Impossibubbles> Yessss
[08:28] <Skully Of House Lannister> Shaun of the Dead is still probably my favourite comedy of the 2000s 
[08:28] <Skully Of House Lannister> It's so good 
[08:28] <Marcel77799> Kk
[08:28] <Impossibubbles> It has some really cool scenes
[08:28] <Roddy15> I was actually going to mention Shaun of the Dead :P 
[08:28] <Skully Of House Lannister> Shaun of the Dead is awesome!!!
[08:28] <Skully Of House Lannister> Have you seen Hot Fuzz?
[08:28] <Roddy15> Yeah
[08:28] <Skully Of House Lannister> The town where they filmed that 
[08:29] <Skully Of House Lannister> I've been going to for years 
[08:29] <Skully Of House Lannister> We have a friend who lives there
[08:29] <Skully Of House Lannister> Like several of the shops in the movie, that entire main street, the pub, the fountain etc 
[08:29] <Skully Of House Lannister> The church 
[08:29] <Skully Of House Lannister> It was weird 
[08:30] <Skully Of House Lannister> Seeing somewhere from my life on the big screen 
[08:30] <Skully Of House Lannister> And actually, I lived very close to where Shaun of the Dead was filmed 
[08:30] <Skully Of House Lannister> Like the store where he buys his cornetto from the Indian dude is a place I went to fairly often when I was a kid
[08:30] <AmazingPythor> back
[08:30] <Marcel77799> WB
[08:30] <Skully Of House Lannister> Ape have you seen Shaun of the Dead
[08:31] <AmazingPythor> No. :P 
[08:31] <Skully Of House Lannister> Dude
[08:31] <Skully Of House Lannister> You have to 
[08:31] <AmazingPythor> Isn't it like a parody of zombie movies
[08:31] <Skully Of House Lannister> Yes 
[08:31] <Skully Of House Lannister> But it's so good
[08:31] <Skully Of House Lannister> Simon Pegg is awesome 
[08:31] <AmazingPythor> Good, I freaking hate that genre of art :P 
[08:31] <AmazingPythor> I'd like to see it made fun of. :P 
[08:31] <Skully Of House Lannister> It's insanely well done 
[08:32] <Skully Of House Lannister> and it's absolutely hilarious 
[08:32] <Skully Of House Lannister> It was my favourite movie for years 
[08:32] <Roddy15> Simon Pegg and Nick Frost as a duo are perfect
[08:32] <AmazingPythor> I think my favorite is still 12 Angry Men
[08:32] <Skully Of House Lannister> You really ought to see it, it's one of my favourite movies made in the last fifteen years 
[08:32] <AmazingPythor> The film that taught me a dozen men yelling at each other in a room for two hours can be very engaging.
[08:33] <Marcel77799> XD
[08:33] <Marcel77799> I don't have a favourite movie
[08:33] <AmazingPythor> In all seriousness, it sounds like a really lame concept, but it's super well done. :P 
[08:33] <Roddy15> My favourite movie changes all the time which is why I'd never use it as a security question :P 
[08:34] <LBTB3> Martha?
[08:34] <LBTB3> Is that you+
[08:34] <Skully Of House Lannister> Ape, you genuinely need to watch Shaun of the Dead 
[08:34] <LBTB3> ???
[08:34] <AmazingPythor> Yeah, I've heard good things about it.
[08:34] <Skully Of House Lannister> It is the best comedy of the last 15 years imo 
[08:35] <AmazingPythor> LBTB3 what are you doing
[08:35] <Marcel77799> Well, as a whole nothing can beat SW for me but it doesn't count as one movie 
[08:35] <LBTB3> ?
[08:35] <Skully Of House Lannister> s/he's high 
[08:35] <AmazingPythor> The best comedy I've seen is Dr. Strangelove
[08:35] <LBTB3> WHY DID YOU SAY THAT NAME??????!!!!!!!!
[08:36] <Skully Of House Lannister> omg 
[08:36] <AmazingPythor> ...?
[08:36] <Skully Of House Lannister> yes 
[08:36] <Skully Of House Lannister> theyre trying to steal his essence 
[08:36] <AmazingPythor> His bodily fluids
[08:36] <Skully Of House Lannister> Yes 
[08:36] <Skully Of House Lannister> it's been a while 
[08:36] <Skully Of House Lannister> that's a great film 
[08:36] <AmazingPythor> Peter Sellers plays three characters in that
[08:36] <LBTB3>
[08:36] <Skully Of House Lannister> My favourite comedy of all time is still Monty Python and the Holy Grail ofc 
[08:37] <AmazingPythor> If no one had told me I'd have assumed those characters were played by different people
[08:37] <Skully Of House Lannister> I first watched that when I was like 8 and I've loved it ever since 
[08:37] <AmazingPythor> I like Monty Python, but I still have to give it to Strangelove
[08:37] <AmazingPythor> Though mainly for the historical humor
[08:37] <LBTB3> Martha will not die tonight
[08:38] <AmazingPythor> LBTB are you from another wiki
[08:38] <Skully Of House Lannister> ape 
[08:38] <Skully Of House Lannister> it occurs to me 
[08:38] <LBTB3> I've been here before
[08:38] <Skully Of House Lannister> shaun of the dead may offend you 
[08:38] <Skully Of House Lannister> there's a scene where dire straits is disparaged 
[08:38] <AmazingPythor> When would that be
[08:38] <Skully Of House Lannister> :p 
[08:38] <AmazingPythor> gasp skul
[08:38] <LordWeirdo> why have I left chat open this whole time
[08:38] <AmazingPythor> How so
[08:39] <Impossibubbles> why does everyone feel the need to post about how they left chat open
[08:39] <Skully Of House Lannister> There's a scene where they go through his record collection deciding which to throw at the zombies 
[08:39] <Skully Of House Lannister> "Purple Rain?" 
[08:39] <Skully Of House Lannister> "No"
[08:39] <Skully Of House Lannister> "Stone Roses?"
[08:39] <Skully Of House Lannister> "No"
[08:39] <Skully Of House Lannister> "Dire Straits?"
[08:39] <Roddy15> why have i left chat open?
[08:39] <Skully Of House Lannister> "...use it" 
[08:39] <AmazingPythor> I'd use Prince in a heartbeat, lol
[08:39] <Impossibubbles> oh is this shaun of the dead
[08:39] <LordWeirdo> because we do bubbles
[08:40] <Skully Of House Lannister> yes
[08:40] <Skully Of House Lannister> trying to get ape to watch it 
[08:40] <Impossibubbles> I liked that movie
[08:40] <AmazingPythor> Dire Straits is an acquired taste okay
[08:40] <Skully Of House Lannister> they parody like every zombie movie trope 
[08:41] <Skully Of House Lannister> even the "dont say the z word" one 
[08:41] <Impossibubbles> please
[08:41] <AmazingPythor> LBT is this some form of trolling or
[08:41] <Marcel77799> Seems like it
[08:42] <Skully Of House Lannister> It's one of those things where you can only really like one ape 
[08:42] <Impossibubbles> It's spam, whatever it is
[08:42] <Impossibubbles> which should warrant at least a warning (ys) 
[08:42] <Marcel77799> ^^
[08:42] <AmazingPythor> Yeah, please cease with that, LBT,
[08:42] <Skully Of House Lannister> There are some genres where every film is the same 
[08:42] <LordWeirdo> Zombies are one of the few things that scare me
[08:42] <AmazingPythor> Hi Div.
[08:42] <Skully Of House Lannister> I watch the Walking Dead but that's mostly for the character development 
[08:42] <Skully Of House Lannister> /i want to see who dies horribly 
[08:42] <LBTB3> Okee dokee
[08:42] <I'mDivergent> britney spears just announced her new album i am freaking out this is not cool
[08:42] <AmazingPythor> I guess zombie films are more of a subgenre but the point still stands
[08:42] <Alemas2005> GuacamoleCCXR, you miserable ape, PM.
[08:42] <Skully Of House Lannister> They're all the same 
[08:43] <Marcel77799> Shall I cure you with Death Metal, Div? XD
[08:43] <Skully Of House Lannister> Its like cabin-in-the-woods horror films 
[08:43] <Skully Of House Lannister> They're just not interesting
[08:43] <RusMan> Div, listen to Tame Impala's Currents album instead. :p 
[08:43] <I'mDivergent> not Marcel and Rus
[08:43] <I'mDivergent> hi away 
[08:43] <AmazingPythor> The horror genre is 99% of the time utter garbage
[08:43] <Marcel77799> :( 
[08:43] <I'mDivergent> *ho away
[08:43] <I'mDivergent> *go away
[08:43] <Marcel77799> Per AP
[08:43] <Skully Of House Lannister> Ape I like some horror films 
[08:43] <Skully Of House Lannister> I like being scared
[08:43] <I'mDivergent> *no
[08:44] <AmazingPythor> With exceptions like Alien, Nosferatu, etc
[08:44] <I'mDivergent> i can not type 
[08:44] <Skully Of House Lannister> I like ghost movies 
[08:44] <AmazingPythor> Note 99%, skul
[08:44] <Marcel77799> Yeah
[08:44] <RusMan> You don't like that suggestion? :p 
[08:44] <Skully Of House Lannister> Ape it's more that slasher horrors are really bad 
[08:44] <Skully Of House Lannister> Masked man with a chainsaw sort of thing 
[08:44] <AmazingPythor> Not really tbh
[08:44] <Marcel77799> Thriller stuff is better
[08:44] <AmazingPythor> The other subgenres are bad too
[08:44] <Skully Of House Lannister> Like whiuch
[08:44] <AmazingPythor> But slashers are the worst
[08:44] <Skully Of House Lannister> Zombie movies are bad too 
[08:44] <Skully Of House Lannister> I like paranormal sort of things 
[08:44] <Skully Of House Lannister> Ghosts 
[08:44] <AmazingPythor> Zombie, ghost (usually), etc
[08:44] <Skully Of House Lannister> Ghost movies are fine 
[08:45] <AmazingPythor> Good ghost movies are more common
[08:45] <HyperFlash Studios> Bubbles I'm trying to test out a new tool which adds categories to multiple files at once (derp2) 
[08:45] <AmazingPythor> But many of them are very generic too
[08:45] <Skully Of House Lannister> The Woman in Black was well done 
[08:45] <Impossibubbles> Sorry hype
[08:45] <Skully Of House Lannister> Insidious was alright 
[08:45] <Skully Of House Lannister> The Shining is good
[08:45] <HyperFlash Studios> [[PewdiepieMan?curid=121593&diff=772303&oldid=623221]]
[08:45] <HyperFlash Studios> "He is adored by [[skulduggery773]], but says Skul is overly attached."
[08:45] <RusMan> Skul watch The Babadook.
[08:45] <HyperFlash Studios> (um) 
[08:45] <AmazingPythor> The Babadook is a legitimately good film
[08:45] <RusMan> It is
[08:46] <Skully Of House Lannister> ape watch the Woman in Black, it's well done 
[08:46] <AmazingPythor> Partially based on silent horror films so
[08:46] <Skully Of House Lannister> I'm trying to think of some others I enjoyed 
[08:46] <AmazingPythor> I've heard it's decent
[08:46] <AmazingPythor> Slasher films are the worst subgenre in cinema though, IMO
[08:46] <Skully Of House Lannister> I thought It Follows was well done actually 
[08:46] <Skully Of House Lannister> It was a unique idea 
[08:46] <I'mDivergent> my favorite horror movie is barbie and the three musketeers 
[08:46] <Skully Of House Lannister> Which made it stand out 
[08:46] <RusMan> Yeah it turned out to be pretty good. 
[08:46] <Marcel77799> XD
[08:46] <Skully Of House Lannister> Rus you watched It Follows?
[08:47] <AmazingPythor> They rely on gore and cheap jumpscares rather than psychological horror
[08:47] <RusMan> Not yet
[08:47] <AmazingPythor> Which is, like, what horror actually is
[08:47] <Skully Of House Lannister> its good 
[08:47] <Skully Of House Lannister> ape 
[08:47] <RusMan> I watched Grave Encounters last night. 
