This vote has ended. See LEGO Message Boards Wiki:Emoticon Vote for more information.
- SkySSundeeKnight Of The Wind...Live and Learn!His World!
- Ninjy
- omg yas βתغъ☺γ 21 Sep 2014 17:53:10
- YESYESYESYESYES Chocolate chip cookie pizza. Yes, that's an actual thing. (talk) 17:55, September 21, 2014 (UTC)
- can't see that image looking good on chat. GuacamoleCCXR (talk) 17:55, September 21, 2014 (UTC)
- -Impulse09
- Per Guac... -Nehpets7000
- Per Guac. «†J•cI•u•cI•e•420†» (Wall) -Retired Bureaucrat
- Per everyone else above. SMOL
- Ben Sharples 23:28, September 21, 2014 (UTC)
- Another per Guac. - Drewlzoo
- purr guuclame - Scorch, RC-1262
- Per Guac. Also, aren't two Facepalms and a two face walls enough...? >---Avalair---> (Talk to meh) 01:14, September 26, 2014 (UTC)