LEGO Message Boards Wiki

This vote has ended. See LEGO Message Boards Wiki:Emoticon Vote for more information.


File:Schutzstaffel SS.svg.png

Name: (ss)
Usage: When something "suggestive" is said (as humor)


  1. would be funny —May the Force be with you, and may Darkness follow you. Oh. I'm the Doctor, by the way.
  2. We need this in our lives -Dr. Satl, M.D.
  3. yes -bnr
  4. what we really need is a gestapo emote somehow » Grandpa Weirdo™ » (wall) » 00:27, September 28, 2016 (UTC)


  1. kep you arent funny -slice
  2. evil takes many forms †hę Djøkøvïϛ Fån
  3. stahp with this emote Yada Dark 05:34, September 27, 2016 (UTC)
  4. Yeah, nah xD The Bubble of Impossibility (wallcontribs) 05:45, September 27, 2016 (UTC)
  5. Nope nope nope. Alemas2005: Mostly Harmless(Talk to me) 07:06, September 27, 2016 (UTC)
  6. I'm sorry but this is just strange QuantumHedgehog
  7. I concur with Slicer. Monocle Man (wallcontribs) 10:41, September 27, 2016 (UTC)
  8. No. LegoWebby101
  9. why tho ~maj
  10. HAHAHA- oh wait you're serious. I don't think it's quite necessary Derp ~Hype (Message me) 17:10, September 27, 2016 (UTC)
  11. lolno. Kingwja3(Da King's Wall) 22:02, September 27, 2016 (UTC)
  12. yeah no NG (talk) 00:30, September 28, 2016 (UTC)
  13. Nah, if you're going to make a SS at least use the real one and not weird lightning bolt Ss. :P -Sam