[08:47] <Skully Of House Lannister> One movie which I'll get crap for liking 
[08:47] <Skully Of House Lannister> but The Blair Witch Project freaked me out 
[08:47] <Man.city1> Ape 
[08:47] <Man.city1> pm
[08:47] <Skully Of House Lannister> I had to look away when it was just people crawling around in a tent 
[08:47] <AmazingPythor> I only half know what that is :P 
[08:47] <Marcel77799> O/ 
[08:47] <AmazingPythor> o/ 
[08:48] <Skully Of House Lannister> There's basically no jumpscares 
[08:48] <RusMan> Meh, it bored me. :p 
[08:48] <Skully Of House Lannister> Its just three people go out into the woods trying to make a documentary on a witch 
[08:48] <Skully Of House Lannister> And they start losing it 
[08:48] <Skully Of House Lannister> Bit by bit 
[08:48] <Skully Of House Lannister> And tiny things keep building up 
[08:48] <I'mDivergent> what was that one nickelodeon show that was supposed to be creepy 
[08:48] <AmazingPythor> Yeah that sounds familiar
[08:48] <Skully Of House Lannister> You see nothing for like 99% of the film 
[08:48] <Skully Of House Lannister> They just completely lose it 
[08:48] <Skully Of House Lannister> That's why I found it creepy 
[08:48] <I'mDivergent> house of something i think
[08:49] <AmazingPythor> Is it like The Monsters are Due on Maple Street then
[08:49] <RusMan> Corey in the House? 
[08:49] <Skully Of House Lannister> idk
[08:49] <Skully Of House Lannister> oh 
[08:49] <RusMan> (Derp) 
[08:49] <Skully Of House Lannister> you know what movie freaked me out so much I could never watch it again 
[08:49] <I'mDivergent> that was disney rus :P 
[08:49] <Skully Of House Lannister> Corpse Bride 
[08:49] <Man.city1> Corey was a beast 
[08:49] <AmazingPythor> Where the aliens just freak out the people by switching on lights then watch them kill each other
[08:49] <Skully Of House Lannister> that movie 
[08:49] <RusMan> Lol skul
[08:49] <Skully Of House Lannister> scared the living daylights out of me 
[08:49] <Skully Of House Lannister> it was so unsettling 
[08:49] <Skully Of House Lannister> I couldn't watch it
[08:49] <Skully Of House Lannister> also that other one 
[08:49] <Skully Of House Lannister> the girl with buttons on her eyes 
[08:50] <HyperFlash Studios> Ok I'm done testing (derp) 
[08:50] <AmazingPythor> Only heard of it Skul
[08:50] <Skully Of House Lannister> Coraline 
[08:50] <Skully Of House Lannister> ?
[08:50] <AmazingPythor> I haven't even seen many horror movies tbh
[08:50] <HyperFlash Studios> Coraline
[08:50] <HyperFlash Studios> Oh god
[08:50] <AmazingPythor> The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Nosferatu, Alien
[08:50] <AmazingPythor> uh
[08:50] <AmazingPythor> Psycho ofc
[08:50] <Impossibubbles> oh ap
[08:50] <AmazingPythor> Hm?
[08:50] <Skully Of House Lannister> Psycho!? :p 
[08:50] <HyperFlash Studios> And I never found Corpse Bride that bad for some reason, Skul :P 
[08:50] <Impossibubbles> I remember that twilight zone ep :P 
[08:50] <Skully Of House Lannister> Corpse Bride unsettled me 
[08:51] <Skully Of House Lannister> so much 
[08:51] <AmazingPythor> Psycho as in the Hitchcock film, skul :P 
[08:51] <RusMan> I've seen all the Saw movies and a bunch of Friday the 13th's. :p 
[08:51] <HyperFlash Studios> Coraline legitimately creeped me out when I was younger, however
[08:51] <AmazingPythor> What else have I seen
[08:51] <AmazingPythor> Strangers on a Train
[08:51] <AmazingPythor> The Babadook ofc
[08:51] <Skully Of House Lannister> The Witch was good 
[08:51] <Skully Of House Lannister> actually 
[08:51] <Skully Of House Lannister> I enjoyed it 
[08:51] <RusMan> My sister used to get creeped out by the cartoon Alice in Wonderland.
[08:52] <AmazingPythor> Wow I really haven't seen that many full horror movies
[08:52] <HyperFlash Studios> gg Rus
[08:52] <RusMan> I used to get disturbed about the Neverending Story :p 
[08:52] <Skully Of House Lannister> Sinister is also a pretty good horror movie, but I might only like it because of the way he puts all the evidence together 
[08:52] <RusMan> It's just kind of depressing at times. :p 
[08:52] <AmazingPythor> I love how clown movies are /still/ a thing
[08:52] <Man.city1> The babadook :{p 
[08:52] <Man.city1> (XD) 
[08:52] <RusMan> Babadook was great
[08:52] <AmazingPythor> Clown slasher movies are one of the worst inventions of all time
[08:53] <Man.city1> (xd) 
[08:53] <Skully Of House Lannister> Is It any good Ape
[08:53] <Skully Of House Lannister> the movie 
[08:53] <Skully Of House Lannister> The book is 
[08:53] <Skully Of House Lannister> It's about a clown 
[08:53] <Skully Of House Lannister> but its Stephen King 
[08:53] <RusMan> I was not expecting it to be that good. :p 
[08:53] <AmazingPythor> I have never seen It
[08:53] <AmazingPythor> Hear it's funny
[08:53] <Man.city1> Guys
[08:53] <Man.city1> the babadook? :{p 
[08:53] <Impossibubbles> Oh!
[08:53] <Man.city1> it was alright, not scary tho :p 
[08:53] <RusMan> Yes, mc? :{p 
[08:54] <AmazingPythor> I thought it was pretty good
[08:54] <Impossibubbles> Nostalgia critic did a review of "It"
[08:54] <AmazingPythor> Bubbles what were you saying earlier
[08:54] <RusMan> Well it's not a jumpscare movie 
[08:54] <Impossibubbles> what
[08:54] <AmazingPythor> oh
[08:54] <AmazingPythor> I can't read
[08:54] <AmazingPythor> Ignore me
[08:54] <RusMan> It's a more psychological horror I think.
[08:54] <Impossibubbles> the critic loves making fun of stephen king :P 
[08:54] <Skully Of House Lannister> stephen king books are actually super well done 
[08:54] <Impossibubbles> and the movie looked really bad
[08:54] <AmazingPythor> Bubbles have you seen his review of Maximum Overdrive
[08:54] <RusMan> Nostalgia Critic (h) :p 
[08:54] <Impossibubbles> no
[08:54] <AmazingPythor> Omg
[08:54] <Impossibubbles> should I watch it?
[08:54] <AmazingPythor> That one's the best
[08:54] <Skully Of House Lannister> i love most stephen king books 
[08:54] <AmazingPythor> Yes
[08:54] <Impossibubbles> I shall xD
[08:55] <AmazingPythor> That is the worst Stephen King film I've seen
[08:55] <Skully Of House Lannister> 11/22/63 was one of my favourites books ever 
[08:55] <Skully Of House Lannister> it was soooo well done 
[08:55] <Skully Of House Lannister> it wasn't horror but it was Stephen King and it was done super super well 
[08:55] <RusMan> O/ 
[08:55] <AmazingPythor> Stand by Me's film was good iirc
[08:55] <RusMan> Lol I'm actually reading a Roald Dahl book atm and I'll finish it later today. :p 
[08:56] <Skully Of House Lannister> Stephen King wrote the book the Shawshank Redemption is based on too 
[08:56] <AmazingPythor> Yeah, I actually didn't know that for a while, lol
[08:56] <AmazingPythor> Need to see that one ;~;
[08:56] <RusMan> I never read it and I liked his books in the past so I thought why not
[08:56] <Impossibubbles> so far this movie looks horrible
[08:56] <AmazingPythor> Bubbles it's so funny
[08:56] <AmazingPythor> It gets a lot worse
[08:56] <RusMan> Afk
[08:57] <Skully Of House Lannister> Ape you should watch God's Not Dead
[08:57] <Skully Of House Lannister> my mom and I had so much fun watching it 
[08:57] <AmazingPythor> nO
[08:57] <Impossibubbles> I love ths
[08:57] <Impossibubbles> *this
[08:57] <Skully Of House Lannister> I also want to see The Room 
[08:57] <AmazingPythor> What even defines a machine in that movie
[08:57] <AmazingPythor> The guns are evil too iirc so
[08:57] <Impossibubbles> So I guess what we learned is never let stephen king direct 
[08:58] <AmazingPythor> lol
[08:58] <Skully Of House Lannister> just leave him to write
[08:58] <Roddy15> Oooh God's Not Dead skully? :P 
[08:58] <AmazingPythor> King hated the Shining iirc
[08:58] <AmazingPythor> As in, the Kubrick film
[08:58] <Skully Of House Lannister> Actually 
[08:58] <Roddy15> I'm watching a "review" of the second one at the moment. :P 
[08:58] <Impossibubbles> like there's no is no cop out. You can't say it was misinterpreted xD
[08:59] <Impossibubbles> what
[08:59] <Impossibubbles> there's no is no
[08:59] <Impossibubbles> what is wrong with me
[08:59] <Skully Of House Lannister> I think both the movie and the book of the Shining had lackluster endings 
[08:59] <AmazingPythor> "a guy with a scottish accent from grease" - Bubbles 2016
[08:59] <Impossibubbles> shut up
[08:59] <AmazingPythor> Yeah they had different endings right
[08:59] <Impossibubbles> u suck
[08:59] <Skully Of House Lannister> they do 
[08:59] <AmazingPythor> I am aware
[08:59] <Skully Of House Lannister> and both endings sort of suck 
[08:59] <Skully Of House Lannister> not as much as ape 
[09:00] <Skully Of House Lannister> but still pretty bad
[09:00] <AmazingPythor> lel
[09:00] <Skully Of House Lannister> nothing sucks like ap bb 
[09:00] <AmazingPythor> On that note I'm afraid I must go
[09:00] <Skully Of House Lannister> i finished HIMYM and I'm trying Friends 
[09:00] <Impossibubbles> bye ap
[09:01] <Marcel77799> Cya AP
[09:01] <Skully Of House Lannister> the only thing I've taken away from it so far is that Jennifer Anniston used to be super hot 
[09:01] <AmazingPythor> \o 
[09:01] <Marcel77799> (As) 
[09:02] <Marcel77799> I finally finished One Piece
[09:03] <HyperFlash Studios> How was it?
[09:03] <Alemas2005> ...?!
[09:03] <Alemas2005> Marc watches anime? O_O 
[09:03] <Marcel77799> Only OP
[09:03] <HyperFlash Studios> lol
[09:04] <Marcel77799> Nothing else
[09:04] <Alemas2005> The heavy metal rocker watches anime?! O_O 
[09:04] <Alemas2005> What a time to be alive...
[09:04] <Alemas2005> [[Thread:268819]]
[09:04] <Impossibubbles> ew anime 
[09:04] <Alemas2005> OH FOR...
[09:04] <Alemas2005> (FW) 
[09:04] <Marcel77799> Your comment shows that you know nothing about that show, Ale xD
[09:05] <Alemas2005> I only know it's about some guy and some pirates...
[09:05] <BraveNewRoyalty> is this one piece
[09:05] <BraveNewRoyalty> i swear
[09:05] <Marcel77799> It's worth watching but it's very long
[09:05] <Marcel77799> Very very long and still not over
[09:05] <BraveNewRoyalty> yeah this is one piece
[09:06] <Marcel77799> Ofc it is
[09:06] <HyperFlash Studios> How many episodes does One Piece have
[09:07] <BraveNewRoyalty> 700+ last time i checked
[09:07] <BraveNewRoyalty> (derp) 
[09:07] <Marcel77799> 751 currently 
[09:07] <Marcel77799> 20 minutes each
[09:07] <HyperFlash Studios> Ah
[09:08] <BraveNewRoyalty> 13 movies too
[09:08] <BraveNewRoyalty> *just*
[09:08] <HyperFlash Studios> Naruto, when part 1 and shippuden are combined have 690 episodes
[09:08] <Legoanimals750> o/ 
[09:08] <HyperFlash Studios> I'm... still working on it (derp) 
[09:08] <HyperFlash Studios> o/ 
[09:08] <BraveNewRoyalty> i watched the original naruto when i was 4 lol
[09:10] <HyperFlash Studios> I finished part one pretty quickly
[09:10] <BraveNewRoyalty> i heard that shippuden has so much filler that you dont even need to watch the original
[09:10] <BraveNewRoyalty> it recaps it for you
[09:11] <Marcel77799> OP has quite some filler too
[09:11] <HyperFlash Studios> More or less
[09:11] <HyperFlash Studios> I'm on episodes 50 of shippuden
[09:11] <HyperFlash Studios> So
[09:11] <HyperFlash Studios> Not too bad (derp) 
[09:11] <Marcel77799> Well, not filler but the development of the story has slowed down a lot
[09:11] <BraveNewRoyalty> >50
[09:11] <BraveNewRoyalty> hyper
[09:12] <BraveNewRoyalty> my own *mother* is farther than you
[09:12] <Dumbledore115> Hai
[09:14] <Legoanimals750> o/ 
[09:14] <HyperFlash Studios> Considering the fact that I started watching it a few weeks ago, BNR, that doesn't surprise me
[09:14] <BraveNewRoyalty> my mom is like 
[09:15] <BraveNewRoyalty> a huge naruto fan
[09:15] <BraveNewRoyalty> just
[09:15] <BraveNewRoyalty> she's the one that got me into anime in the first place
[09:16] <Alemas2005>
[09:16] <Alemas2005> Anime talk.
