LEGO Message Boards Wiki

This vote has ended. See LEGO Message Boards Wiki:Emoticon Vote for more information.

Feeling down in the dumps? I thought so. (doing this for Finn Tongue Smiley-1)

Harsh World


Name: Harsh World
Usage: (harsh world) (hw)


  1. ElementFinn -- It's so stupid but I'd use it all the time.
  2. ye sure why not. -Felldo
  3. I'd be using it every other day. :( :P EtherealSpirit(AKA Varn)
  4. Perfect! I need this. -Auroramay
  5. Yeah sure. LegoWebby101
  6. lol why not -derp 
  7. In regards to those saying, "we already have a crying emote," or "we already have several crying emotes," we also have 4 derp emotes and two waving emotes. Why not take those, and countless other 'same' emotes and remove them from the wiki's chat interface. If your soul reason to oppose is because we already have an emote for this, then your oppose is weak. Formally support. Also thinking starting a vote for an ovaries bursting emote. Any thoughts? - Pack
  • pack do you really want tweens screeching about how ninjago characters are going to make their ovaries explode. SMOL
  1. Sure why not. Colonel Roy Mustang (talk) 06:41, April 23, 2016 (UTC)


  1. IIRC we already have a crying emote, and just adding le epic maymay moustache only makes it more painfully dated (nobody's unironically made silly mustache memes since 2012, people). It's unnecessary, too. ~Drace Nines~
    • Sorry. -F
  2. It's supposed to be crying? I thought it was nasal discharge. †hę Djøkøvïϛ Fån
    • Sorry. -F
  3. I don't need this. And we already have several crying emotes. HyperFlash Studios (talk) 01:41, April 23, 2016 (UTC)
    • Sorry. -F
  4. I never see this being used, sorry. SMOL
  5. I don't get its use... The expression is completely wrong anyway. Alemas2005: Mostly Harmless(Talk to me) 10:58, April 23, 2016 (UTC)
    • Sorry. -F
  6. What the heck is this even supposed to be....? Animal Geek ~ Message Wall
    • Sorry. -F
  7. It's uglyyy Aravis (talk)
    • Sorry. -F
  8. NG (talk) 19:27, April 23, 2016 (UTC)
  9. Per Ginger. «†J•cI•u•cI•e•420†» (Wall) -Retired Bureaucrat
  10. Makes no sense to me...just like 75% of our current emotes. Nevertheless, sorry mate. My PageMessage Wall!My Blog! • I have Special:Editcount/Starrocks923 edits!
    • Sorry. -F
  11. Gotta say that I have no clue what's even supposed to be going on here. :P If you remade it with some more attention to detail I'd consider it. Swipe -- Swipe chat
    • Sorry. -F