[09:16] <Alemas2005> Been a while since we last had that.
[09:16] <Marcel77799> O/ 
[09:16] <Alemas2005> Really quite a while...
[09:16] <Marcel77799> Well, all the anime people vanished 
[09:16] <BraveNewRoyalty> tbh i wish she never did this to me
[09:17] <Alemas2005> Now it's 29 votes for keeping it blocked...
[09:17] <Alemas2005> *Sigh*
[09:17] <Alemas2005> The one word I wanted unblocked... :{P 
[09:17] <Marcel77799> What word?
[09:17] <Alemas2005> [[Thread:268819]]
[09:17] <Alemas2005> You didn't vote on that. :P 
[09:18] <Alemas2005> I thought it was everyday language. :{P 
[09:18] <Marcel77799> It kinda is
[09:18] <Alemas2005> Especially in Germany. :P 
[09:18] <Alemas2005> They say the German version a lot. :P 
[09:18] <BraveNewRoyalty> i thought pc culture makes it "offensive language"
[09:19] <Ked830> the votes keep on coming
[09:19] <Ked830> hai majj
[09:19] <Majolo9050> ai
[09:19] <BraveNewRoyalty>
[09:20] <BraveNewRoyalty> these are the votes ^
[09:20] <Ked830> ROME
[09:20] <HyperFlash Studios> Hi Ked
[09:20] <Majolo9050> watched pan, that was fun xD
[09:20] <Ked830> U SHRUB ROME
[09:20] <Legoanimals750> p/
[09:20] <Ked830> hai hypey
[09:20] <Legoanimals750> o/ 
[09:20] <Romaniandude12> NO U
[09:20] <Marshal6000> Rom.
[09:20] <Ked830> You are the shrubbiest shubbery that ever shrubbef
[09:20] <Marshal6000> I got a full beacon
[09:21] <HyperFlash Studios> Hey Marsh
[09:21] <Ked830> shrubbed >.>
[09:21] <Marshal6000> now you should all bow before me
[09:21] <Marshal6000> I'm king of the server!
[09:21] <Ked830> o we can shoot you? *shoots Marsh with bow*
[09:21] <Marshal6000> I have a teir 4 beacon :P 
[09:21] <Marshal6000> I can get regen :P 
[09:21] <Marshal6000> or resistance 2 :P 
[09:21] <Romaniandude12> I can destroy your beacon and hide in my inventory (as) 
[09:22] <Ked830> Gud4u
[09:22] <BraveNewRoyalty>
[09:22] <BraveNewRoyalty> why is this a thing
[09:22] <Marshal6000> I'll report you to spy for steeling :| 
[09:22] <Romaniandude12> why are you a thing, brave
[09:22] <Marshal6000> And he'll make me mod so you go do that :P 
[09:22] <Alemas2005> Because Shrek.
[09:22] <Alemas2005> Alas.
[09:22] <Impossibubbles> steeling 
[09:22] <BraveNewRoyalty> because rome
[09:22] <Impossibubbles> steeling, marsh
[09:22] <BraveNewRoyalty> it was against my control
[09:22] <Romaniandude12> because rome?
[09:22] <Marshal6000> typo. :P 
[09:22] <Romaniandude12> thats a terrbiel reason
[09:22] <Legoanimals750> Everything is a thing on the internet. :P 
[09:22] <Impossibubbles> steeling what? Steeling his resolve? (as) 
[09:23] <Marshal6000> stealing :P 
[09:23] <Impossibubbles> :P 
[09:23] <Marshal6000> But now all you poor little savages have to bow before me. :P 
[09:23] <HyperFlash Studios> I just found a script that would have been really useful when I was renaming emote votes the other day (derp) 
[09:23] <Marshal6000> (derp4) 
[09:23] <Majolo9050> now to see if i can actually get a dvd to play on my laptop >.>
[09:24] <BraveNewRoyalty> >using dvds
[09:24] <BraveNewRoyalty> >not torrenting
[09:24] <Majolo9050> mhm
[09:24] <Majolo9050> i decided to be old fashioned
[09:24] <Majolo9050> and yey it worked
[09:26] <Majolo9050> so now i'm watching iron man (as) 
[09:26] <Ked830> I haven't seen iron man
[09:26] <Ked830> :c
[09:26] <Marshal6000> (gasp) 
[09:26] <Majolo9050> well, i haven't either until 2 seconds ago
[09:26] <BraveNewRoyalty>
[09:26] <BraveNewRoyalty> enjoy
[09:27] <Legoanimals750> I haven't either. :P 
[09:27] <Ked830> I've seen iron man 3 tho
[09:27] <Majolo9050> ..i havent seen any marvel movies
[09:27] <Majolo9050> so people yelled at me
[09:27] <Majolo9050> and here we are
[09:28] <Marshal6000> Suck on it! <img class="chatags-image" src="">
[09:28] <BraveNewRoyalty> hello, mr lincoln
[09:28] <Peudguin> Hi 
[09:28] <Ked830> it's okay majj I hadn't seen any for a while su
[09:28] <Ked830> hai peud
[09:28] <Majolo9050> yey
[09:28] <Peudguin> Hai o/ 
[09:28] <Majolo9050> peud o/ 
[09:28] <Romaniandude12> dod i have to marsh
[09:28] <Marshal6000> have to what?
[09:28] <Romaniandude12> suck on it
[09:28] <Marshal6000> (fp) 
[09:28] <Ked830> (Derp3) 
[09:29] <BraveNewRoyalty> l-lewd
[09:29] <Marshal6000> <img class="chatags-image" src="">
[09:29] <HyperFlash Studios> agh
[09:28] <Romaniandude12> dod i have to marsh
[09:28] <Marshal6000> have to what?
[09:28] <Romaniandude12> suck on it
[09:28] <Marshal6000> (fp) 
[09:28] <Ked830> (Derp3) 
[09:29] <BraveNewRoyalty> l-lewd
[09:29] <Marshal6000> <img class="chatags-image" src="">
[09:29] <HyperFlash Studios> agh
[09:30] <Marshal6000> what hype? :P 
[09:30] <BraveNewRoyalty> that's rather hard to suck on
[09:30] <BraveNewRoyalty> it's long
[09:30] <Ked830> Hai div
[09:30] <Ked830> and mat
[09:30] <HyperFlash Studios> Something was messing up my chat scroll
[09:30] <HyperFlash Studios> and BNR srs :P 
[09:30] <Marshal6000> <img class="chatags-image" src="">
[09:30] <HyperFlash Studios> Maybe link
[09:30] <Ked830> Marsh make a blog
[09:30] <HyperFlash Studios> Instead of embed
[09:31] <HyperFlash Studios> Or make a blog with a gallery
[09:31] <BraveNewRoyalty> what is the difference between me and a mosquito?
[09:31] <BraveNewRoyalty> i'll keep sucking when you slap me (derp4) 
[09:31] <I'mDivergent> nothing you both suck
[09:31] <HyperFlash Studios> No
[09:31] <I'mDivergent> bnr why :p 
[09:31] <BraveNewRoyalty> i ask myself that question too
[09:32] <Legoanimals750> ...
[09:32] <Ked830> Rain rain go away come again some other day
[09:32] <Ked830> and take ur storm clouds with chu 
[09:32] <Marshal6000> Read: [[User blog:Marshal6000/2 (explained)]] :P 
[09:32] <Marshal6000> Vote: [[LEGO Message Boards Wiki:Emoticon Vote/Tongue Smiley Derp]] :P 
[09:33] <Ked830> No
[09:33] <Marshal6000> :| 
[09:33] <Legoanimals750> I did, i voted no. :P 
[09:34] <I'mDivergent> the emote is kind of a good idea but its ugly
[09:34] <Marshal6000> 9 people want it :P 
[09:34] <Marshal6000> and read the blog! :P 
[09:34] <I'mDivergent> what even is action movie
[09:34] <Marshal6000> :O 
[09:35] <Marshal6000> Hype. Tell him! :P 
[09:35] <I'mDivergent> illI probably regret asking wont i
[09:35] <BraveNewRoyalty> when you google "action movie" you get a pokemon movie
[09:35] <HyperFlash Studios> It's a brick film :P 
[09:35] <I'mDivergent> L
[09:35] <I'mDivergent> Lame
[09:35] <HyperFlash Studios> I thought the original one was pretty good
[09:35] <HyperFlash Studios> :{P 
[09:35] <Marshal6000> ...
[09:35] <Marshal6000> let me link you.
[09:35] <Marshal6000> Actually.
[09:35] <Marshal6000> better idea
[09:36] <Marshal6000> BRB
[09:36] <I'mDivergent> dont 
[09:36] <I'mDivergent> i won't watch it :p 
[09:36] <Sir Guurahk> I voted aye for the derp. (derp) 
[09:36] <Marshal6000> :| 
[09:36] <Marshal6000> why not div? :| 
[09:36] <I'mDivergent> because im already watching something and i don't want to
[09:36] <HyperFlash Studios> I would assume he's just not interested in it :P 
[09:37] <BraveNewRoyalty> tbh it'll probably be cringy 
[09:37] <Sir Guurahk> o/ 
[09:37] <Peudguin> Kep o/ 
[09:37] <Ked830> Keeeeep hai
[09:39] <Ked830> Hai batgirl
[09:39] <BatGirl9431> Hi Ked.
[09:40] <I'mDivergent> im so bored
[09:40] <BatGirl9431> Hi other people.
[09:40] <I'mDivergent> ked so you have any music suggestions 
[09:40] <I'mDivergent> do
[09:40] <Legoanimals750> Hi I'm so bored, I'm Webby.
[09:40] <Ked830> music music
[09:40] <Marshal6000> [[User blog:Marshal6000/ACTION MOVIE (for new people)]]
[09:40] <Ked830> lemme think
[09:40] <I'mDivergent> webby stop with the dad jokes
[09:40] <Marshal6000> there you go everyone
[09:41] <Marshal6000> enjoy!
[09:41] <Legoanimals750> Sorry, I'm bored as welll
[09:41] <I'mDivergent> :P 
[09:41] <Skully Of House Lannister> trump keeps making more mistakes lol 
[09:41] <Marshal6000> here div: [[User blog:Marshal6000/ACTION MOVIE (for new people)]] :P 
[09:41] <Legoanimals750> When does he not?
[09:41] <BraveNewRoyalty> didn't obama think it was ok for hillary to make mistakes too
[09:41] <BraveNewRoyalty> at the dnc
[09:42] <Skully Of House Lannister> im not talking about that kind of mistake 
[09:42] <Skully Of House Lannister> i'm saying he's screwing up his own campaign 
[09:42] <Ked830> Doc tbh I've been listening to more ambient music and soundtracks and anime ops and eds than music music (derp) 
[09:42] <Ked830> Div*
[09:42] <I'mDivergent> oh
[09:42] <BraveNewRoyalty> this election cycle is just a meme
[09:42] <I'mDivergent> ill just listen to dangerous woman again
[09:42] <Skully Of House Lannister> Attacking the parents of a deceased soldier is something he should've known better than to do 
[09:42] <Marshal6000> Skul. Can you please for the love of God stop making this a debate room!
[09:42] <BraveNewRoyalty> bruh that's old news
[09:42] <Ked830> Gud choice div
[09:43] <Skully Of House Lannister> Yeah but its just caused a chain of events 
[09:43] <Skully Of House Lannister> Now major republicans are critisizing him 
[09:43] <BraveNewRoyalty> yeah, it'll all be done in a week
[09:43] <Skully Of House Lannister> He keeps making more blatantly sexist comments 
[09:43] <I'mDivergent> ripgio
[09:43] <I'mDivergent> *ripgop
[09:43] <Marshal6000> (grr) 
[09:43] <Skully Of House Lannister> Its becoming clear he has basically no grasp of foreign policy issues 
[09:44] <Marshal6000> Skul.
[09:44] <Marshal6000> Just
[09:44] <Marshal6000> Stop
[09:44] <Skully Of House Lannister> Even his own party is turning against him now, it's amusing 
[09:44] <Marshal6000> I'm tired of debating
[09:44] <Skully Of House Lannister> Callllllm down Marshal 
[09:44] <HyperFlash Studios> Is something actually being debated
[09:44] <I'mDivergent> i love how he didnt even know that russia invaded ukraine
[09:44] <Ked830> Ignore him marsh if it bugs you
[09:44] <HyperFlash Studios> ?
[09:44] <HyperFlash Studios> :P 
[09:44] <Skully Of House Lannister> Also what we did wasn't really debating, it was everyone making points and you saying "yeah but I still support him" :{P 
[09:44] <Peudguin> See you guys later. :P 
[09:44] <BraveNewRoyalty> I'm still betting that Bill Clinton will get sick or "sick" during this election cycle so hillary can use that as ammunition for "obamacare" or to cover up any attacks against bill (he's a sick defenseless man!)
[09:44] <HyperFlash Studios> Bye Peud
[09:44] <Marshal6000> and 5,000 other people (yk) 
[09:44] <Ked830> Baiii
[09:45] <Marshal6000> * (ys) 
[09:45] <BraveNewRoyalty> >getting this triggered
[09:45] <BraveNewRoyalty> not even i care about this, marsh
[09:45] <HyperFlash Studios> Alright, let's not :P 
[09:45] <Marshal6000> ^
[09:45] <Marshal6000> I like LEGO :P 
[09:45] <Marshal6000> How's yours? :P 
[09:45] <Skully Of House Lannister> The mans a walking disaster and you were totally unable to defend him, it's totally fine to point it out :p 
[09:46] <BraveNewRoyalty> clinton and trump are both memes
[09:46] <Legoanimals750> Politics is getting boring 
[09:46] <Marshal6000> I think trump at this point should keep his mouth shut for sure but I still support him
[09:46] <Skully Of House Lannister> ^
[09:46] <BraveNewRoyalty> conclusion: this election is pointless
[09:46] <Legoanimals750> are, not is
[09:46] <BraveNewRoyalty> in office both of them are gonna do fairly similar things
[09:46] <BraveNewRoyalty> 
[09:46] <BraveNewRoyalty> trump will just be under scrutiny 
[09:46] <Skully Of House Lannister> Marshal so you'll follow him blindly even though he's doing absurd crap? :P 
[09:46] <I'mDivergent> "yeah but i still support him" - every lame brained trump supporter 
[09:46] <Marshal6000> YES
[09:46] <HyperFlash Studios> Guys
[09:46] <HyperFlash Studios> Not again
[09:46] <Marshal6000> Now per hype
[09:46] <Marshal6000> LET STO[
[09:46] <Skully Of House Lannister> lol 
[09:46] <Skully Of House Lannister> just
[09:46] <Skully Of House Lannister> lolllll
[09:46] <BraveNewRoyalty> >people are getting this triggered
[09:46] <Marshal6000> Skul. stop.
[09:47] <Skully Of House Lannister> I wasn't debating 
[09:47] <HyperFlash Studios> I got it, Marsh :P 
[09:47] <Skully Of House Lannister> I was LOLing 
[09:47] <Skully Of House Lannister> Calmmmm yourself bruh 
[09:47] <Keplers> LOL
[09:47] <Keplers> LOL
[09:47] <Keplers> LOL
[09:47] <BraveNewRoyalty> I GOT BLACK OPS 1 JUST LIKE 3 MINUTES AGO 
[09:47] <I'mDivergent> marshal reminds me of that one guy ted cruz talked to a trump rally
[09:47] <Marshal6000> Your putting me on the edge and at this point IDC if I get banned.
[09:47] <HyperFlash Studios> Keps no
[09:47] <HyperFlash Studios> Marsh maybe chill a bit
[09:47] <BraveNewRoyalty> "There is one question that must be asked-"
[09:47] <BraveNewRoyalty> "Are you Canadian?"
[09:47] <HyperFlash Studios> Go play some Minecraft
[09:47] <HyperFlash Studios> I dunno
[09:47] <Skully Of House Lannister> Marshal, how? :P 
[09:47] <Skully Of House Lannister> I just made a few valid points, I didn't even argue with you. :P 
[09:47] <Marshal6000> I got a full beacon hype. there's not much left :P 
[09:48] <Marshal6000> You're making fun of me supporting Trump skul.
[09:48] <BraveNewRoyalty> we now observe
[09:48] <BraveNewRoyalty> 
[09:48] <BraveNewRoyalty> The Right-Winged Trigger
[09:48] <HyperFlash Studios> BNR 
[09:48] <HyperFlash Studios> Can you please
[09:48] <HyperFlash Studios> :P 
[09:48] <I'mDivergent> "Are you aware that Donald has said he won't build a wall" "... Yer lyin LYIN TED *laughs* "
[09:48] <Marshal6000> Hype. Just ban everybody.
[09:48] <BraveNewRoyalty> lel
[09:48] <Ked830> Ohaiii Wolf
[09:48] <Skully Of House Lannister> No I'm making fun of Trump because he's a mess. xD :P 
[09:48] <HyperFlash Studios> That wouldn't work out well
[09:48] <Wolfasa> Hai 
[09:48] <Wolfasa> Lol Trump 
[09:48] <Legoanimals750> Hi Wolf o/ 
[09:48] <Skully Of House Lannister> Also when has "bane everybody" been a valid option 
[09:48] <Skully Of House Lannister> Hype
[09:48] <Wolfasa> The last 48 hours 
[09:48] <Skully Of House Lannister> Are you allowed to do that
[09:49] <BraveNewRoyalty> why dont we make fun of an equally big mess
[09:49] <Marshal6000> Trump needs to shut up untill the election 
[09:49] <BraveNewRoyalty> like clinton
[09:49] <HyperFlash Studios> Not without a good reason, Skul (derp) 
[09:49] <Legoanimals750> o/ 
[09:49] <Wolfasa> The past 48 have been so terrible for Trump 
[09:49] <Marshal6000> kick everybody then? :P 
[09:49] <Impossibubbles> heya animal
[09:49] <Marshal6000> That's happened befor
[09:49] <HyperFlash Studios> Nah
[09:49] <Skully Of House Lannister> Clinton hasn't made a ton of mistakes the last few days, BNR :P 
[09:49] <Skully Of House Lannister> Trump is stumbling :p 
[09:49] <Wolfasa> Marshall and when the election happens he will magically become better? :P 
[09:49] <BraveNewRoyalty> the last 20 years have been bad for clinton (derp) 
[09:49] <Skully Of House Lannister> That's why we're discussing him :p 
[09:49] <Marshal6000> I never said that wolf
[09:49] <Wolfasa> When he beckm
[09:49] <Wolfasa> Becomes president, will his personality change 
[09:50] <HyperFlash Studios> Seriously
[09:50] <Wolfasa> I highly doubt so 
[09:50] <Skully Of House Lannister> Marshall you're essentially saying "let's totally ignore what this candidate is saying and what he's doing and just assume he's automatically a good pic" :p 
[09:50] <I'mDivergent> The sad thing is that he was awful before he got the nomination and now he's even worse. Almost like he unfiltered himself. 
[09:50] <BraveNewRoyalty> people's personalities change when they become president
[09:50] <BraveNewRoyalty> just look at obama
[09:50] <Legoanimals750> *Grabs popcorn*
[09:50] <Skully Of House Lannister> Obama just got old 
[09:50] <Wolfasa> It would be the worst foreign relations disaster in history 
[09:50] <BraveNewRoyalty> he used to be honest, now he's not (derp4) 
[09:50] <Skully Of House Lannister> Look at him in 2008 
[09:50] <Skully Of House Lannister> So young 
[09:50] <Skully Of House Lannister> Full of hope 
[09:50] <BraveNewRoyalty> >hope and change
[09:50] <Skully Of House Lannister> And then now 
[09:50] <BraveNewRoyalty> the only change we got was his hair color tbh
[09:50] <Skully Of House Lannister> He's like "nope im done"
[09:51] <I'mDivergent> michelle obama should have run for president 
[09:51] <Ked830> Haii Pac
[09:51] <I'mDivergent> or biden with michelle as cp
[09:51] <Marshal6000> I'LL DO WHAT I WANNA DO!
[09:51] <I'mDivergent> *vp
[09:51] <Pacman87> yo do you guys remember what harry said after drinking the felix felicies
[09:51] <Pacman87> 
[09:51] <Pacman87> 
[09:51] <Skully Of House Lannister> LOL
[09:51] <Marshal6000> SO GO SCREW YOURSELF!!!
[09:51] <HyperFlash Studios> Marsh
[09:51] <Marshal6000> AND SHUT UP SKULLL!
[09:51] <Marshal6000> !
[09:51] <Marshal6000> !
[09:51] <Marshal6000> !
[09:51] <HyperFlash Studios> Warning
[09:51] <BraveNewRoyalty> >GETTING THIS MAD
[09:51] <HyperFlash Studios> Everyone drop the topic, please :P 
[09:51] <Skully Of House Lannister> He's gone 
[09:51] <HyperFlash Studios> Or
[09:51] <Skully Of House Lannister> I'm laughing hysterically 
[09:51] <I'mDivergent> xD
[09:51] <HyperFlash Studios> I uh
[09:51] <HyperFlash Studios> Ok then
[09:51] <Wolfasa> Lmao 
[09:51] <Pacman87> wow wolf
[09:52] <HyperFlash Studios> (YK) 
[09:52] <Wolfasa> I think he's triggered 
[09:52] <Pacman87> language
[09:52] <HyperFlash Studios> Wolf, no
[09:52] <Skully Of House Lannister> gg wolf
[09:52] <Pacman87> AS I WAS SAYING
[09:52] <Legoanimals750> *Tries to eat popcorn but is laughing too much* :P 
[09:52] <Pacman87> Do you guys remember what harry said after drinking the felix felicies
[09:52] <BraveNewRoyalty>
[09:52] <BraveNewRoyalty> 
[09:52] <BraveNewRoyalty> ☢Caution!! Caution!!☢
[09:52] <Skully Of House Lannister> That was too funny :p 
[09:52] <Legoanimals750> Wow. :P 
[09:52] <Wolfasa> (re) 
[09:52] <BraveNewRoyalty> high levels of cancer detected
[09:52] <GuacamoleCCXR> you know full well what the word rules here are, wolf
[09:52] <Pacman87> It wasn't a bad word until people started making it so
[09:52] <Wolfasa> The hell was that Grac
[09:52] <Wolfasa> Guac 
[09:52] <Marcel77799> Ah good old Lmbw 
[09:52] <HyperFlash Studios> Marsh, PM :P 
[09:53] <Wolfasa> Sure 
[09:53] <BraveNewRoyalty> ☢ C A U T I O N ☢
[09:53] <Wolfasa> I know the rules 
[09:53] <GuacamoleCCXR> i'd let it pass if it was someone new but you're breaking them on purpose
[09:53] <Wolfasa> But given that the rules are dumbass rules, I elect to ignore them
[09:53] <BraveNewRoyalty> W E W L A D
[09:53] <I'mDivergent> goodbye wolf
[09:53] <GuacamoleCCXR> well then get the hell out lol
[09:53] <Skully Of House Lannister> Lol Wolf
[09:53] <HyperFlash Studios> Wolf, last warning 
[09:53] <Wolfasa> I used an acronym 
[09:53] <Legoanimals750> *Get more popcorn*
[09:53] <BraveNewRoyalty> nice knowing you buddo
[09:53] <Wolfasa> Everyone pour Holy water on me 
[09:53] <Legoanimals750> Gets*
[09:54] <GuacamoleCCXR> shrug
[09:54] <Marshal6000> Fun times.
[09:54] <Marshal6000> Why is it only when skul gets on these things happen?
[09:54] <HyperFlash Studios> Well (derp) 
[09:54] <GuacamoleCCXR> actually, i can probably extend the ban 
[09:54] <HyperFlash Studios> It's not, Marsh
[09:54] <Pacman87> hwy was wold banned
[09:54] <Legoanimals750> ...Well then. :P 
[09:54] <GuacamoleCCXR> he's been banned so many times already
[09:54] <HyperFlash Studios> It happens all the time :P 
[09:54] <I'mDivergent> "last warning" >gets banned
[09:55] <Marshal6000> :P 
[09:55] <GuacamoleCCXR> hype did the warning, i thought his behaviour warranted a ban
[09:55] <GuacamoleCCXR> that was not coordinated action
[09:55] <Pacman87> "kids"
[09:55] <Son of Elrond> never gonna give you up
[09:55] <Son of Elrond> never gonna let you dow
[09:55] <Ked830> Hey ely
[09:55] <Son of Elrond> n
[09:55] <Pacman87> soe
[09:55] <Pacman87> stop
[09:55] <Legoanimals750> Well Guac didn't think he should have another one. :P 
[09:55] <BatGirl9431> Hey Elrondson.
[09:55] <Pacman87> stop
[09:55] <Pacman87> help
[09:55] <Marshal6000> [[User blog:Marshal6000/ACTION MOVIE (for new people)|blog]]
[09:55] <Legoanimals750> and SOE left. :P 
[09:56] <Marshal6000> lel.
[09:56] <Marshal6000> [[Thread:271008]]
[09:56] <Legoanimals750> and so did Paccy. :P 
[09:56] <Legoanimals750> o/ 
[09:56] <HyperFlash Studios> AP :{P 
[09:56] <AmazingPythor> Hyoer :{P 
[09:56] <Ked830> Hai AP
[09:56] <HyperFlash Studios> :{P 
[09:56] <Skully Of House Lannister> Ape
[09:56] <AmazingPythor> \o 
[09:56] <HyperFlash Studios> Hi Rus
[09:56] <Skully Of House Lannister> You missed all the fun
[09:56] <Skully Of House Lannister> I'll PM you 
[09:56] <AmazingPythor> what
[09:56] <Marshal6000> has anyone gone to the blog yet? :P 
[09:56] <BraveNewRoyalty> maybe nobody cares anymore
[09:56] <BraveNewRoyalty> :^)
[09:56] <Marshal6000> :'( 
[09:56] <Marshal6000> :P 
[09:57] <HyperFlash Studios> That was certainly interesting
[09:57] <HyperFlash Studios> (derp) 
[09:57] <BraveNewRoyalty> reminds me of myself tbh
[09:57] <BraveNewRoyalty> long ago
[09:57] <RusMan> What happened?
[09:57] <Marshal6000> Can we make "triggering" against the rules? :P 
[09:57] <BraveNewRoyalty> marsh
[09:57] <Legoanimals750> In a galaxy far.. nvm. :P 
[09:57] <BraveNewRoyalty> dont become an sjw
[09:57] <BraveNewRoyalty> pls
[09:57] <BraveNewRoyalty> a right winged sjw
[09:58] <AmazingPythor> "right winged sjw"
[09:58] <AmazingPythor> Hi MC
[09:58] <Ked830> Hai Man
[09:58] <Man.city1> Hey 
[09:58] <Skully Of House Lannister> omg 
[09:58] <AmazingPythor> Did Wolf get banned
[09:58] <Skully Of House Lannister> "can we make triggering against the rules" that's the most tumblr thing i've ever seen 
[09:58] <Marshal6000> yes
[09:58] <Legoanimals750> Yes
[09:58] <Marshal6000> SKUL!
[09:58] <AmazingPythor> lol
[09:58] <HyperFlash Studios> Yes
[09:58] <GuacamoleCCXR> ahahahahhaha wolfs comment on the cv
[09:58] <HyperFlash Studios> Marsh... :P 
[09:59] <AmazingPythor> Thought I deleted that.
[09:59] <GuacamoleCCXR> the only immature thing here is that he can't live with the consequences of his actions 
[09:59] <GuacamoleCCXR> yeah you did but i saw it 
[09:59] <Marshal6000> I just feel like he's contantly trolling me :P 
[09:59] <HyperFlash Studios> We both did but you can still look at it, AP :P 
[09:59] <HyperFlash Studios> Idk marsh
[09:59] <AmazingPythor> Ah, lol
[09:59] <RusMan> Guac what did he do that earned him a 30 day ban? 
[09:59] <BraveNewRoyalty> >be marsh
[09:59] <BraveNewRoyalty> >jump onto a liberal majority chat
[09:59] <BraveNewRoyalty> >someone thinks trump is bad
[09:59] <BraveNewRoyalty> >get triggered
[09:59] <BraveNewRoyalty> >confused when people are against him
[09:59] <BraveNewRoyalty> >get more triggered
[10:00] <HyperFlash Studios> BNR, no
[10:00] <RusMan> 30 days is ridiculous unless he did something majorly wrong. :p 
[10:00] <BraveNewRoyalty> he said bad words
[10:00] <Marshal6000> Came to my state where there's confederate flags and Trump banners every 5 feet BNR
[10:00] <Marshal6000> *come
[10:00] <GuacamoleCCXR> he has already been banned for a month before 
[10:01] <GuacamoleCCXR> and banned for a few days several times after that
[10:01] <Skully Of House Lannister> confederate banners 
[10:01] <AmazingPythor> Not in a while I thought
[10:01] <Alemas2005> EH.
[10:01] <Alemas2005> I missed something. :P 
[10:01] <HyperFlash Studios> He was disrespecting a mod, had been banned previously, and was intentionally breaking the rules
[10:01] <Legoanimals750> He said one bad word.
[10:01] <AmazingPythor> When was the last time he had been banned?
[10:01] <GuacamoleCCXR> there is no point in bans if you don't continuously increase length
[10:01] <Legoanimals750> You always miss something Ale. :P 
[10:01] <Skully Of House Lannister> the man who designed the confederate flag said that it was a symbol of how superior whites are over all others 
[10:01] <GuacamoleCCXR> two words, la
[10:01] <Skully Of House Lannister> ale 
[10:01] <BraveNewRoyalty> marsh i would be fine with that cause im not a lib
[10:01] <Skully Of House Lannister> dont afk 
[10:01] <Alemas2005> WOW.
[10:01] <Alemas2005> Guac moderated chat.
[10:01] <Alemas2005> (JC) 
[10:01] <Marshal6000> Neither am I BNR.
[10:01] <Man.city1> Funny ale
[10:01] <Man.city1> im dying
[10:01] <Slicer Vorzakh> what happened
[10:02] <Alemas2005> Guac banned someone. :P 
[10:02] <Marshal6000> Ale's so proud of him :P 
[10:02] <RusMan> Wolf said two words and Guac went crazy with the ban length :p 
[10:02] <HyperFlash Studios> AP dang it :P 
[10:02] <AmazingPythor> huehuehue
[10:02] <GuacamoleCCXR> how is that going crazy
[10:02] <HyperFlash Studios> I don't think Guac went "craze" with the length
[10:02] <HyperFlash Studios> *crazy
[10:02] <BraveNewRoyalty> conclusion: don't unleash guac's bans
[10:03] <GuacamoleCCXR> when a person so obviously, so blatantly shows his disrespect towards the policy and everyone on the wiki
[10:03] <GuacamoleCCXR> why the buck would we want this person here
[10:03] <Alemas2005> I'll... discuss it with the other admins.
[10:03] <Skully Of House Lannister> Eh 
[10:03] <Man.city1> I say we should make guac admin
[10:03] <Skully Of House Lannister> To be fair 
[10:03] <Man.city1> no ale
[10:03] <A Walruse>
[10:03] <A Walruse> waaant
[10:03] <Man.city1> he has a point
[10:03] <Marshal6000> Wait.
[10:03] <GuacamoleCCXR> if i didn't know people would get upset i'd buckin ban him for eternity
[10:03] <Man.city1> you too nice
[10:03] <Skully Of House Lannister> He hadn't done anything sincce his second warning 
[10:03] <Marshal6000> Guac isn't admin?
[10:03] <Slicer Vorzakh> >ale 
[10:03] <Slicer Vorzakh> >too nice
[10:03] <BraveNewRoyalty> that looks pretty walruse
[10:03] <Man.city1> skull he did now tho
[10:03] <HyperFlash Studios> He attacked users on the word unblock vote
[10:03] <Man.city1> so yea :p 
[10:03] <Skully Of House Lannister> Oh lol 
[10:03] <HyperFlash Studios> And censored swears on guac's wall
[10:03] <Skully Of House Lannister> Gg Wolf
[10:03] <HyperFlash Studios> So uh
[10:04] <HyperFlash Studios> The longer ban was justified in my opinion, at this point :P 
[10:04] <RusMan> Oh, well I didnt know about that :p 
[10:05] <Man.city1> Hyoer for admin!
[10:05] <AmazingPythor> He did that after the ban was assigned though
[10:05] <Alemas2005> Aaaaaaaand I gotta go.
[10:05] <AmazingPythor> Not saying I disagree with Guac
[10:05] <AmazingPythor> But that should be noted :P 
[10:05] <Marshal6000> Guac needs to be admin :P 
[10:05] <HyperFlash Studios> Yes
[10:05] <Ked830> Baii Ale
[10:05] <GuacamoleCCXR> lol
[10:05] <GuacamoleCCXR> i'd rather not
[10:05] <Legoanimals750> Bye Ale... Oh. :P 
[10:05] <HyperFlash Studios> I just think that the ban legnth most certainly shouldn't have been shortened after that :P 
[10:05] <Skully Of House Lannister> Yeah
[10:06] <Skully Of House Lannister> It was too long but Wolf justified it after the fact
[10:06] <GuacamoleCCXR> ale shortened it? 
[10:06] <AmazingPythor> I'd also advise for a block warning
[10:06] <GuacamoleCCXR> christ 
[10:06] <Legoanimals750> What?
[10:06] <RusMan> True, per skul, sorry about that Guac
[10:06] <Marshal6000> Per AP
[10:06] <Marshal6000> 
[10:06] <RusMan> He did?
[10:06] <BraveNewRoyalty> "i'll discuss it with the other admins"
[10:06] <BraveNewRoyalty> >shortens it
[10:06] <Man.city1> Ale is weak of he did that and left
[10:06] <Man.city1> cant handle the het
[10:06] <AmazingPythor> Alemas
[10:06] <Man.city1> *heat
[10:06] <Man.city1> unfit to admin
[10:07] <HyperFlash Studios> Are we CMs allowed to come to a unanimous decision to (re?)legnthen a ban or what 
[10:07] <Man.city1> nah hyoer
[10:07] <GuacamoleCCXR> no
[10:07] <GuacamoleCCXR> unfortunately
[10:07] <Man.city1> ae are ales puppets 
[10:07] <Slicer Vorzakh> can whoever log the chat
[10:07] <Man.city1> *we
[10:07] <GuacamoleCCXR> will take an admin to do that
[10:07] <GuacamoleCCXR> unfortunately
[10:07] <Man.city1> ae are ales puppets 
[10:07] <Slicer Vorzakh> can whoever log the chat
[10:07] <Man.city1> *we
[10:07] <GuacamoleCCXR> will take an admin to do that
[10:07] <AmazingPythor> I'd advise against a ban length war against Ale, lol
[10:07] <HyperFlash Studios> Logged, Slice
[10:07] <Man.city1> i say we make hyper Admin
[10:07] <Skully Of House Lannister> Dictator Ale will step in 
[10:07] <Man.city1> hyper is a people's man
[10:08] <BraveNewRoyalty> sounds like goebbles right there
[10:08] <BraveNewRoyalty> tbqh
[10:08] <BraveNewRoyalty> "i say we make hitler chancellor"
[10:08] <BraveNewRoyalty> "hitler is a people's man"
[10:08] <SamanthaNguyen1116> o/ 
[10:08] <Legoanimals750> o/ 
[10:08] <Ked830> Hai Sama chan
[10:08] <Man.city1> imalso want to bring out the #LED4Crat campaginn
[10:08] <SamanthaNguyen1116> hullo ^-^
[10:08] <SamanthaNguyen1116> how are you? :3
[10:09] <RusMan> Hey Sam :3
[10:09] <RusMan> O/ 
[10:09] <Sir Guurahk> I have quite respect for Alemas and usually agree with him but this is very much disagreeable. (derp6) 
[10:09] <SamanthaNguyen1116> hulo :3 o/ 
[10:09] <Marcel77799> O/ 
[10:09] <BraveNewRoyalty> "30 day ban for using "lmao". Clearly this community needs to rethink its policies. This is driving me insane. I get on here to talk to friends that I have and pointless rules become annoying. And then people like Guac try and undermine me by saying things like I blatantly disrespect everyone on the Wiki. Honestly it's things like this that create Trump voters. Have fun destroying the world. "
[10:09] <BraveNewRoyalty> lol
[10:09] <BraveNewRoyalty> wolf pls
[10:10] <Legoanimals750> I think he should of kept the 30 day ban
[10:10] <HyperFlash Studios> Yes
[10:10] <Slicer Vorzakh> did he really get banned for saying "lmao"
[10:10] <Marcel77799> Expected reation TBH
[10:10] <A Walruse> YEAH
[10:10] <Man.city1> I say increase it for being childish after the ban
[10:10] <A Walruse> MC'S GOT THE RIGHT IDEA
[10:10] <Skully Of House Lannister> How does this create Trump voters lol 
[10:10] <BraveNewRoyalty> he's just being pissy
[10:10] <Man.city1> ty led 
[10:10] <BraveNewRoyalty> let him clam down
[10:11] <Keplers> How long was the initial ban?
[10:11] <HyperFlash Studios> More of disrespecting moderators and then further breaking the rules afterwords
[10:11] <RusMan> So all he said was "lmao"? :p 
[10:11] <Marcel77799> He got banned for disrespecting the rules and the authority of CMs 
[10:11] <HyperFlash Studios> *wards
[10:11] <Legoanimals750> @Slice No he only got kicked for that.
[10:11] <Keplers> Hmm
[10:11] <Man.city1> the wiki has gone backwards under ale recently
[10:11] <RusMan> We can handle damn and piss but not that acronym :p 
[10:11] <Skully Of House Lannister> I find it amusing we can handle damn and piss but "ass" is too far
[10:11] <Marcel77799> Terry, why don't you run for admin yourself? :P 
[10:11] <Man.city1> why can't we do like america and do a certain time limit one can tah in power of Crat?
[10:12] <Man.city1> im too lazy and the hypocracisy would be too much :p 
[10:12] <HyperFlash Studios> There was a vote for that before, I think :P 
[10:12] <Marcel77799> Pfft 
[10:12] <Skully Of House Lannister> remove term limits and elections 
[10:12] <GuacamoleCCXR> see, this is why i hate modding this place; staying true to the policy will get you into hour-long discussions about crap because kids don't understand that rules are bucking rules 
[10:12] <Skully Of House Lannister> just have endless trummmmmp
[10:12] <Man.city1> ty guac 
[10:12] <GuacamoleCCXR> not ignoring things will get people to cry for you to be more active 
[10:12] <GuacamoleCCXR> jesus christ
[10:12] <Marcel77799> What GCM said^^
[10:12] <Man.city1> I notice whenever you, Marcel, led or myself act
[10:12] <Man.city1> we get shot down whatever the reason 
[10:13] <Man.city1> its unfair 
[10:13] <A Walruse> slight correction there
[10:13] <Man.city1> ok led
[10:13] <Man.city1> you do nothing :p 
[10:13] <A Walruse> i dont act.
[10:13] <Marcel77799> (As) 
[10:13] <AmazingPythor> lel
[10:13] <Man.city1> but you are still our figurehead :{p 
[10:13] <Man.city1> like,the queen :p 
[10:13] <A Walruse> but actually the reason for that is because i never actually see things when they go wrong
[10:13] <Keplers> "see, this is why i hate modding this place; staying true to the policy will get you into hour-long discussions about crap because kids don't understand that rules are bucking rules"
[10:13] <Keplers> expected from the German
[10:13] <Keplers> 11/10 praising
[10:13] <BraveNewRoyalty> kek
[10:13] <Marcel77799> The problem is that you can't just ignore rules coz you simply don't like them
[10:14] <A Walruse> i just keep this place opened in the background while im off doing other stuff
[10:14] <Marcel77799> If you don't like them make a vote
[10:14] <A Walruse> i don't even look at this place anymore i just say hi and go afk basically
[10:14] <Man.city1> Anyway im off ppl
[10:14] <HyperFlash Studios> Later MC
[10:14] <Marcel77799> Cya
[10:14] <BraveNewRoyalty> at least we're a bit more consistent than like
[10:14] <AmazingPythor> Cya MC
[10:14] <BraveNewRoyalty> 3 years ago
[10:14] <GuacamoleCCXR> nite mc
[10:14] <Man.city1> i ahve better stuff to do than argue about this stuff :{p 
[10:14] <Ked830> Bai MC
[10:14] <A Walruse> so that's why people think i don't do stuff. im not /actually/ there
[10:14] <A Walruse> bye mc
[10:14] <Legoanimals750> Bye o/ 
[10:14] <Man.city1> night guys :p 
[10:14] <Marcel77799> Yeah what Led said
[10:15] <BraveNewRoyalty> i remember one time i was inactive for like 2 months
[10:15] <BraveNewRoyalty> 
[10:15] <BraveNewRoyalty> and in that time frame i supposedly "hacked" the disney wiki
[10:15] <BraveNewRoyalty> and bcg's gf or something was an admin there and she complained to him
[10:15] <BraveNewRoyalty> so i got blocked for a few months on here
[10:15] <Marcel77799> I don't have the time to really invest much time into this place anymore
[10:15] <Slicer Vorzakh> listen, if you guys don't want to put it he time to mod consistently don't complain when people mod differently
[10:16] <Marcel77799> Just here as a chat logger and to sometimes chat with some people I care about
[10:16] <A Walruse> im not complaining
[10:16] <Keplers> >some people I care about
[10:16] <Keplers> >Alemas
[10:16] <A Walruse> i didn't even now piss and damn were unblocked until a few days ago
[10:16] <Marcel77799> Keps (yk) 
[10:16] <Keplers> Sorry XD
[10:16] <Legoanimals750> Wolf is still upset. :P 
[10:16] <HyperFlash Studios> Where the heck is an admin
[10:16] <HyperFlash Studios> Good grief
[10:17] <A Walruse> quick
[10:17] <A Walruse> make me an admin
[10:17] <Marcel77799> Let him be upset 
[10:17] <A Walruse> then we'd have one here
[10:17] <Marcel77799> Who cares?
[10:17] <Keplers> LED for Admin
[10:17] <A Walruse> and yeah, let him rage for a bit
[10:17] <A Walruse> he'll calm down
[10:17] <Legoanimals750> Off having lives. :P 
[10:17] <Keplers> Lead the uprising
[10:17] <Keplers> LED the uprising (derp4) 
[10:17] <A Walruse> yeah man
[10:17] <Slicer Vorzakh> hey too bad there wasn't an active cm here that would run for admin 
[10:17] <BraveNewRoyalty> i think wolf just finished his first year of college
[10:17] <BraveNewRoyalty> 
[10:17] <BraveNewRoyalty> That's why he's mad about >muh free speech
[10:17] <AmazingPythor> Wolf is like 15
[10:17] <HyperFlash Studios> Slice I don't think saying that helps your case
[10:17] <Slicer Vorzakh> unfortunately no one even wants admin and would try to run for one
[10:17] <RusMan> "First year of college"
[10:17] <A Walruse> hey
[10:17] <A Walruse> hey slice
[10:17] <Slicer Vorzakh> well you're complaining about not having an admin
[10:17] <A Walruse> im right here
[10:17] <A Walruse> make me admin
[10:17] <Marcel77799> I considered doing it last year TBH
[10:17] <BraveNewRoyalty> then he just finished his ap government class last year
[10:18] <Keplers> lel
[10:18] <Marcel77799> But nowadays its pointless 
[10:18] <HyperFlash Studios> Yes, Slice, and I didn't think you were fit for the position :P 
[10:18] <Keplers> i remember when i tried to get cm back in like 2013 despite all the crap
[10:18] <AmazingPythor> I mean if there's like a huge need for admin I could run I guess, I've only been mod for about half a year though.
[10:18] <Keplers> smh
[10:18] <BraveNewRoyalty> lel
[10:18] <Marcel77799> Oh yeah, Keps
[10:18] <Marcel77799> Dark dark times
[10:18] <BraveNewRoyalty> i remember i got 4 recs on the rfr
[10:18] <HyperFlash Studios> I don't think the need is that great, AP
[10:18] <BraveNewRoyalty> and nobody even cared
[10:18] <Keplers> Don't you need like six months of CM to run for admin anyway? :P 
[10:19] <HyperFlash Studios> 2
[10:19] <Keplers> Oh hm
[10:19] <AmazingPythor> Yeah Hype, usually one is on
[10:19] <Legoanimals750> There's none right now. :P 
[10:19] <Marcel77799> Ale is here almost all day
[10:19] <HyperFlash Studios> It's not that urgent
[10:19] <Slicer Vorzakh> nice joke marc 
[10:20] <RusMan> Ik some people in the past wanted me to run for admin but I think I've screwed up enough being cm to do that. :p 
[10:20] <Marcel77799> Well, European time
[10:20] <HyperFlash Studios> Specification: He's in chat, not active 
[10:20] <HyperFlash Studios> (derp) 
[10:20] <BraveNewRoyalty> why even need an admin when 5+ cms are on rn
[10:20] <HyperFlash Studios> Because we CMs can't do anything more with this situation
[10:20] <HyperFlash Studios> :P 
[10:21] <BraveNewRoyalty> then dont
[10:21] <Marcel77799> Well, you won't find someone who sits active in chat 24/7
[10:21] <BraveNewRoyalty> i mean
[10:21] <A Walruse> because we're all 10 and can't solve our differences on our own and need a commanding officer in order to get alongif you will
[10:21] <BraveNewRoyalty> lel
[10:21] <Legoanimals750> Where's Ava when you need him? :P 
[10:21] <BraveNewRoyalty> petition for more cm autonomy 
[10:21] <BraveNewRoyalty> now
[10:21] <HyperFlash Studios> I'm probably the closest you'd get to that, Marc 
[10:21] <Marcel77799> True
[10:21] <Marcel77799> #nolife (as) 
[10:21] <A Walruse> petition for all cms whenever there's a situation on chat and no admin around to have to vote on bans etc
[10:21] <HyperFlash Studios> I like that idea
[10:22] <BraveNewRoyalty> what if there is an even number
[10:22] <BraveNewRoyalty> and it's a tie
[10:22] <HyperFlash Studios> Well
[10:22] <A Walruse> then you battle it out
[10:22] <A Walruse> to the death
[10:22] <BraveNewRoyalty> >battle
[10:22] <Legoanimals750> Then nothing happen
[10:22] <GuacamoleCCXR> yes
[10:22] <Slicer Vorzakh> 12 angry men
[10:22] <AmazingPythor> Yes slice
[10:22] <Keplers> if we battled it out to the death
[10:22] <GuacamoleCCXR> gladiator fights
[10:22] <Keplers> AP and Gaz would die FIRST
[10:22] <AmazingPythor> Plz
[10:22] <AmazingPythor> Hype would die first
[10:22] <Keplers> racist
[10:22] <BraveNewRoyalty> slice would probably win in a battle royale
[10:22] <HyperFlash Studios> srs
[10:22] <AmazingPythor> I would be 2nd or 3rd
[10:22] <BraveNewRoyalty> tbh
[10:22] <A Walruse> does anyone here work out
[10:22] <AmazingPythor> MC would kick all our butts most likely
[10:22] <A Walruse> ok
[10:22] <Keplers> I used to work out
[10:23] <A Walruse> that's a funny question
[10:23] <BraveNewRoyalty> >used to
[10:23] <Keplers> Then I decided to be a loser
[10:23] <HyperFlash Studios> Guac or MC would probably win, actually
[10:23] <BraveNewRoyalty> yet you're still a twig
[10:23] <GuacamoleCCXR> sorta peechin 
[10:23] <A Walruse> you're all here so of course you don't work out
[10:23] <Keplers> LOL
[10:23] <BraveNewRoyalty> rekt
[10:23] <HyperFlash Studios> haha
[10:23] <GuacamoleCCXR> like 
[10:23] <Marcel77799> Per Led
[10:23] <AmazingPythor> I'm tall, which would give me something of an advantage maybe
[10:23] <GuacamoleCCXR> i do bodyweight stuff occasionally
[10:23] <BraveNewRoyalty> if you're tall then your nuts are exposed
[10:23] <BraveNewRoyalty> rip ap
[10:23] <Slicer Vorzakh> I actually exercise
[10:23] <Keplers> I still pretend to myself that I have muscles
[10:23] <A Walruse> that just makes it easier to hit you, ap
[10:23] <Keplers> But then I remember, of course I have muscles. It's not like there's any FAT there
[10:23] <Slicer Vorzakh> but I have no upper body strength
[10:24] <BraveNewRoyalty> lul
[10:24] <A Walruse> me neither
[10:24] <AmazingPythor> Well I also row so my arms aren't /too/ terrible
[10:24] <Keplers> I have mad sword/firearm skillz
[10:24] <Slicer Vorzakh> it's all in my les
[10:24] <Slicer Vorzakh> legs
[10:24] <A Walruse> but hey i have a beard so i look like i have a lot of testosterone and am strong
[10:24] <BraveNewRoyalty> >sword/firearm
[10:24] <BraveNewRoyalty> this is not the 18th century
[10:24] <Keplers> I fence and I shoot
[10:24] <BraveNewRoyalty> sorry kep
[10:24] <Marcel77799> The beard power^^
[10:24] <AmazingPythor> Wait are weapons allowed then
[10:24] <BraveNewRoyalty> no
[10:24] <Keplers> Let
[10:24] <BraveNewRoyalty> just your bodies
[10:24] <BraveNewRoyalty> not even clothes are allowed
[10:25] <A Walruse> oil
[10:25] <BraveNewRoyalty> if you get excited you lose (derp4) 
[10:25] <A Walruse> oil is allowed
[10:25] <Keplers> *Let's allow only weapons from 19th century downward
[10:25] <A Walruse> just oil and underwear
[10:25] <A Walruse> turkish style
[10:25] <BraveNewRoyalty> that means you could use an ACW musket
[10:25] <BraveNewRoyalty> which are hella accurate
[10:25] <GuacamoleCCXR> i'll just throw my cat at you and he'll rip you to shreds
[10:25] <Keplers> Oh yes I actually want to see the CM team fight it out naked, covered in oil
[10:25] <AmazingPythor> Can I use my armored quadricycle 
[10:25] <Keplers> Rus would lose first of course
[10:25] <RusMan> Wow okay :p 
[10:25] <BraveNewRoyalty> cheeki breeki
[10:25] <GuacamoleCCXR> also a p30 blank gun
[10:26] <BraveNewRoyalty> >blank gun
[10:26] <GuacamoleCCXR> those hurt at point blank range
[10:26] <BraveNewRoyalty> youre firing blanks?
[10:26] <A Walruse> if yo punch people with them, yes
[10:26] <GuacamoleCCXR> well
[10:26] <Marcel77799> Do we have any hot CM girls? Then this might be fun to watch (as) 
[10:26] <BraveNewRoyalty> marc
[10:26] <Keplers> BCGirl
[10:26] <BraveNewRoyalty> youre not kep
[10:26] <BraveNewRoyalty> >bcgirl
[10:26] <BraveNewRoyalty> >>>"""hot""""
[10:26] <GuacamoleCCXR> people have managed to kill themsleves accidentally by shooting themselves in the head with them 
[10:26] <RusMan> Tfw my parents refer to a trans person as it
[10:26] <HyperFlash Studios> AVA
[10:26] <Marcel77799> O/ 
[10:26] <HyperFlash Studios> Thank goodness (derp) 
[10:26] <RusMan> O/ 
[10:26] <Keplers> BCGirl is like the only CM girl
[10:27] <AmazingPythor> Guava
[10:27] <A Walruse> oh goodie now we dont have to kill each other anymore
[10:27] <Keplers> Unless you count Gayvalair
[10:27] <HyperFlash Studios> Luna
[10:27] <Keplers> But he doesn't coun
[10:27] <Legoanimals750> Look, it's Ava :P 
[10:27] <Avalair> What the heck is happening
[10:27] <AmazingPythor> Can you give Wolf a block warning
[10:27] <Marcel77799> Ive never seen a pic of her
[10:27] <Avalair> Luna and Aravis are female :P 
[10:27] <Keplers> Is Ara srsly a CM
[10:27] <HyperFlash Studios> Yes
[10:27] <Avalair> And I think Caysie
[10:27] <Keplers> Wooooooooow
[10:27] <A Walruse> aravis isn't even here anymore
[10:27] <HyperFlash Studios> She was here earlier
[10:27] <AmazingPythor> We've had to delete numerous comments of his following a ban
[10:27] <Avalair> But Im not sure about the last one
[10:27] <AmazingPythor> Personal attacks, swearing, etc
[10:27] <Avalair> I closed the thread so that should put a halt to it
[10:27] <AmazingPythor> So leaving a ban warning on his wall would be logical
[10:27] <Legoanimals750> Ava was on a few hours ago.
[10:28] <Avalair> If he continues I'll just block him :P 
[10:28] <HyperFlash Studios> He still needs a warning I think
[10:28] <AmazingPythor> *block warning
[10:28] <HyperFlash Studios> Or that works I guess
[10:28] <Impossibubbles> ava is on now, animal (derp4) 
[10:28] <Legoanimals750> Ara* :P 
[10:28] <Marcel77799> BCGirl, Vis and Luna, yeah. 
[10:28] <Marcel77799> Plus Kelly back in the days
[10:28] <HyperFlash Studios> His ban should probably be-relegnthened however
[10:28] <HyperFlash Studios> But whatever
[10:28] <Marcel77799> And Cay too
[10:29] <Avalair> The admins will deal with his ban accordingly
[10:29] <HyperFlash Studios> mmm
[10:29] <Impossibubbles> I have been pinged
[10:29] <Impossibubbles> I see no ping
[10:29] <Impossibubbles> what
[10:29] <Marcel77799> Lel
[10:29] <HyperFlash Studios> Do you have anyone blocked
[10:29] <HyperFlash Studios> (derp) 
[10:29] <Impossibubbles> I'm very confused
[10:30] <RusMan> Ctrl + f and search all your pings
[10:30] <Impossibubbles> I only have one person blocked
[10:30] <HyperFlash Studios> I'm assuming he's not here
[10:30] <Avalair> that person isnt on chat though :P 
[10:30] <Impossibubbles> no, they are :P 
[10:30] <TheShadowAssassin> o/ 
[10:30] <Avalair> ?? :P 
[10:30] <HyperFlash Studios> Hi Shadow
[10:30] <Marcel77799> There is the problem some people have. They hear their phone ringing although it's not
[10:30] <Avalair> I thought he was blocked (Derp) 
[10:30] <Ked830> Haiiii TSA
[10:30] <RusMan> O/ 
[10:30] <Impossibubbles> Who are you talking about, ava xD
[10:30] <Legoanimals750> Oh, gtg bye o/ 
[10:30] <Marcel77799> Maybe its the same with your pings (as) 
[10:30] <Avalair> Psychos? :P 
[10:30] <AmazingPythor> ... :P 
[10:30] <Impossibubbles> um, no xD
[10:30] <HyperFlash Studios> :{P 
[10:30] <BatGirl9431> Bye Legoanimals
[10:30] <Avalair> He's the only person I remember you blocking
[10:30] <HyperFlash Studios> Bye Web
[10:30] <HyperFlash Studios> Trenz
[10:31] <Avalair> But I guess I was mistaken (derp) 
[10:31] <HyperFlash Studios> ?
[10:31] <HyperFlash Studios> :P 
[10:31] <Impossibubbles> I've blocked people, I just don't talk about it, geez xD
[10:31] <AmazingPythor> I think I know who, won't say in main though. :P 
[10:31] <Impossibubbles> okay xD
[10:31] <Avalair> oh I know
[10:31] <AmazingPythor> And no that person did not ping you. :{P 
[10:31] <Impossibubbles> Okay
[10:31] <Impossibubbles> you do, ava?
[10:31] <Avalair> p sure :P 
[10:32] <Impossibubbles> if you say so :P 
[10:32] <A Walruse> ooohh
[10:32] <A Walruse> og is playing against eg
[10:32] <A Walruse> back to watching ti
[10:32] <Marcel77799> Ti6?
[11:10] <AmazingPythor> lol
[11:10] <HyperFlash Studios> ayyy chat crashed
[11:10] <Marcel77799> Uhhh
[11:10] <Impossibubbles> hai
[11:10] <Marcel77799> Stupid crashed
[11:11] <Legoanimals750> And chat died again. :P 
[11:11] <Marcel77799> Blame wikia
[11:11] <Wolf nya of House Stark> And chat dies 
[11:11] <HyperFlash Studios> I've done so several times today
[11:11] <Wolf nya of House Stark> or my browser 
[11:11] <Wolf nya of House Stark> IDK which 
[11:11] <Legoanimals750> *Blames them* (derp) 
[11:11] <HyperFlash Studios> It was chat, Nya
[11:11] <HyperFlash Studios> As I was saying
[11:12] <Slicer Vorzakh> this was worded terribly but [[Thread:271051?useskin=oasis]]
[11:12] <AmazingPythor> Do you guys know what Boloco is
[11:12] <HyperFlash Studios> No
[11:12] <Wolf nya of House Stark> *nya 
[11:12] <Son of Elrond> what a way to kill chat
[11:12] <TheShadowAssassin> Nya.
[11:12] <Son of Elrond> ... 
[11:12] <TheShadowAssassin> Pls.
[11:12] <AmazingPythor> Mexican restaurant chain
[11:12] <HyperFlash Studios> It would be nice if you followed a reasonable request
[11:12] <Wolf nya of House Stark> *nya 
[11:12] <Son of Elrond> test?
[11:12] <HyperFlash Studios> Passed, Falafel
[11:12] <Wolf nya of House Stark> So I'm not going to do it 
[11:12] <Wolf nya of House Stark> For the last time 
[11:13] <Wolf nya of House Stark> I'm still gonna correct everyone 
[11:13] <AmazingPythor> "Hey Jack do you want Thai or Mexican food"
[11:13] <AmazingPythor> "Thai plz"
[11:13] <AmazingPythor> "What do you want at Boloco"
[11:13] <AmazingPythor> Okay then
[11:13] <Wolf nya of House Stark> Make me not Hype 
[11:13] <Son of Elrond> what happened 
[11:13] <Wolf nya of House Stark> You'll have to physically make me not 
[11:13] <Marcel77799> Chst crash
[11:13] <AmazingPythor> You do realize we're mods, nya.
[11:13] <Wolf nya of House Stark> So
[11:13] <Keplers> the fact you typed a paragraph for lmbw is honestly more depressing than losing it imo
[11:13] <TheShadowAssassin> *Nay
[11:13] <Wolf nya of House Stark> Doesn't mean I see you as higher ups 
[11:13] <TheShadowAssassin> **Nya 
[11:13] <Son of Elrond> ah
[11:13] <HyperFlash Studios> Nya if you keep this behavior up I will do something
[11:13] <TheShadowAssassin> Lol
[11:13] <Impossibubbles> Is this not harrassment 
[11:13] <Marcel77799> Poor Keps
[11:13] <Impossibubbles> harassment 
[11:13] <Wolf nya of House Stark> Then bloody do something Hype 
[11:13] <HyperFlash Studios> I could care less about the letter
[11:14] <Impossibubbles> or some other word
[11:14] <Impossibubbles> I don't remember
[11:14] <Skully Of House Lannister> Hi Nya. o/ 
[11:14] <HyperFlash Studios> But there's no excuse to be rude
[11:14] <Marcel77799> Guys plz
[11:14] <Impossibubbles> I can't think
[11:14] <Wolf nya of House Stark> Don't give me empty treats 
[11:14] <HyperFlash Studios> Skul, Shadow, Please
[11:14] <Marcel77799> Calm down
[11:14] <Slicer Vorzakh> nya if you're rude about it anymore oh nvm 
[11:14] <AmazingPythor> Enough provocation. 
[11:14] <AmazingPythor> This is becoming rather absurd.
[11:14] <Marcel77799> Move on
[11:14] <Keplers> Okay this has been nya's attitude/behavior literally since she joined
[11:14] <Legoanimals750> Yay AP did something. :P 
[11:14] <Marcel77799> This leads to nothing 
[11:14] <Keplers> And that's the first time you've ever done anything :P 
[11:14] <TheShadowAssassin> Welcome back, Nya.
[11:14] <Keplers> (fw) 
[11:14] <Impossibubbles> what is this, marc?
[11:14] <Wolf nya of House Stark> *nya 
[11:15] <Impossibubbles> Reason? (gasp) 
[11:15] <TheShadowAssassin> giggles
[11:15] <AmazingPythor> Unfortunately an alien concept to many, Bubbles.
[11:15] <Wolf nya of House Stark> *nya 
[11:15] <Impossibubbles> oh spam now
[11:15] <Impossibubbles> cool bruh
[11:15] <Marcel77799> WB
[11:15] <Keplers> Nya
[11:15] <Wolf nya of House Stark> *nya 
[11:15] <AmazingPythor> Guys
[11:15] <HyperFlash Studios> Enough already
[11:15] <AmazingPythor> Stop trying to provoke her
[11:16] <Slicer Vorzakh> test 
[11:16] <Skully Of House Lannister> K if someone is going to get triggered by capitalization we can't create a safe space for them that's silly 
[11:16] <AmazingPythor> This is rather foolish.
[11:16] <TheShadowAssassin> Now _that's_ CM coordination 
[11:16] <Wolf nya of House Stark> Oh I'm not angry rn 
[11:16] <TheShadowAssassin> Italics implied
[11:16] <AmazingPythor> Ofc Skul, but going out of your way to start fights is not allowed
[11:16] <Keplers> chat tags work apple
[11:16] <TheShadowAssassin> I know
[11:16] <Skully Of House Lannister> But it's not out of anybody's way to use correct grammar, Ape. :P 
[11:16] <TheShadowAssassin> I'm on mobile and too lazy to type them out
[11:16] <Impossibubbles> mobile sucks
[11:16] <HyperFlash Studios> ^
[11:16] <TheShadowAssassin> It does
[11:16] <Marcel77799> Nahh
[11:17] <Impossibubbles> I was here on my phone the other day
[11:17] <Marcel77799> You gets used to it
[11:17] <AmazingPythor> I mean Keps going like "Nya" with the sole intent to start a fight, Skul
[11:17] <Impossibubbles> the keypad is so tiny
[11:17] <Legoanimals750> Mobile always sucks
[11:17] <Slicer Vorzakh> no you don't
[11:17] <Wolf nya of House Stark> Something I can agree with for once 
[11:17] <Impossibubbles> I can't type anything
[11:17] <Keplers> k im gonna go shave and then maybe use the razor to take my own life so i don't have to watch lmbw slowly roast themselves over stupidity anympre
[11:17] <Keplers> brb
[11:17] <Wolf nya of House Stark> *nya 
[11:17] <Marcel77799> Tablet is pretty good
[11:17] <Impossibubbles> AP you non-patroller, pm
[11:17] <TheShadowAssassin> Wait, we can't say Nya?
[11:17] <Legoanimals750> I keep hitting the back button. :P 
[11:17] <HyperFlash Studios> Well Marcel, most of us have to use phones
[11:17] <HyperFlash Studios> ;-;
[11:17] <AmazingPythor> I need to refresh, lesser patroller who is also unable to type
[11:17] <Marcel77799> 95% of my online time is on the tablet anywa
[11:17] <Impossibubbles> OI
[11:17] <Wolf nya of House Stark> *nya 
[11:17] <Marcel77799> Phone is also ok
[11:18] <Impossibubbles> I came up with lesser patroller 
[11:18] <AmazingPythor> Well I coined non-patroller
[11:18] <Impossibubbles> hmph
[11:18] <AmazingPythor> So now we're even
[11:18] <Wolf nya of House Stark> You can but I'ma correct you 
[11:18] <Marcel77799> I used my phone to chat for like 2 years until I got my tab
[11:18] <Impossibubbles> but it suits you more
[11:18] <Skully Of House Lannister> That's the issue, TSA. We can't start telling people to capitalize names certain ways to satisfy them. 
[11:18] <Slicer Vorzakh> can we all shut up about this
[11:18] <Marcel77799> Well, I still used the PC a lot back then though
[11:18] <HyperFlash Studios> Can we please drop the subjecgt
[11:18] <HyperFlash Studios> *subject
[11:18] <HyperFlash Studios> Everyone just move on
[11:18] <Skully Of House Lannister> Well it's not exactly resolved... :P 
[11:18] <TheShadowAssassin> Yeah, drop it, Nya.
[11:18] <Wolf nya of House Stark> I'm indifferent 
[11:18] <Wolf nya of House Stark> *nya 
[11:18] <HyperFlash Studios> Shadow, warning
[11:19] <Roddy15> isn't it just common sense to not actively try to annoy someone?
[11:19] <AmazingPythor> That works.
[11:19] <Wolf nya of House Stark> Hope TSA 
[11:19] <TheShadowAssassin> Ty 
[11:19] <Wolf nya of House Stark> *Nope 
[11:19] <Skully Of House Lannister> It'll just come up again and again until we resolve the issue, @Slicer and Hype., 
[11:19] <TheShadowAssassin> Per Skul though
[11:19] <AmazingPythor> And Bubbles, it suits you far better than I, at least I can spell "complete"
[11:19] <Impossibubbles> well that seemed extreme
[11:19] <TheShadowAssassin> It's not resolved
[11:19] <HyperFlash Studios> I've tried to have the issue resolved
[11:19] <HyperFlash Studios> Nothing's been done about it
[11:19] <HyperFlash Studios> So
[11:19] <Impossibubbles> as can I, AP (as) 
[11:19] <HyperFlash Studios> At this point, all we can do is not discuss it
[11:19] <Skully Of House Lannister> But you just kicked someone for capitalizing the person's name. What was he supposed to say? 
[11:19] <TheShadowAssassin> Do what you're supposed to do instead of kicking and actually resolve the issue
[11:19] <Slicer Vorzakh> neither of you are helping at all by doing this
[11:19] <Slicer Vorzakh> we told you to stop
[11:19] <AmazingPythor> "this article is complele" - Bubbles 2016
[11:20] <Marcel77799> Dunno how you wanna solve this properly TBH
[11:20] <Slicer Vorzakh> and just by trolling you're not helping your case at all
[11:20] <Impossibubbles> And, AP?
[11:20] <Impossibubbles> (as) 
[11:20] <AmazingPythor> This is our patroller team jsyk
[11:20] <AmazingPythor> Or should I say
[11:20] <Skully Of House Lannister> Slicer, I'm trying to make a valid point. :P 
[11:20] <Roddy15> this is like watching prison architect or something
[11:20] <HyperFlash Studios> I've talked to an admin about it and he did nothing so
[11:20] <AmazingPythor> Non-patroller team (troll n) 
[11:20] <Marcel77799> You cant force users to spell names in a certain way
[11:20] <Skully Of House Lannister> I'm not saying the name. :P 
[11:20] <Roddy15> the danger level rises over silly things
[11:20] <RusMan> Per marc
[11:20] <TheShadowAssassin> I shouldn't have to. I mean, to be fair, I can call her what I want.
[11:21] <TheShadowAssassin> It's not my fault she feels the need to correct me
[11:21] <Skully Of House Lannister> I'm pointing out a user was just kicked fo capitalizing someone's name. If he's going tom address the user, and we'll kick him for using caps, that means we're actively enforcing that people capitalize people's names certain ways. :p 
[11:21] <Skully Of House Lannister> *to
[11:21] <TheShadowAssassin> ^
[11:21] <Slicer Vorzakh> look I don't agree with her doing this
[11:21] <Marcel77799> I mean if it gets offensive I can understand it but not when it comes to csps
[11:21] <Marcel77799> *caps 
[11:21] <Slicer Vorzakh> but by intentionally trying to provoke you're making your argument look really crappy 
[11:21] <TheShadowAssassin> I wasn't 
[11:21] <Slicer Vorzakh> hm
[11:21] <Skully Of House Lannister> Slicer the issue is by kicking him because he said Nya instead of nya you have begun enforcing that we have to capitalize it a certain way. :P 
[11:21] <RusMan> I think some people are too sensitive about things. (Derp7) Just being honest
[11:22] <Marcel77799> ^^
[11:22] <AmazingPythor> orly
[11:22] <Slicer Vorzakh> she was kicked too
[11:22] <Impossibubbles> well they won't stop being sensitive if they're coddled 
[11:22] <Impossibubbles> BUT
[11:22] <TheShadowAssassin> I just realized
[11:22] <Impossibubbles> you shouldn't provoke people
[11:22] <Impossibubbles> so
[11:22] <Impossibubbles> I dunno
[11:22] <Skully Of House Lannister> Yes, and as neither has agreed to stop, until this issue is resolved this'll just happen again and again. :p 
[11:22] <TheShadowAssassin> I got kicked for saying "Nya"
[11:22] <Impossibubbles> ignore me
[11:22] <TheShadowAssassin> Damn
[11:22] <Wolf nya of House Stark> *nya 
[11:22] <HyperFlash Studios> I don't know, I tried to deal with this in the past and it didn't work out so I'm not entirely sure where I stand at this point
[11:22] <TheShadowAssassin> Well
[11:22] <Skully Of House Lannister> But Bubbles, the issue is that the "provoking" is literally calling the user by their grammatically correct name. 
[11:23] <AmazingPythor> Alright guys
[11:23] <AmazingPythor> This has been escalated ludicrously
[11:23] <TheShadowAssassin> "Drop it"?
[11:23] <AmazingPythor> If we could just move on, that'd be appreciated.
[11:23] <Skully Of House Lannister> All I'm trying to say is that this will come up again and again until we solve the issue. :P 
[11:23] <Marcel77799> Agreed
[11:23] <Impossibubbles> nah, I think this case is stupid, skul. Just, I mean, if a mod tells you to knock it off, you should probably stop. I don't know what I'm saying xD
[11:23] <TheShadowAssassin> I'll just put that with the hundreds of thousands of other unresolved issues
[11:23] <TheShadowAssassin> Good job
[11:23] <Marcel77799> There is no solution anyway
[11:23] <TheShadowAssassin> Real progress
[11:23] <Roddy15> Not possible AP, we must have arguments!
[11:23] <AmazingPythor> Letting matters as insignificant as this should not of this much concern
[11:24] <Slicer Vorzakh> hey, if only you were ever a cm apple 
[11:24] <Legoanimals750> o/ 
[11:24] <AmazingPythor> test
[11:24] <Slicer Vorzakh> wouldn't that be great
[11:24] <Son of Elrond> :| 
[11:24] <HyperFlash Studios> Moving on is fine but I do agree with Skul
[11:24] <AmazingPythor> Hate my browser
[11:24] <Bioniclefan1> Yes, I know that was a long brb
[11:24] <Slicer Vorzakh> you could solve it your way
[11:24] <Bioniclefan1> o/ 
[11:24] <RusMan> Well Marc, I guess she could change her username :p That I guess would solve it in a way
[11:24] <Impossibubbles> oh my god everything is moving fast
[11:24] <TheShadowAssassin> That's why I resigned ^-^
[11:24] <Impossibubbles> welcome back, bion
[11:24] <Marcel77799> Lol Rus
[11:24] <Bioniclefan1> Thanks Impossi. 
[11:24] <HyperFlash Studios> She already changed her name tho
[11:24] <RusMan> Idk what else to suggest :p 
[11:24] <Legoanimals750> Rus, she already changed it once. :P 
[11:24] <Wolf nya of House Stark> Never gonna change my name 
[11:24] <HyperFlash Studios> Anyway
[11:24] <Bioniclefan1> Elrond. :| 
[11:24] <Keplers> Okay guys
[11:24] <RusMan> To domething else /other/ than using nya :p 
[11:24] <Wolf nya of House Stark> Well what I'm called anyway 
[11:24] <RusMan> *something 
[11:25] <HyperFlash Studios> Let's all move past this
[11:25] <Keplers> Nya needs to learn that her will neither supersedes, nor writes, the law
[11:25] <RusMan> Imma just call you Stark :p 
[11:25] <Wolf nya of House Stark> It'll come back again 
[11:25] <Keplers> So far she has managed to do <span style="font-style:italic;">both</span>
[11:25] <Wolf nya of House Stark> *nya 
[11:25] <TheShadowAssassin> Per Keps.
[11:25] <Skully Of House Lannister> I'm just saying this isn't exactly an easy issue to resolve. If we use correct grammar, her name is Nya. We can't start kicking people for using correct grammar, because that means we're OKing people throwing tantrums over capitalization. :p 
[11:25] <Roddy15> Keps this is a wikia chat not a court room
[11:25] <Wolf nya of House Stark> Then how come I can do it?
[11:25] <Slicer Vorzakh> what the hell do you guys want us to do to solve it so it won't come up again?
[11:25] <Legoanimals750> Everybody shut up and talk about something else. :P 
[11:25] <Skully Of House Lannister> Ask Nya to stop correcting everyone. :P 
[11:25] <Wolf nya of House Stark> Nope 
[11:25] <Slicer Vorzakh> there isn't one right person here so the only fair way to prevent it from happening again is to ban both parties
[11:25] <Wolf nya of House Stark> *nya 
[11:26] <Slicer Vorzakh> is that what you want
[11:26] <Keplers> She has blatantly ignored the rules in favor of her opinion and as of today managed to get the CMs to <span style="font-style:italic;">punish people for doing something she didn't agree with</span>
[11:26] <Keplers> Based on a <span style="font-style:italic;">wholly unreasonable request</span>
[11:26] <TheShadowAssassin> Lol
[11:26] <AmazingPythor> I have to go
[11:26] <Marcel77799> If the corretion leads to spam, we know what to do. If used to provoke her we know what to fo as well
[11:26] <HyperFlash Studios> Bye AP
[11:26] <Legoanimals750> Bye Ap o/ 
[11:26] <TheShadowAssassin> o/ 
[11:26] <Bioniclefan1> o/ 
[11:26] <AmazingPythor> \o 
[11:26] <Marcel77799> So thats it
[11:26] <Roddy15> I don't blame you AP.
[11:26] <Skully Of House Lannister> Marc, how do you judge if it's used to provoke her?
[11:26] <TheShadowAssassin> You can't 
[11:26] <Marcel77799> Good question 
[11:26] <TheShadowAssassin> Which is why I was kicked for.. Nothing
[11:26] <Marcel77799> Depending on the situation 
[11:27] <Slicer Vorzakh> hype pm
[11:27] <Marcel77799> Or do you have a better idea?
[11:27] <Keplers> Yeah